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Game Of Thrones - Season 3 ***Warning SPOILERS***


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Guest dpddave


Where the hell is Benjen Stark?


Book spoilers.





He hasn't actually appeared in any of the later books yet, but he's still mentioned quite a bit. One popular theory is that he's coldhands, who is some sort of hooded dead dude that rides around on a giant elk beyond the wall and helps Sam/Bran in the later books.


Edited by Maxximus
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Guest Drake

"The Lannisters send their regards......BITCH!"


Seriously, who the hell liked Robb Stark? What a boring character! Couldn't believe how they stabbed his pregnant GF.


And am I the only one that can't wait for Dany and Darioo to get it on? Damn! That sexual tension is killing me! Bang each other already!!!

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Okay, I don't know if The Rains of Castamere is the single greatest episode in all of television history or not, but what I do know is that no matter how many times I watch that episode, and it's been a fair few times now, it never fails to get my heart rate up.


When Catelyn lets out that wail as Roose Bolton drives his Lannister sent dagger into Robb it induces feels I didn't even know I had for those two.


I absolutely HATE the fact that we only have one episode left this season.


I said goddamn...

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Okay, I don't know if The Rains of Castamere is the single greatest episode in all of television history or not, but what I do know is that no matter how many times I watch that episode, and it's been a fair few times now, it never fails to get my heart rate up.


When Catelyn lets out that wail as Roose Bolton drives his Lannister sent dagger into Robb it induces feels I didn't even know I had for those two.


I absolutely HATE the fact that we only have one episode left this season.


I said goddamn...


All of this! We watched it again yesterday with my girlfriend's family, and as soon as "The Rains of Castamere" starts to play the whole mood changes fast. I love that essentially they play the Lannister family's entrance music at a wedding attended by the Starks, that's such a d*ck move by Frey and his cronies.


I still think my favourite bit is Ser Jorah's "friendzoned" face when Dany asks where Dario is. Poor guy. :lol

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Also, if you want a good laugh at a super awkward moment, go back to the red wedding scene and keep an eye on Lord Bolton after Catelyn slaps the taste out of his mouth. The way he just runs off screen is hilarious.


The Roose is loose! :lol

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...and then Daenerys Stormborn was culturally enriched. :lol


Another damn Dany season finale. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't underwhelmed.


Also, holy shit there's no way I thought they'd do RobbWind/GreyRobb whaever. That was brutal.


But this...






...all them feels.





Oh and I'm so proud of Ser Davos. Shireen did such a good job teaching him how to read. She's simply the cutest thing ever ever. :')



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I marked out for Arya going medieval on that guffawing jacka*s. Only thing better was Hound's reaction, not even a "don't do that again", just a "let me know next time you plan on doing that".


That girl is gonna be a stone cold killer, and I can't wait. :D


Also loved watching thousands of freed slave people basically doing this:





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As I adore most HBO shows it's a sin I haven't watched one episode of Game of Thrones yet :lol, that's going to change shortly though.


This might have been mentioned before but season 5 got the 2nd highest rating in HBO history just beaten by The Sopranos season 5 a few years back.


Gonna get on this.

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Guest John Hancock















Oh and I'm so proud of Ser Davos. Shireen did such a good job teaching him how to read. She's simply the cutest thing ever ever. :')




Just to completely bum you out, I recently found out that the actress who plays Shireen is like 14 in real life and has some sort of real-life horrific bone disease which is why she looks all awkward and cute and about six years old.

Edited by John Hancock
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Ramsay Snow/Bolton is the sicked bastard(literally) in the realm. Kinda loveable in a way? Hmm, maybe it's just me. Theon definitely deserves some of what he's getting, not all maybe, but some of it for sure. When you're feeling sorry for him, remember what he did to "Rickon and Bran." Not to mention Maester Luwin.


Just to completely bum you out, I recently found out that the actress who plays Shireen is like 14 in real life and has some sort of real-life horrific bone disease which is why she looks all awkward and cute and about six years old.


First of, those pictures are awesome. Commander of the Jon Snow's/ Oh man, that's delicious troll bait.


Secondly, aww, that poor girl. I love her anyway.

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Guest John Hancock
So, I'm about half way through season one, and it's f*cking awesome. Only complain is that my penis is very, very confused. They need to stop cutting between Dragon-broad being done up the arse and horrible things happening to nice dogs. I think this is how serial killers get made. Edited by John Hancock
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