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Kinect gaming thread

Guest The Beltster

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No I disagree there Fiona, several people use Latin. I do, I've seen Saz, Gringo, J rock et cetera all use it. ;)


In fact I use it quite a lot, but thats more when Im discussing the legal points of the Falklands ownership with Argentinians. :lol

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Guest Jayfunk
In my experience people only use latin when they are trying to be smart, but actually failing as very few people understand a dead language so it's not that bright when you come to think about it
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Guest Chriscare
I'd really like to go out and bowl with other people as opposed to relying on a piece of technology.


With the motion plus attachment Wii Bowling is close enough to the real thing for me, and you can play while having a few drinks with friends at home, instead of going to some place at 5 quid a game per person, putting on some vile shoes and being surrounded by a bunch of annoying chavs. Also the wii bowling doesn't leave your arm killing after a couple of games. In my opinin Wii bowling is video gaming beating the real thing.

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Guest Jayfunk
Well Jay, how about the use of Etc.? Or de facto? Or ergo?


All Latin phrases in fairly common English usage. Really it depends on the phrase and the context.


Of course as most things its all about context

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You know what'd be great to be able to use on shooters for Kinect...Finger Guns!


Sod the peripheral, you've already got fingers (I hope), you know how to make them look like a gun (I hope), there's your Kinect ready gun right there! The day I can play a Kinect shooter with finger guns is the day I submit and actually buy the thing.

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Guest The Beltster
One letter. I forget one letter in respelling a phrase in a different language. A dead language at that. One freaking letter. Are you honestly all so petty that you're going to attack me for not adding a freaking B in my haste?
Um, yeah, because you f*cked up while trying to be an arrogant pr*ck. Rule one of being arrogant, don't make screw ups that make you look like a dipshit that other people will point out and use to laugh at you.


And yes I do use Latin in day to day talking.
Yeah, of course you do mate.



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You know what'd be great to be able to use on shooters for Kinect...Finger Guns!


Sod the peripheral, you've already got fingers (I hope), you know how to make them look like a gun (I hope), there's your Kinect ready gun right there! The day I can play a Kinect shooter with finger guns is the day I submit and actually buy the thing.


The day that happens, I'll actually buy an Xbox360 and Kinect....just as soon as I can afford it :P

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Seriously who the hell has time to get totally immersed in a game? Someone who sits there all day playing a video game is a total f*cking loser.


Really, Fiona? "A f*cking loser, huh?"


Sure people work and spend time with loved ones and what not, but what's wrong with having a day to yourself to just sit around and enjoy getting involved in a cool game with a good story. It's fun, relieves stress and is an escape from the everyday world that can be really shitty for some people. If people can still function with their daily lives and spend a few hours or whatever immersed in a game and enjoying themselves then, surely there's nothing wrong with that is there?


I would say someone who goes out selling drugs or diddling children are f*cking losers. I would say most of The United States Government are f*cking losers. But people that just want to chill and play a game?


That was a very harsh, judgmental and honestly ignorant comment.


Were you beaten, robbed and/or assaulted by a pack of gamers or something? Sounds like you have a grudge. You basically insulted everyone who posts in the video game forum on one level or another.

Edited by Maxximus
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Seriously who the hell has time to get totally immersed in a game?


Me, occassionally. To clarify, those people you mentioned who put games before their kids... total losers. Also to clarify, I'm aiming for humour with this post. Just read it back and it seemed like it could be taken seriously, so I thought I'd clear that up now. If I've missed, apologies in advance.


Someone who sits there all day playing a video game is a total f*cking loser.


That is deeply ironic considering it's posted on a wrestling forum...



What about work, girlfriends/boyfriends, just life in general. Chances are if your wasting your time getting totally immersed in a video game, you don't have any of the above.


1) Work - I play games to not think about work. For most of the year, all I do is work, work, work. Often six days a week, and often 12 hours or more. When I'm not doing work, or playing games, I'm thinking about work. Having your own company is like being married to your job. So when I do finally get some free time, it's mine to do with as I like, and frankly, I couldn't give a shit what the peanut gallery thinks.


2) Girlfriend - What, so I can have a judgemental harpy shrieking in my ear about what she thinks/wants/needs? Taking up what little free time I get, which is now somehow automatically hers to dispose of as she sees fit?


Thanks, but no thanks. I'm not relationship material. My solution to the bitch flapping her lips constantly is to simply glue them shut.


3) Life in general - I have one of these, but it's highly over-rated. It's far too vague without any real goals or even clear methods for achieving those goals you do set yourself. I don't have kids, so no time eaten by that. My brother and our cousins are also gamers, as are quite a lot of our friends. As in real people we actually know, not people we only know online. Quite a lot of life in general is spent discussing games... or TV.... or movies.

Edited by etz
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Really, Fiona? "A f*cking loser, huh?"


Sure people work and spend time with loved ones and what not, but what's wrong with having a day to yourself to just sit around and enjoy getting involved in a cool game with a good story. It's fun, relieves stress and is an escape from the everyday world that can be really shitty for some people. If people can still function with their daily lives and spend a few hours or whatever immersed in a game and enjoying themselves then, surely there's nothing wrong with that is there?


I would say someone who goes out selling drugs or diddling children are f*cking losers. I would say most of The United States Government are f*cking losers. But people that just want to chill and play a game?


That was a very harsh, judgmental and honestly ignorant comment.


Were you beaten, robbed and/or assaulted by a pack of gamers or something? Sounds like you have a grudge. You basically insulted everyone who posts in the video game forum on one level or another.


Yes Maxx, a f*cking loser. I teach a kid who I have had to drive home on more than one occasion, because his father has been too busy playing his PS/3 to even remember to pick is son up at school. These are the kind of people I'm talking about. Are you going to pretend there aren't people like that out there? There is a lot more than just one I can tell you that.


Adam's cousin is the exact same. He lives at home and does nothing but sit on his Xbox 24/7. He doesn't contribute to the house, he does nothing and we're talking about a 32 year old guy. Even his parents get pissed at him. Are you saying they don't have a right too, because he's chillin out?


I play video games too, and there is nothing wrong with picking up a controller and having a go at something. I'm talking about the people that make it their whole lives and do nothing else. So do tell me, who on this forum is like that and who have I insulted. I will send them a heartfelt apology, because the last thing I want to do is insult someone.


Speaking of having a grudge. This isn't the first time you've decided to pick one of my posts and have a go at me for something I've said. Most of the time I've kept my mouth shut, but forget it, not happening anymore. You've already told me that I can't have an opinion on wrestling, so I guess video games is being added to that list. Noted.

Edited by Fiona
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Guest The Beltster

If you live on a console 24/7 then yeah, its sad, but I think you can get immersed into a game without having to give up your life for it. I've got a job in which I work nights, 7 nights a week. So I work alot to provide a certain style of life my gf and kids are used to. My daytime's are mine to do with as I please. I go out alot in town with the g/f and baby, my 9 year old is in school all day, I'm usually busy from 9am - 3pm. Then he comes home, I do his homework with him, take him to his karate class, we all eat tea together, watch a movie, family stuff whatever. I get zero time to play games during weekdays. I'll sneak in an hour in the evening before work if possible. On the weekends if we are home, I'll mess around for 3-4 hours per day playing games and can get into them and really, its not much time being spent playing.


I think you can have a perfectly normal, productive life and also play games and be immersed in them. Playing games for 3-4 hours is no different than somebody spending that much time online or renting and watching 2 movies in a row.

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If you live on a console 24/7 then yeah, its sad, but I think you can get immersed into a game without having to give up your life for it. I've got a job in which I work nights, 7 nights a week. So I work alot to provide a certain style of life my gf and kids are used to. My daytime's are mine to do with as I please. I go out alot in town with the g/f and baby, my 9 year old is in school all day, I'm usually busy from 9am - 3pm. Then he comes home, I do his homework with him, take him to his karate class, we all eat tea together, watch a movie, family stuff whatever. I get zero time to play games during weekdays. I'll sneak in an hour in the evening before work if possible. On the weekends if we are home, I'll mess around for 3-4 hours per day playing games and can get into them and really, its not much time being spent playing.


I think you can have a perfectly normal, productive life and also play games and be immersed in them. Playing games for 3-4 hours is no different than somebody spending that much time online or renting and watching 2 movies in a row.


Dude, when do you sleep ? :P

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If you live on a console 24/7 then yeah, its sad, but I think you can get immersed into a game without having to give up your life for it. I've got a job in which I work nights, 7 nights a week. So I work alot to provide a certain style of life my gf and kids are used to. My daytime's are mine to do with as I please. I go out alot in town with the g/f and baby, my 9 year old is in school all day, I'm usually busy from 9am - 3pm. Then he comes home, I do his homework with him, take him to his karate class, we all eat tea together, watch a movie, family stuff whatever. I get zero time to play games during weekdays. I'll sneak in an hour in the evening before work if possible. On the weekends if we are home, I'll mess around for 3-4 hours per day playing games and can get into them and really, its not much time being spent playing.


I think you can have a perfectly normal, productive life and also play games and be immersed in them. Playing games for 3-4 hours is no different than somebody spending that much time online or renting and watching 2 movies in a row.


Yea Belty you have a lot on your plate with two kids and all. No one is going to begrudge you spending time playing video games. Christ I do the same, just to get away from Joel and Adam. It's a good way to shut them out.


Your not the type of person I'm talking about, most people who have game console's will pay for a few hours a day, but there are some out there that never stop, just to eat and sleep. When it controls your life, you have a problem in my eyes anyway.

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Seriously who the hell has time to get totally immersed in a game? Someone who sits there all day playing a video game is a total f*cking loser. What about work, girlfriends/boyfriends just life in general. Chances are if your wasting your time getting totally immersed in a video game, you don't have any of the above.


Years back, I used to get totally immersed in Final Fantasy VII and VIII.


EDIT - And Final Fantasy IX.


Really, Fiona? "A f*cking loser, huh?"


Sure people work and spend time with loved ones and what not, but what's wrong with having a day to yourself to just sit around and enjoy getting involved in a cool game with a good story. It's fun, relieves stress and is an escape from the everyday world that can be really shitty for some people. If people can still function with their daily lives and spend a few hours or whatever immersed in a game and enjoying themselves then, surely there's nothing wrong with that is there?


I would say someone who goes out selling drugs or diddling children are f*cking losers. I would say most of The United States Government are f*cking losers. But people that just want to chill and play a game?


That was a very harsh, judgmental and honestly ignorant comment.


Were you beaten, robbed and/or assaulted by a pack of gamers or something? Sounds like you have a grudge. You basically insulted everyone who posts in the video game forum on one level or another.


:clap :snf45:


I'm not saying that because of what Fiona said, I'm saying it in general. :)


Yes Maxx, a f*cking loser. I teach a kid who I have had to drive home on more than one occasion, because his father has been too busy playing his PS/3 to even remember to pick is son up at school. These are the kind of people I'm talking about. Are you going to pretend there aren't people like that out there? There is a lot more than just one I can tell you that.


That's fair enough. I don't even know how people do that.....


Your not the type of person I'm talking about, most people who have game console's will pay for a few hours a day, but there are some out there that never stop, just to eat and sleep. When it controls your life, you have a problem in my eyes anyway.


And I have no idea how people do this either. I mean, Eye Strain? Headaches? Don't these people get them?

Edited by ShaolinHandLock
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Speaking of having a grudge. This isn't the first time you've decided to pick one of my posts and have a go at me for something I've said. Most of the time I've kept my mouth shut, but forget it, not happening anymore. You've already told me that I can't have an opinion on wrestling, so I guess video games is being added to that list. Noted.


Specifically here though, he wasn't "having a go". You said something stupid and he called you on it.


People who get immersed in games aren't necessarily losers - as has been pointed out on a few occasions.


Even you then went on to admit that you just worded your point badly - that you meant people who spent far too long on games, to a point where they were sacrificing their normal day to day living.


Stop being so dramatic.

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