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I wrote this as a thing for my website, but I'm gonna post it here too so at least a discussion can be opened up. Clicky here to follow the white rabbit.


Or... If you don't want to go visit my website, here's the article in a tidy lil' quote box.


I’m going to open this up with a simple premise. I hate this trend of developers and publishers re-releasing last generation games for the current generation consoles. When I say this, I don’t mean releasing something like Watch_Dogs on PS3/4 and Xbox 360/One, what I mean is releasing a high definition remake of let’s say, GTA 5 or Tomb Raider or Sleeping Dogs so soon after the release of the last gen version.


This smacks of just a complete and utter money grab on the part of the game companies to cash in on the popularity of their games with slightly upgraded graphics and textures, and most of, if not all, of the DLC. This sucks. I want new games released for the now current generation consoles. I’ve already got Tomb Raider TWICE on both 360 and PS3 (Thanks PS+), I’m highly considering rebuying GTA 5 because I know that the people I play it most with are going to probably upgrade too and leave the PS3 version in the dust.


Why the hell is this happening? I understand it when it comes to say The Last of Us, which I’m still not happy with but I know that there are some people who were strictly 360 who have migrated to the PS4 and maybe never got a shot at playing The Last of Us, but when it’s a multi-platform title already, it just really, really disappoints me. Can’t we spend more time on releasing new games instead of bringing over barely even year old titles one more time?


I want something to quench my gaming appetite for the PS4. I have Infamous: Second Son. I have Assassin’s Creed 4. I have EA UFC. Watch_Dogs. And a whole host of other games brought over via PS+ like Outlast, Contrast, and stuff like that. I know we’re really early into the console’s life span, but can’t we have something different instead of having the developers work on an already released product?


Now don’t get me wrong, I do like HD remakes of games… pending they are old enough to warrant one, or if a major milestone is coming up. Like Metal Gear Solid, for instance or Resident Evil, and most recently Abe’s Oddysee. Those can be considered worthy of a new lease of life. Metal Gear Solid for instance was released for the PS1 and PC in 1997. In 2004, it was remade for the Gamecube as The Twin Snakes, and it was a good thing because of the clear graphical leap between the generations.


There’s also a clear graphical leap between the PS2/Xbox/GC to the PS3/360… Maybe not the Wii so much. But still. There is no major graphical leap between the PS3/360 and PS4/One. Sure, we can have higher resolution textures, and slightly better models regardless, does it really warrant a re-release so soon? Are we now living in a world where we are given “First anniversary HD remasters” to bridge the gap between last generation and new generation consoles? I sincerely hope not. Focus less on the old and bring in the new. For the love of Jeebus, just do it.


-A frustrated gamer.

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Like you hit upon in the piece it depends on the elapsed. For instance the Halo remakes coming out soon on the Xbone. Halo 4 is not that old and not too long before that was the 360 remaster of Halo 1 - do we really need them re-released so soon?


Were as a remake of No Mercy and say Jet Set Gemini for instance would be perfect due to being two console generations previous thus allowing time for nostalgic bonds to form and the tech to actually advance to the point were the game could be improved.

The Master Chief Collection is an odd one though. Sure they've already remastered Halo:CE and Halo 4 isn't that old yet, but they're also remastering Halo 2 and Halo 3, so it makes sense to release everything so far as one collection.


I don't agree with the remasters of Last of Us and GTAV though.


That being said, there are certain things that do deserve a spruce up, the WiiU version of Windwaker immediately springs to mind. Actually to contradict myself straight away, I'd give my left eye for a remastered Skyward Sword, even though it's not very old. And by remastered I mean "can be played with a pro controller instead of wack a*s motion controls".

Halo 3 won't actually be that different though and will not even benefit or be that better for the remaster. Were as you like you say a remodelled Skyward Sword would benefit from a change of controls and a HD spruce and that is the key for me - a remaster should be done if new advancements can improve the game whilst retaining tthe characteristics that made the original so good.

You say that, but have you gone back and played Halo 3 lately? It's looks reaaaaaally dated at this point, so I do think a spruced up xbone version would be good.


If I get an xbox (which I'm still undecided on), I'd get the Master Chief collection purely to play them all through again with a new set of achievements.


But I'm a Halo wh*re, so I would.

I clicked your link, bro. I clicked your link.



...and I was surprised it didn't redirect to meatspin. You've changed, brother... :lol

Dents has gone professional! :lol


So what WOULD you like to see remastered?


I dunno about "remastered" as such, but I really, REAAAAAALLY want Criterion to make a new Burnout that's more like 2 and Revenge than the open world gumph from Paradise.


I'm hoping that since Monkey Island did so well, and apparently Grim Fandango HD is on it's way, we'll get a remastered version of Day of the Tentacle. That'd be nice.

You say that, but have you gone back and played Halo 3 lately? It's looks reaaaaaally dated at this point, so I do think a spruced up xbone version would be good.


If I get an xbox (which I'm still undecided on), I'd get the Master Chief collection purely to play them all through again with a new set of achievements.


But I'm a Halo wh*re, so I would.


Oh don't get me wrong as a fellow Halo ***** I am getting it and actually put my pre-order down for it, Far Cry 4 and FIFA 15 today.


As for remastering then the Westwood studios version of Blade Runner or the SNES versions of New Hope, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.

Edited by Evil Gringo

Ooooh, Rogue Squadron. Mmm.
Oh sweet Jesus, a re-mastered Rogue Squadron would be awesome.
I would play the crap out of some remastered Rouge Squadron.
A remastered version of Streets of Rage or Golden Axe could be good.
I'd settle for them incorporating something along the lines of Rogue Squadron as space missions for the new Star Wars Battlefront when it's released.
Can you count the Monkey Island special editions that came with "Tales Of Monkey Island" as remasters? Same game just fancier graphics and in some cases, redone voice acting.
Love to see a remastered version of Ghosts and Goblins.
Can you count the Monkey Island special editions that came with "Tales Of Monkey Island" as remasters? Same game just fancier graphics and in some cases, redone voice acting.


I'd say so. And if not, you've got the genuine HD remasters they've done over the last couple of years anyways.


Which I loved. :wub

They need to get Grim Fandango finished and out on xbox store right now so I can play the hell out of it again. The only game that PC Gamer rated higher was Half Life 2 and looking back on the comments in the mag and how the game was it was the most accurate piece on gaming I ever read.


Also if someone could make a remastered console version of F-22 Ait Dominance Fighter & Total Air War then I would give them my first born.

I'd quite like a remastered Desert/Jungle/Urban Strike too, please.
They would be so cool, that helicopter rocked :lol
A remastered version of Streets of Rage or Golden Axe could be good.




Can you count the Monkey Island special editions that came with "Tales Of Monkey Island" as remasters? Same game just fancier graphics and in some cases, redone voice acting.


Love to see a remastered version of Ghosts and Goblins.


I'd quite like a remastered Desert/Jungle/Urban Strike too, please.


Guys, Wouldn't these actually be remakes rather than remasters, to me a Remaster is a game with improved graphics but basically the same game, i think the games you have quoted would have to be remakes where the orginal game is changed for the 3d world, unless you actually want to same game eg a 2d beat them up just HD, in that case it would be a remaster and i will be quite

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