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Bring the shit!


Here we go starting out with the return of the one true king of TWO - Renzo! Glad to have you back, bud!


Maximum volume yields maximum results for Maxximus.


Fix'd. x'D


Wolves in the Throne Room - I Will Lay Down My Bones Among the Rocks and Roots


The wood is filled with the sounds of wildness

The songs of birds fill the forest on this new morning

This will be my new home

Deep within the most sacred grove

the sun god is born anew


Holy shit! I HAD to listen to this twice; with and without headphones and at maxximus volume. This song is amazing and right up my musical taste ally. I love dark doomy metal. This reminded me a lot of Neurosis. A band I love with all my face! I don't care how long this track is, to me it went by too fast. Would definitely listen again. I love how at 7:30(ish) it almost turns into a different song.The pounding drums seemed to mimic my heartbeat as I got more and more pumped up!


10/10 and added to favorites!



Sleep - Dopesmoker


Epic! It may have been a long track but it was nice and crusty. Just the way I dig it. Great song for playing in the background. Even at 1 hr+ I didn't get bored as I thought I would. Just the opposite in fact. I really liked it. I like most of Sleep's stuff anyway.




Beach House - Myth


Another great track. Somber dark and emotional. Love the vox and lyrical content. The melody throughout was good too. Not something I could listen to on the daily, but it's perfect for when you're in 'one of those moods.'







First up is a fantastic ballad by one of the best thrash bands of all time:



Testament - The Legacy





I don't know what the hell this is but I thought it was pretty awesome. Enjoy!


Donatan RÓWNONOC "Nie lubimy robić" Borixon, Kajman





Finally I'm giving a shout out to one of our local bands and some long time friends of mine. We have the best local scene with a monster following. Tons of bands have played our venues before making it in the big time. I saw At the Drive-In for $5 and a can of food before anyone knew who they were. Any way I give you local legends... 3BA!


3BA - Heretic



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The songs have such a nice feel that they pass by fairly quickly. Especially Dopesmoker. To be honest though that's the first time I've listened to it all the way through in one sitting. I usually get about 45 minutes in and switch to something else since that's the average time for quite a few few length albums.


I really wish Hancock, Frank Botch, Phil, Amie_Otaku and Professor James Alejandro Rasputin Belvedere Redman would have joined this round. They would fill the club in nicely.

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So let's do this!


Reno 911


Wolves In The Throne Room - I Will Lay Down My Bones Among the Rocks and Roots

This sort of metal is sometimes like biscuits you like to eat for days and then you don't want any more but you get crazy once time passes by, so you can stuff your mouth with more biscuits. I'm eating biscuits, the vocals don't even bother me that much because the music is just about lined up besides it. It's not too in your face, so I like it and that band name! Deeeamn.



Sleep - Dopesmoker

Oh yes I'm in need of Stoner Rock/Metal. I'm not a friend of very very long tracks but I had this in the background while I was failing in trying to catch a fly. Other than the odd solo pieces, it's pretty repetitive. I'd be down with it had it have been some 10 mins or so.




Beach House - Myth

I sometimes mark for angel like vocals but this isn't doing it for me, music is alright I guess but a bit bland.



Release the Mookie!




Testament - The Legacy

Has the vintage 80's-esque ballad sound to it, I'm afraid I could never catch onto THAT particular sound. Then 2:45 kicked in, hard but at the same time smooth. Can't see myself listening to them again though.



Donatan RÓWNONOC "Nie lubimy robić" Borixon, Kajman

This guys is European hip-hop at the moment. Only this is gimmicked up and ready for a shot at the Eurovision song contest. As funny as it is, it's just not my cup of tea. :lol



3BA - Heretic

Nice to see that some cities have a following, seems a bit rare nowadays. Like the speed of the track and the drums but once again it isn't my taste. Hope they go on to big things though.



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Testament - The Legacy

Loved this, great tune, gotta love that 80's vibe to it.....8/10


Donatan RÓWNONOC "Nie lubimy robić" Borixon, Kajman

Ermm sorry Maxx mate not my cup a tea at all, I think I'll do a Shao........2/10

3BA - Heretic

Very good, sounds a bit like early Slayer to me which is awesome, love it...........8/10

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Guest Hanahbananabob

Testament - The Legacy - Like others have said this has a very 80's sound to it, which isn't the kind of stuff I would listen to, sorry! It wasn't awful or anything but yeah, not my kind of thing! 4/10


Donatan RÓWNONOC "Nie lubimy robić" Borixon, Kajman Where on earth did you find this! lol! Erm, I don't know what to say about this other than it was one of the strangest songs I've heard :lol Sorry Maxx, definitely not something I would listen to again 2/10


3BA - Heretic Well this one isnt so bad, but just a bit too heavy for me, and not really a fan of the vocals, sorry! It's okay in places but again not my thing...oh dear not doing too well here 4/10

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Wolves In The Throne Room - I Will Lay Down My Bones Among the Rocks and Roots

Yeah, like this track. A friend included some of these on a compilation he made for me because (and I quote) “you’re listening to too much of that electronic bullsh*t”. These are one of the few Black Metal(ish) type bands that I listen to, they have a good underlying groove to their music and it doesn’t feel like noise for the sake of noise like some bands. I’ll give this a solid 8/10.


Sleep – Dopesmoker

Yep, I love me some sleep. Who am I kidding, I love most kinds of stoner/sludgey stuff. Still prefer Jerusalem though, but I think that’s just because I heard that first. I’ve spent many a hazy evening listening to this record as background music, and it’s still awesome on each and every listen. It only gets 9/10 just because it isn’t Jerusalem.


Beach House – Myth

I quite like this. It definitely sounds like it should be on the soundtrack to a suitably arty film, but that’s in no way a bad thing. It’s got a pretty chilled vibe going on, which is pretty cool to listen to. I’m writing this in my back garden with a beer watching the sun descend behind the houses though, so I think the context I’m listening to this in helps a lot. The more this carries on, the more I kinda find myself just kinda nodding along with a goofy a*s smile on my face. I think I may have to go and find some more out about this. Another straight up 8/10.




Testament – The Legacy

I don’t do ballads. Sorry, but I don’t. I can see why so many people like this kind of stuff, but it just does nothing for me musically. Ballads are just so goddamn dreary! Not much else I can say really, just not my bag, baby. 4/10


Donatan RÓWNONOC "Nie lubimy robić"

You know what, this doesn’t have an entirely horrible beat behind it. I’m kinda digging the accordion sample loop. I’ve got a feeling the lyrics are just stereotypically awful hip-hop posturing though. Man, on the one hand I actually like the backing track. On the other hand, I really don’t like the look of the douchebags doing the vocals. Gah!! Umm…6/10?


3BA – Heretic

I’ll go with King on this one, it definitely has a touch of the early Slayer about it. And early Slayer was the best Slayer! :D Yeah, this is pretty cool. Not something I can stand in huge amounts, but little doses like this is very cool indeed. It makes me want to get angry and punch things, but in the best way possible. A nice round 8/10 for this one.



And on to my picks. I honestly thought Reno or Maxx were gonna beat me to the punch and play some Ghost. But they didn't. So I have. Only problem is I'm having mad troubles trying to narrow it down to just one song to post....gah!! Okay, here's "Elizabeth" by Ghost. If you like this please promise you'll go and track down the full "Opus Eponymous" album. You will not regret it. :D





And on to pick #2. So check it out, Plan B's stopped pretending to be a singer. Strickland Banks is dead!! Ben Drew's gone all hip-hop again, and it's made me a happy deeser. Here's a slightly *NSFW* (I think it has one or two swears in) "Ill Manors" by Plan B





And finally (you will not believe the trouble I had thinking of three songs that weren't obvious choices) my favourite remix from Massive Attack's latest album. This is the Zed's Dead remix of "Paradise Circus".



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Sir Maxxi of Mus


Testament - The Legacy

YAAAS! Throw up some horns, maaan! Thrash bands always have the best ballads. It's as if there's a need for them to prove that they can play real music, not just speed. Loved this track even before it was posted.



Donatan RÓWNONOC "Nie lubimy robić" Borixon, Kajman

For a start, the thumbnail used before you click the video? Very misleading. I have no idea what to make of this. I kept expecting Weird Al Yankovic to pop up and start singing. Polka polka polka! It's... different. Video is better than the song, however.



3BA - Heretic

This, I like. I like it a lot. I'd love it if there was a scene for stuff like this near me. I just have acoustic wishy washy piffle and piss poor cover bands. Sucktacular. This is not. Love this. Nicely played, sir.



Deeser the geezer


Ghost - Elizabeth

Guess who else was gonna post some ghost? Hey, that's a Des'ree rhyme... you schweinhound! Ghost are awesome. Would love to check them out live at some point... no doubt I will. This is a great track, from as said, a great record. Check it out



Plan B - Ill Manors

Hmm... my dislike of UK guys rapping continues. And my dislike of Plan B intensifies, to the point I refuse to even acknowledge that cider he advertised. This is clearly not for me. Sorry, sir. I listened, I tried, I don't like :(



Massive Attack - Paradise Circus (Zed's Dead remix)

Anyone who doesn't dig this, well, they're a bit weird. This is pretty danged good, and dammit, my favourite thing so far. I will forgive your Ghost stealing for this. You're welcome.


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dsrchris :


Ghost - Elizabeth


This is great, don't know much about them but I'm going to check them out after this......8/10


Plan B - Ill Manors


Okay, Plan B can go f**k himself, just horrible, go flip some burgers or something cause you aint no rapper son......1/10


Massive Attack - Paradise Circus (Zed's Dead remix)


It's not bad, I wouldn't really listen to this type of music but it's catchy none the less.......5/10

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I'll swap you and me, that'll mean you are on Saturday if that's fine.


Ghost - Elizabeth

Holy Moses, what a killer riff. I heard of these guys through you on Facebook and TWO but I didn't bother to listen...so slap me in the face. Listened to it for the 4th time, I never thought I'd like this and it sounds like some metal version of the Knightrider theme.



Plan B - Ill Manors

Music sampled from Peter Fox's song

which I posted a few years back and is 10x better imo. So boo to them. I too share by dislike for British rap, so I'm not really interested in any of his work but the topic of the song is quite fresh. I didn't listen to the lyrics too much, so I'm not sure if he's for or against the riots.



Massive Attack - Paradise Circus (Zed's Dead remix)

Extra points for the name Zed's Dead but the music isn't my thing. Like some Dubstep here and then but this isn't doing it for me.


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I make a special edition for us to choose three songs and I'm having difficulties! :lol


Jeff Buckley - Nightmares by the Sea



I always wanted to unleash Soundgarden again but still had to choose between three of the sludgiest SG songs, will post in future clubs...

Random YouTube comment. "Chris Cornell could impregnate a women by screaming at her vagina!"


Soundgarden - 4th of July



Damn song makes me cwy. :sad:


Johnny Cash - The First Time Ever I saw your face


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Der Shaunhund


Jeff Buckley - Nightmares By The Sea

Never been a big Buckley fan to be honest, but I dig this. Very Muse-meets-Smashing-Pumpkins feel to it, which has to be a good thing, right? Yeah, like this. Nice pick.



Soundgarden - 4th of July

The opening riff is the kind of thing that Korn would downtune and play while staring at their shoes, the thieving little monkeys. Chris Cornell is one of the best "grunge" era vocalists doing the rounds, and this showcases him. Great track.



Johnny Cash - The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face

Hmm... I love Johnny Cash. I like this song. But this version just doesn't click for me. A lot of the American recordings just feel a little forced for me... Not a fan of this, sorry.


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