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TNA Bound For Glory PPV - 20th October 2013 (San Diego)

Guest FreeSpirit

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It's a bit sketchy at best. It wouldn't surprise me if Dixie's daddy started reigning the funding in soon.


Already has... Well, not him. His wife now holds the reigns. As far as I know, TNA has always been in the red. That's why the Jarretts had to get the Carters in on things.

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Already has... Well, not him. His wife now holds the reigns. As far as I know, TNA has always been in the red. That's why the Jarretts had to get the Carters in on things.


Well we always said once the Carters started paying attention to how much they're spending it'd mean trouble for TNA, so I'm pretty interested on how this is gonna work out.


Rumour has it OVW aren't very happy with being the TNA developmental territory as it's doing nothing for them other than letting TNA have first dibs on anyone good, so if that goes down the chute too it could mean BIG trouble in TNA.

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Guest FreeSpirit
After seeing that photo. Going back to the iMPACT Zone is seemingly a step in the right direction if it saves the company some money. Dixie Carter has a lot to answer for this year though, she's running the company into the ground with poor decision after poor decision. Sod off Darlin'!!
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I don't think it's necessarily that Ciaran, at some point TNA have to try and bridge the gap between biggest of the small fry and serious contender to WWE, especially given that they have a good TV coverage. Being stuck in one place, on a soundstage in a theme park is just going to hold them back because it localises the fanbase somewhat. At some point they'd have to take Impact on the road, they gambled and as it turns out the lost because the product just isn't good enough to be drawing in casual fans.


I don't doubt that they could have not done it but unless they decide they are going to revolutionise the product and cut all the ridiculously high paid talent and go back to being the springboard from the Indie they have to do something to justify paying the salaries they do. They already piss all over the PPV model by caring more about TV so they aren't making money there so they have to grow the company in other ways and taking the show to the people makes the most sense out of anything.


Really I think I would have said to do one outside taping per month and a PPV and try and make the tapings special or alternatively made an outside taping a live TV show and the rest taped so that fans feel like they also get the chance to be on live TV if they go to a TNA taping in their area.

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Guest Ciaran The King
TNA took the leap but unfortunately it didn't pay off, they just need to go back to the drawing board and fix it. They have a loyal following and many other fans want them to succeed. There is a place for them
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Sure, there's a place for CZW but it isn't in the realm of WWE. As I said, TNA could easily go back to being the springboard for the indies and incur so much less cost in terms of talent without losing the fanbase. I mean, if Jeff Hardy or Mr Anderson are your reason for watching wrestling you need to go die somewhere quietly.
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TNA took the leap but unfortunately it didn't pay off, they just need to go back to the drawing board and fix it. They have a loyal following and many other fans want them to succeed. There is a place for them


Loyal following? That's why their ratings are in the toilet, house show attendance is in the toilet and PPV/Impact taping attendance is... you guessed it, in the toilet.


The only place where TNA has any semblance of a loyal following is over here, and they're only over here once a year. This isn't 2004-2008 where TNA was considered a bright prospect, this is 2013 where TNA has pissed everything away with bad business decisions. The only thing left to do, realistically is to put it out of it's misery. TNA is a joke and I highly doubt any amount of good business they do will change that.

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Cut costs, reduce expenditure on people who clearly aren't value for money, attempt to go back to the model that got them at least some praise from most fans. They need to become the independent NXT and try and grab some talent before it inevitably goes to the WWE.
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TNA should have stopped going to the well with the signing the latest "big name" WWE release to pop a rating after Kurt Angle. After Angle, the major announcements and "defections" just died on their arses.


Jeff Hardy came back and climbed a cage, painted a picture and left. Then the whole getting f*cked up on a PPV he was main eventing, forcing Sting to shoot pin him in 1:45 and then having him disappear to rehab for a year.


Ric Flair did something stupid like putting up his WWE Hall of Fame ring against Abyss.


RVD came in, beat Sting in 45 seconds, then got beaten up by Sting for 10 minutes because Hogan missed his cue. Then won the TNA World Title and lost it because TNA had to write him out because his allotted dates were used up.


Booker T went batshit crazy (But hell of an entertaining thing too. Bring Black Snow to the WWE Commentary team please.).


Matt Hardy came in, stunk the place up and got fired for driving drunk and crashing his car into a tree (also, got suspended for missing shows/turning up late and actively encouraging fans on twitter to get their money back because their saviour Matt Hardy wasn't there)


TNA have no idea how to use the talents they have. How about ditching Dave Lagana (The I Want Wrestling guy, who successfully hoodwinked everyone into thinking he was the ideal candidate to bring wrestling back. Psht.) and bringing in someone worth a damn. How about getting a decent VP of Talent Relations because Bruce Pritchard did jack shit. Or even better, just a full scale renovation from top to bottom. Take a couple of months off, get Spike to run Best of tapes (from when TNA was actually good) and then come back with a clean slate.


I'm not saying that it'd make TNA any less of a joke, but it might just help them get in the right direction. But what do I know, I'm just a person who thinks TNA right now is up shit creek without a paddle.

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Guest Ciaran The King
They need to go back and see what got them to the dance. People used to tune in because it was different from WWE, WCW but now it's slowly becoming WCW. TNA need to scale back down and stick with the homegrown young talent they have
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TNA should have stopped going to the well with the signing the latest "big name" WWE release to pop a rating after Kurt Angle. After Angle, the major announcements and "defections" just died on their arses.


Jeff Hardy came back and climbed a cage, painted a picture and left. Then the whole getting f*cked up on a PPV he was main eventing, forcing Sting to shoot pin him in 1:45 and then having him disappear to rehab for a year.


Ric Flair did something stupid like putting up his WWE Hall of Fame ring against Abyss.


RVD came in, beat Sting in 45 seconds, then got beaten up by Sting for 10 minutes because Hogan missed his cue. Then won the TNA World Title and lost it because TNA had to write him out because his allotted dates were used up.


Booker T went batshit crazy (But hell of an entertaining thing too. Bring Black Snow to the WWE Commentary team please.).


Matt Hardy came in, stunk the place up and got fired for driving drunk and crashing his car into a tree (also, got suspended for missing shows/turning up late and actively encouraging fans on twitter to get their money back because their saviour Matt Hardy wasn't there)


TNA have no idea how to use the talents they have. How about ditching Dave Lagana (The I Want Wrestling guy, who successfully hoodwinked everyone into thinking he was the ideal candidate to bring wrestling back. Psht.) and bringing in someone worth a damn. How about getting a decent VP of Talent Relations because Bruce Pritchard did jack shit. Or even better, just a full scale renovation from top to bottom. Take a couple of months off, get Spike to run Best of tapes (from when TNA was actually good) and then come back with a clean slate.


I'm not saying that it'd make TNA any less of a joke, but it might just help them get in the right direction. But what do I know, I'm just a person who thinks TNA right now is up shit creek without a paddle.


Oh indeed, agree with pretty much all of that but I just think TNA can be salvaged to some degree if they change the business model and expectations. I suspect you'd get a better product if you could offer indy guys reasonable salaries whilst taking care of some of the expense of being a wrestler and looking after them. Just make TNA a place where indy talent wants to go because it's good but not insane money and the company looks after you and then the talent will have a reason to go there over the ruthless machine of WWE.


Then if people want to leave the WWE for a lighter schedule etc you can still offer them that but without the expectation you'll pay them a near WWE salary. No guaranteed contracts or at the very least minimum contracts that TNA could afford to pay if they don't actively use the talent every week. There are alternative enticements to a big salary for a lot of people and for those who only want a big salary then they can beg Uncle Vince or accept that they work in the best environment at a lower wage than kill themselves 350 days a year for the WWE pay cheque.

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