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WWE Elimination Chamber Discussion Thread - February 17, 2013 from New Orleans, LA


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Guest Jimmy Redman

Yeah, I would definitely have the Shield winning if not for Cena heading into his Mania main event with the Rock. Sheamus can always take the fall but I dont think that leaves Cena with the kind of momentum I assume they want him to have.


Not that beating the Shield is any better of an idea, but it depends if they even have plans for them going forward. Sometimes things happen, and you feel like you're in the middle of the story, but WWE thinks they're at the end of the story so they blow it off at the PPV and the faces win and you're like "Huh, its over?" This could be the blow off to the Shield. I dont necessarily think it is, and it definitely shouldnt be, but there's a chance they just used them to get Punk to the Rumble, and then found the appropriate guys to take them out now that they dont need them anymore.


Wow, I sound like such a Debbie Downer. I dont actually want this to happen, lets be clear.

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Guest CZWrestling Fan

My predictions:


Rock def. CM Punk when Undertaker costs him the match.


The Shield defeats The Big 3


Big Show def. ADR then Ziggler cashs in.


EC Match: Y2J

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Guest Jayfunk
I like the idea of Dolph winning then jobbing to jechico as it gets rid of is predictable title reign in a month then he can be a mid carder for life
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If Dolph/Jericho at 'Mania for the title happens, which I don't think it will, I'm pretty sure Dolph wont drop the title to Jericho. Jericho has said plenty of times that he wants to put younger talent and over. Also, isn't he only contracted until 'Mania? I'm sure he's probably got plenty of other things to be getting on with and a title reign would get in the way.


I can see them doing Dolph/Jericho, but not for the title.

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Guest Jamster26
Jericho has said plenty of times that he wants to put younger talent and over.


I'm sure Jericho wouldn't say no if WWE wanted him to have a title run though. Money and all that.

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Guest Edgehead
My predictions:


Rock def. CM Punk when Undertaker costs him the match.



What reason would Taker have to do that. Plus it would make Rock look weak if he needs Takers help to beat Punk

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The 'ROH factor'? Vince looks at Ring of Honor on someone's resume and says "Yep, jackpot, push him to the moon!" ? Or ROH guys are intrinsically built for WWE success because movez, indy epics and small people are the keys to making it in New York?


Either way, good Lord.


All three guys worked for IWA-MS too, do they also have the IWA-MS factor?

I think ROH certainly helped Punk and Bryan in the WWE. Before his debut, Punk cut a couple of bland, scripted promos but because of the name he'd built for himself on the indies, most notably ROH, by the time he debuted on ECW, he was very over. The crowd at the Hammerstein loved him and that transferred all over America.


The same goes for Bryan at WrestleMania. If he'd never been as good as he was on the indies, against most notably ROH, I don't think those fans would have chanted "yes" all night. That was the elevation of Bryan and it's largely because of his popularity with fans who loved him from the ROH days.


Had Joe, Aries or someone else like that debuted around the same time as Punk and Bryan, I think they'd have been over with the internet crowd and that would have helped them in the WWE too. Had Cabana and Low Ki been given a proper chance, they'd have benefitted from the internet fans also.


It's not a large demographic but it is a loud one, which carries plenty of influence.

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Ok.Heres my predictions.Rock gets disqualified after the Shield take out Punk,Punk takes title.jericho wins elimination.Alberto beats Show then Ziggler cashes in.Cena etc lose to Shield via Lesner interference .This eventually leads to conspiracy theories on raw and wrestlemania becomes Rock,Cena and champion Punk triple threat,Lesner /Ryback..Jericho/Ziggler and Show/Del Rio.with some other matches too.Or none of the above if Taker is fit. Edited by tymme
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Guest Jimmy Redman

Well you can fill out the card, but that is all the main players aside from Henry, Sheamus, Orton.


On paper it seems like they should be working towards a Bryan/Kane match, even just a babyface, Eddie/Rey style match since it is too soon for them to break up, but we'll see. There isnt much room for the rest of the roster on the card once you have the above people all involved in the first 5 or 6 matches.


I think ROH certainly helped Punk and Bryan in the WWE. Before his debut, Punk cut a couple of bland, scripted promos but because of the name he'd built for himself on the indies, most notably ROH, by the time he debuted on ECW, he was very over. The crowd at the Hammerstein loved him and that transferred all over America.


The same goes for Bryan at WrestleMania. If he'd never been as good as he was on the indies, against most notably ROH, I don't think those fans would have chanted "yes" all night. That was the elevation of Bryan and it's largely because of his popularity with fans who loved him from the ROH days.


Had Joe, Aries or someone else like that debuted around the same time as Punk and Bryan, I think they'd have been over with the internet crowd and that would have helped them in the WWE too. Had Cabana and Low Ki been given a proper chance, they'd have benefitted from the internet fans also.


It's not a large demographic but it is a loud one, which carries plenty of influence.


I get what you're saying, but I think you can easily phrase it as "guy with a built-in fanbase" rather than it having anything to do with ROH specifically. If Joe or AJ debuted years ago they would 100% be "TNA guys", not ROH guys, for example. Indy guys like everyone else we've mentioned work in all kinds of companies, too, its just that ROH is the indy with the biggest name so it gets used as shorthand for "US Indies" as a monolith. People will call Generico an ROH guy even though he's been barely active in the company for a couple years and is more a PWG guy, if anything.


And it only gives you an edge if it is capitalised on, if that makes sense. It worked for Punk but Punk also debuted in the right building and had the backing of his booker for the first few months. Then he still floundered on the midcard until he lucked into the MITB twice and eventually got to turn heel. Bryan has the backing of Shawn Michaels, Regal, etc. and was always going to get a spot in the company whenever he wanted. He still lucked into his main event spot when he turned heel and got so over.


Punk and Bryan were special, no matter where they worked, which is the difference. Not everyone has it just because they worked for ROH. Matt Sydal didnt come into the company with any established fanbase that helped him (even though he got over on his own anyway). Low Ki had it a little bit but it didnt help him in any way obviously. Nobody knew who Colt was. Nobody knew who Brent Albright was. Nobody knew who Claudio was. Nobody knows who Tyler Black is. Nobody knows who Jon Moxley is. I'm guessing odds are nobody will know who Hero is or Brodie Lee is.


Its not about working for ROH. Its about being a superstar on some sort of platform outside of WWE that gains you a fanbase before you get there. And then maybe if the cards fall your way, it will come in handy. It did for Bryan and Punk. But using the fact that Tyler Black worked for a certain indy company as a reason why he will succeed in WWE is stretching the boundaries of logic way too far.

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I would rather have Kane/Bryan vs Rhodes Scholars vs PTP vs 3MB or the Uso's or something, in some kind of tag team clusterf*ck, in the first or second match. It gets more people on the show and should provide some decent action to set the card going. Gives the tag division some relevance too.
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I can honestly see Swagger winning he Chamber now that all points to him being the "new" JBL with his racist gimmick. WWE have BARELY used Dolph at all since the Rumble, even having him miss shows completely so I don't know if they plan on him using the MitB tonight or not.
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I think Chris Jericho will win and Dolph may cash in and there's the World Title match at WM


Jack Swagger will have his team of racists against Alberto's team of minorities at Wrestlemania...What am I talking about?!

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Guest Fatherof10minis
I think Chris Jericho will win and Dolph may cash in and there's the World Title match at WM


Jack Swagger will have his team of racists against Alberto's team of minorities at Wrestlemania...What am I talking about?!


I believe that translates to Swagger/Sandow/Rhodes vs. Del Rio/Mysterio/Sin Cara... eh maybe.

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