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WWE Elimination Chamber Discussion Thread - February 17, 2013 from New Orleans, LA


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The six participants in the Elimination Chamber Match are finally set as Chris Jericho, Randy Orton, Mark Henry, Jack Swagger, Kane, & Daniel Bryan will take part in the match. Also, there is now a stipulation on the WWE Title match where, if The Rock gets disqualified or counted out, he will lose the title. They also tacked on a Divas Title match and a tag team match between Brodus Clay & Tensai and Team Rhodes Scholars for the pre-show.


With Jericho's entry into the Chamber, all of the pieces are, more or less, in place for what we all see happening (or at least I see happening). Jericho will win the Chamber Match and, sometime on the same night, Dolph will cash in and win the World Title, setting up Dolph vs. Jericho for the gold at WrestleMania.

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Guest Edgehead
I'm really starting to get behind Mark Henry, I'm hoping he wins the Chamber match. Rock will retain the title for sure, Rock/Cena II appears to be set in stone
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Guest Ciaran The King
There are still so many start not lined up for WM yet, I wouldn't mind Henry winning but Swagger's recent direction also interest me but I just can't see him going after the title just yet. I see Orton winning and turning heel just before before or at WM
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Guest oobydooby

Punk will be attacked half heartedly by The Shield, thus getting Dwayne disqualified. Dwayne in my opinion should not have been given a shot at any title in the first place until he becomes a regular player in WWE.


The Big Red Machine and Goat Face will fall out in the cage and this will lead to a feud leading up to Mania.


The big three (Cena,Ryback and the Fella) will fall to the Shield, probably helped by Lesnar.


It's so predictabe. That being said this looks to be the best PPV this year, beating Wrestlemania.

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Guest Ciaran The King
Dwayne in my opinion should not have been given a shot at any title in the first place until he becomes a regular player in WWE.


Which just isn't going to happen, he's a film star don't you know?

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Guest Canned Heat

Del Rio will win.


Cena, Sheamus, and Ryback will win. Causing the IWC to collectively blow up. (However, I do think The Shield have a chance of winning...)


Henry is gonna win the Chamber.


Rock is going to beat CM Punk. Also, I don't understand this whole "Rock shouldn't be champ until he is full time" WHAT? Ok, let me get this straight.. The guy who starred in FOUR Superbowl commercials, had a Royal Rumble commercial that played on all of the major networks, and is one of the greatest WWE superstars of all time, needs to be a full time superstar to carry the strap of a company for 3 months? OK

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I would bet money on my predictions for the Elimination Chamber Match itself. There's no doubt in my mind that Jericho will win the Chamber Match and, after Dolph cashes in and wins the World Heavyweight Title, it will set up Dolph vs. Jericho for the title at WrestleMania.


What I find interesting about this pay-per-view in particular is that it is quite obvious, for the most part, what they will be doing. Case in point- The WWE Championship match. As much as I hate to admit it, there's no way that they are going to have Punk regain the title at Elimination Chamber as it is obvious, even to the most casual of fans, that they are setting up Rock vs. Cena II for the title at WrestleMania. As I've mentioned in other threads, I am interested to see how WWE will handle the build-up to Rock vs. Cena II considering their WWE Champion, The Rock, is not scheduled for any appearances in the month of March. I don't like Cena and I certainly no longer like The Rock, so I'm putting my stock in Punk vs. 'Taker at Mania to steal the show (if they do go with that match, that is).


The 6-Man Tag Match between The Shield and Cena, Ryback, & Sheamus will no doubt result in the "super team" beating the flak jackets off of Ambrose, Rollins, & Reigns. What will be interesting (have I set the record for using that word the most in a post?) about this one is if it will be the end of The Shield angle. I am on the fence about this one. On one hand, The Shield provides a great deal of unpredictability on WWE television (or at least they used to), but on the other hand, they have kind of ruined the angle by ruining said unpredictability and, if they do end the angle, that could leave the door open for Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, & Roman Reigns to get their shots at being singles stars in the WWE. A lot of people see Ambrose as a future main eventer, but, of the three, Seth Rollins is the only guy that I see any real potential with as a big star. I just do not see the drawing appeal of Ambrose as anything but a mouth piece (which he is not that great at either). Reigns has some potential and really has that special Samoan something that countless other Samoan wrestlers have. While I question his success as a singles star, they could always put Reigns with The Usos. That would be an interesting little trio. Rollins is the standout guy in The Shield. Not only does he have that ROH factor that has spelled success for the likes of CM Punk and Daniel Bryan, but he's got the look and the mic skills down to a science.


For me, the World Heavyweight Title match is just the setup for Dolph cashing in and, like most people, I believe that Del Rio winning the title in the first place is for the sole purpose of Ziggler cashing in and winning the title from him. I would not be surprised to see this match end in a disqualification of some sort with Big Show letting his "anger" get the better of him and just beat the crap out of Del Rio.

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Guest Canned Heat
I would bet money on my predictions for the Elimination Chamber Match itself. There's no doubt in my mind that Jericho will win the Chamber Match and, after Dolph cashes in and wins the World Heavyweight Title, it will set up Dolph vs. Jericho for the title at WrestleMania.


What I find interesting about this pay-per-view in particular is that it is quite obvious, for the most part, what they will be doing. Case in point- The WWE Championship match. As much as I hate to admit it, there's no way that they are going to have Punk regain the title at Elimination Chamber as it is obvious, even to the most casual of fans, that they are setting up Rock vs. Cena II for the title at WrestleMania. As I've mentioned in other threads, I am interested to see how WWE will handle the build-up to Rock vs. Cena II considering their WWE Champion, The Rock, is not scheduled for any appearances in the month of March. I don't like Cena and I certainly no longer like The Rock, so I'm putting my stock in Punk vs. 'Taker at Mania to steal the show (if they do go with that match, that is).


The 6-Man Tag Match between The Shield and Cena, Ryback, & Sheamus will no doubt result in the "super team" beating the flak jackets off of Ambrose, Rollins, & Reigns. What will be interesting (have I set the record for using that word the most in a post?) about this one is if it will be the end of The Shield angle. I am on the fence about this one. On one hand, The Shield provides a great deal of unpredictability on WWE television (or at least they used to), but on the other hand, they have kind of ruined the angle by ruining said unpredictability and, if they do end the angle, that could leave the door open for Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, & Roman Reigns to get their shots at being singles stars in the WWE. A lot of people see Ambrose as a future main eventer, but, of the three, Seth Rollins is the only guy that I see any real potential with as a big star. I just do not see the drawing appeal of Ambrose as anything but a mouth piece (which he is not that great at either). Reigns has some potential and really has that special Samoan something that countless other Samoan wrestlers have. While I question his success as a singles star, they could always put Reigns with The Usos. That would be an interesting little trio. Rollins is the standout guy in The Shield. Not only does he have that ROH factor that has spelled success for the likes of CM Punk and Daniel Bryan, but he's got the look and the mic skills down to a science.


For me, the World Heavyweight Title match is just the setup for Dolph cashing in and, like most people, I believe that Del Rio winning the title in the first place is for the sole purpose of Ziggler cashing in and winning the title from him. I would not be surprised to see this match end in a disqualification of some sort with Big Show letting his "anger" get the better of him and just beat the crap out of Del Rio.


There is no way that you actually think that Rock won't make an appearance on WWE television in the month of March.. No way you actually believe that.. If I had anything worth betting, I would.


Seriously, there is literally a 5% chance of that happening. I would guess that he has no dates set yet, because they are still figuring out the promotional schedule for GI:Joe, which comes out in March. And Rock is waiting to see which cities he will be able to go to.

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Guest Jimmy Redman
Not only does he have that ROH factor that has spelled success for the likes of CM Punk and Daniel Bryan,




The 'ROH factor'? Vince looks at Ring of Honor on someone's resume and says "Yep, jackpot, push him to the moon!" ? Or ROH guys are intrinsically built for WWE success because movez, indy epics and small people are the keys to making it in New York?


Either way, good Lord.


All three guys worked for IWA-MS too, do they also have the IWA-MS factor?

Edited by Jimmy Redman
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Guest mrkennedy
Ziggler cash in. Jericho wins chamber. Punk regains title for rock cena punk triple threat. Shield get squashed from the super trio.
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Am I the only one that disagreed that Cena/Ryback and Sheamus will win? I think it's quite obvious that the SHIELD will win. Cena, Sheamus and Ryback don't have anything to gain from beating the SHIELD while the SHIELD have everything to loose if they don't beat them.
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Am I the only one that disagreed that Cena/Ryback and Sheamus will win? I think it's quite obvious that the SHIELD will win. Cena, Sheamus and Ryback don't have anything to gain from beating the SHIELD while the SHIELD have everything to loose if they don't beat them.


I'm with Drake. The ideal thing would be for the Shield to go over here, if only to highlight that they are the more cohesive unit and are all on the same page. If anything I'd have a bit of miscommunication between Cena, Sheamus, & Ryback be the main factor in them losing the match.


The Shield work as a unit, so I'd expect them to defeat 3 singles guys, regardless of who those singles guys are.

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Guest Fatherof10minis
Am I the only one that disagreed that Cena/Ryback and Sheamus will win? I think it's quite obvious that the SHIELD will win. Cena, Sheamus and Ryback don't have anything to gain from beating the SHIELD while the SHIELD have everything to loose if they don't beat them.[/quote


They need to have Cena win so they continue his road to wrestlemania on a hot streak. He has been back to his winning waqys to gear up for the Main Event of Wrestlemania, and to break that momentum up now would not make sense. If the Shield is to win there needs to be a twist or a surprise or an addition to their angle in order to show they are not done. It makes no sense for 3 rookies to go over on 3 huge superstars babyfaces cleanly. As much as the Shield is good they need to add more to get over on the superteam.

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