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Superman: The Man of Steel - Snyder! Nolan! ZOD!!!


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After much scrutiny, various sources have found hints / easter-eggs in the many Man of Steel trailers relating to other DC characters. At least one would be expected by the masses, but the rest seem to show that DC is attempting to create their own shared universe on the big screen.


If you don't want to know, then stop reading now, but if you are interested, then here is what / who has been found so far-:



Batman - One of the satellites Zod destroys has a Wayne Enterprises logo. This is a quote from the director himself.


Lex Luthor - One of the buildings during a destruction sequence has the LexCorp logo on it.


Booster Gold - One of the buildings during the sequence in the clip of Zod and Superman flying at each other has a Blaze Comics logo.


Green Lantern - A bit of a stretch this one; a character on the IMDb page is called Carrie Ferris and she is a pilot. Some are taking this to be a version of Carol Ferris. 2+2 might equal 5 on this one, but if not then that could be both Hal Jordan and Star Sapphire in the mix, not to mention the rest of the Green Lantern Corp.


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Guest The Beltster
They've been talking about all this stuff leading to a JLA movie anyway havent they? So they'll have to all get together in some way gradually. With the success of the Avengers it only makes sense for DC to follow suit.
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The general reports say that a Justice League movie will be made if this film is a success (and there is literally no way Man of Steel is not going to be a success).


I think the issue DC have is that they will take flak if they follow the Marvel mould, but will also take flak for not following it.


Marvel perfectly set up their shared universe from the moment they started making their own movies, so to follow that template would be common sense if nothing else.

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Guest John Hancock
I think DC are going to have a really, really tough time making a JLA film will keeping in the tone of the Batman series and what looks like will be the tone of Man of Steel. Avengers "worked" because superhero mega-teams are a pretty silly idea, but all the Marvel films are pretty silly anyway. It's going to be tough to make an idea as ridiculous as the Justice League work with any hint of seriousness or realism. Or, they're going to drop the seriousness and realism, go the easy root, and piss off everyone who liked the Batman trilogy.
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That's the struggle they've had since the start, although with Superman (arguably THE most established DC character) being an alien already, it at least gives them a logical out for guys like Martian Manhunter, Darkseid and all the non-Earth characters having super-powers.


Where it could become tricky is the Earth-based super-powered people like Wonder Woman, Flash, etc. Green Arrow would be fine as he is a technology-based character, but it would take some explaining to work this properly.


Although, a sting like the original Iron Man where we have a character hint / explain that Superman is not alone in the superpower stakes could work.

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Guest John Hancock
Wonder Woman would be almost impossible without a complete rewriting of the backstory. The whole magic island thing is way too dated.
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Guest The Beltster

Guys we are talking about super heroes....in reality, whats realistic about a man who thinks he's a bat?!



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Guest John Hancock

But that isn't the angle they went. They went to PAINFUL extremes to logically explain even single thing Batman has to a extent that the comic never bothered to do. The stuff about the military contracts, and where he got the Batmobile from and all that stuff, in the comics, it's always been "eh, he's got a cool car". They also ignored Banes super-serum shit, changed the Lazerus Pit so it doesn't ACTUALLY make you live for ever, made Ras al-Ghul mortal, made The Joker just a guy in make up and made Robin a police officer in his twenties.


Also, with Man of Steel, it looks like they're going to ignore the totally ludicrous angle of Clark Kent looking exactly like Superman, but no one realises by giving him long hair and a beard and a job that's way less public, where as, in the comic, he does his shirt up and puts his glasses on and everyone's mind's blown.


In a series of films that's taking it's mythology that seriously, they're going to have a really hard time getting away with an island of magic Greek women that no one ever noticed before.

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Guest Edgehead
Also, with Man of Steel, it looks like they're going to ignore the totally ludicrous angle of Clark Kent looking exactly like Superman, but no one realises by giving him long hair and a beard and a job that's way less public, where as, in the comic, he does his shirt up and puts his glasses on and everyone's mind's blown.

Glad to hear it. I've always found Clark Kent's "disguise" more far fetched than all his super powers :lol

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Guest Boyo
But that isn't the angle they went. They went to PAINFUL extremes to logically explain even single thing Batman has to a extent that the comic never bothered to do. The stuff about the military contracts, and where he got the Batmobile from and all that stuff, in the comics, it's always been "eh, he's got a cool car". They also ignored Banes super-serum shit, changed the Lazerus Pit so it doesn't ACTUALLY make you live for ever, made Ras al-Ghul mortal, made The Joker just a guy in make up and made Robin a police officer in his twenties.


In a series of films that's taking it's mythology that seriously, they're going to have a really hard time getting away with an island of magic Greek women that no one ever noticed before.

Then surely they'll go to the same painful extremes with her backstory?


I could believe in a Greek woman who is part of a kinda-militant feminist group, fighting for equal rights, just like her mum did, and who can also kick a lot of arse.


Yeah, maybe not actually haha, but I'm sure there's a great Wonder Woman story that's grounded in realism.



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I guess the Invisible Plane could be adapted to be the ultimate stealth jet and not actually invisible (much in the same way Ra's Al Ghul's immortality was not a literal thing, but still ended up in the third film in a different fashion).
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Guest The Beltster
But that isn't the angle they went. They went to PAINFUL extremes to logically explain even single thing Batman has to a extent that the comic never bothered to do. The stuff about the military contracts, and where he got the Batmobile from and all that stuff, in the comics, it's always been "eh, he's got a cool car". They also ignored Banes super-serum shit, changed the Lazerus Pit so it doesn't ACTUALLY make you live for ever, made Ras al-Ghul mortal, made The Joker just a guy in make up and made Robin a police officer in his twenties.


Also, with Man of Steel, it looks like they're going to ignore the totally ludicrous angle of Clark Kent looking exactly like Superman, but no one realises by giving him long hair and a beard and a job that's way less public, where as, in the comic, he does his shirt up and puts his glasses on and everyone's mind's blown.


In a series of films that's taking it's mythology that seriously, they're going to have a really hard time getting away with an island of magic Greek women that no one ever noticed before.

But even with all that, if all this shit started happening in the city where you lived, you'd think it was completely ludicrous, because it still doesnt work in real life. Its super hero stuff, it can be as goofy as you like and it doesnt really matter.


I'm not sure there's anything crazier about a guy from another planet then there is a guy who dresses in a rubber bat suit and lives in a cave.


I get what you're saying, but I cant imagine the possible/probable difference in tone between Superman and Batman will make it hard to tie them together in a JLA movie. Infact, they could probably include some running gags about it seeing as Superman and Batman dont seem to particularly like each other in the comics anyway.


As for Wonder Woman, I cant think of a way around that one but I'm sure they'll think of something. How lame the explaination might be remains to be seen.

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Guest John Hancock
As nice as the special effects are, this is still the guy who made Watchmen, 300 and Sucker Punch, he's literally the worst human who ever lived, so I'm really trying to stop myself from being excited until I see some respected reviewers opinions.
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Guest The Beltster

I liked 300, Watchmen was lame but the comics are lame too to me so I didnt miss out on there.


I cant wait for Man of Steel....here we gooooooooo!

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I thought Watchmen and 300 were great. Sure, there were flaws, but I enjoyed them. He also directed the Dawn of the Dead remake, which was really good.


Sucker Punch did suck though.


The "until I see some respected reviewers opinions" isn't something I put much weight on. Siskel, Ebert and our own Barry Norman are respected reviewers, but films they have classed as duds I've enjoyed.


As examples, Barry Norman lambasted Robocop, Siskel considered Cannonball Run II as the worst film he had ever seen, Blade Runner as a waste of time and Rocky was OK at best, while Ebert heavily criticised Reservoir Dogs and Police Academy.


Each of those films I thought were good or great, but a respected reviewer thought they were not. At the end of the day, respected or not, a review is simply one person's opinion.

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Guest John Hancock
I meant "respected reviewers" as in "reviewers I personally respect". Mark Kermode and the like.
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