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Will Sting go to WWE?


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I'm wondering if the 5-on-5 Main Event Mafia v Aces & 8s match for Hardcore Justice will be the angle that sees Sting leave TNA and allow him to come to WWE for the rumoured match against 'Taker at WMXXX.
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I can.


The main reason Sting didn't go to the WWE was that he thought Vince would mess around with the Sting character, but he's at a stage now where he's done all he can for TNA and probably wants that one last marque match with Taker at Mania.


I'm sure he's not short of money but if he did go to the WWE, he would a hell of alot more than he is now with legends deals etc..

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Guest Jayfunk
I'm wondering if the 5-on-5 Main Event Mafia v Aces & 8s match for Hardcore Justice will be the angle that sees Sting leave TNA and allow him to come to WWE for the rumoured match against 'Taker at WMXXX.


it depends on who is in the match

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Guest Jimmy Redman
I can.


The main reason Sting didn't go to the WWE was that he thought Vince would mess around with the Sting character, but he's at a stage now where he's done all he can for TNA and probably wants that one last marque match with Taker at Mania.


I'm sure he's not short of money but if he did go to the WWE, he would a hell of alot more than he is now with legends deals etc..


The problem with this theory is that we have been singing the same song every single year for like a decade now. Every time Mania rolls around or Sting's contract comes up, the exact same argument is made - now he's old enough to get a final payday, now he won't care about going to Vince, now he's done all he can in TNA - but it still never happens.


He's happy doing what he's doing. I'll believe it when I see it.

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There seems to be more rumblings this time though, he probably knows this could be Takers last Mania match, he would have a mega pay off from it, and go into the HOF and sign a legends contract, maybe work a few dates a year, similar to Brock.


I think he might do it.

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Guest Jimmy Redman
There seems to be more rumblings this time though, he probably knows this could be Takers last Mania match, he would have a mega pay off from it, and go into the HOF and sign a legends contract, maybe work a few dates a year, similar to Brock.


I think he might do it.


But again, there is nothing you just said that other people didn't say last year, in 2011, in 2010, and so on.


Not trying to rain on your parade, but I don't see how circumstances are any different apart from everyone being one year older. It's just that time of year for 'Sting to WWE' rumours to crop up again.

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Isn't his contract up soon? and TNA are in financial trouble to a degree that they weren't in last year, but yeah I can see where your coming from, I still think he will leave TNA.
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The fact that Sting has opened discourse with WWE in recent years makes me believe it will happen. Maybe not this year and possibly not even leading to a match. But I absolutely see Sting in some way being a part of WWE within the next couple of years.
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Guest Suphix
Wrestletalk TV reported last week that WWE felt "confident" they've already got him for 'Mania. Whether that's just smoke or not remains to be seen, but I honestly think he'll be at Mania
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Sting going to the WWE will be incredibly lucrative for him, so for that reason alone I think it'll happen. He'll end up earning big money against The Undertaker or whoever else, he'll get a Legends contract, a DVD, figures etc.. It'll be too good an offer to turn down in the end, so I'm confident it'll happen.


I'd like to see it happen too. Sting deserves to end his career on a massive stage, something TNA can't provide.

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Guest The Beltster
Anybody who has a name and who has had a big career should and likely will end their run in WWE, Sting and Hulk included.
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Guest Ciaran The King

It could be the biggest disappointment ever in professional wrestling.


But right now I'm saying that Bray goes over Taker at WM30

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