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The last film you watched

Guest bigmatt

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You people...


Other than Maxx. Always other than Maxx.


Oi, I watched Grand Budapest Hotel the other night and loved it, every beautifully imagined shot, every crisp piece of dialouge, eveytime Jeff Goldblum appeared but mainly everytime Ralph Fiennes is on screen because he is a joy to watch.


Some of us have some taste you know, not a lot of taste but some god dammit!

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Gone Girl


A lot of people are saying it's just David Fincher self indulgent tripe. They're wrong. It's good. A little long and not an overall great film and nowhere near Fincher's best, but it has some nice swerves and some really good acting. The pacing is a little slow but the story required smouldering. Fincher can get great performances out of anyone, even Tyler Perry. Worth a one time watch. Bottom of the list as far as the recent films I've watched, but I've been lucky with my choices. Like I said, this is just good. I can see why some didn't like it, but saying it's self indulgent is a stretch.


Ben Affleck's best film is still Phantoms.


Boyhood next.

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I watched battle of the five armies and enjoyed it immensely especially Dain, he was hilarious and I also live Dwalin because being bald with a beard is cool hip and pop in fresh! The battle is pretty good a little over emphasis on the old Elves for me but they do look slick when they're at it!


Grand Budapest Hotel, a film I really didn't expect to enjoy if I'm honest, I don't remember ever watching a Wes Anderson movie prior to this but I may have to rectify it, to echo the sentiments made by some of the guys here I also found it beautiful, the term magical is apt too, I found it hilarious and Fiennes deserves a lot of credit for his fantastic performance (which he's had ) I've watched it three times now which I don't usually do.


A Bronx Tale, I had not heard much about this but I saw it on someone's blog about top ten coming of age films, I really enjoyed it and it made me laugh a little when I realised the lead was Matt from The Sooranos. The bar scene, amazing, anyone whose seen this will know what I mean!


Hitman, not the most popular of movie choices and not one that's critically acclaimed by any stretch but I thoroughly enjoy it every time, it's a good/fun shooty action movie.

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A Bronx Tale, I had not heard much about this but I saw it on someone's blog about top ten coming of age films, I really enjoyed it and it made me laugh a little when I realised the lead was Matt from The Sooranos. The bar scene, amazing, anyone whose seen this will know what I mean!



Great scene!!


Lillo Brancato has led some life, I think he was just released from prison.

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Veronica Mars


I hadn't ever seen the series but thankfully they sum it all up in the opening montage and the story is self contained enough that it's not necessary which is great. Sure you get more out of it knowing all the little details, but it doesn't distract from the film itself. It's a pretty fun little mystery with good dialog. I enjoyed it. Kinda reminds me of Buffy the Vampire Slayer minus all the supernatural stuff.

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Watched Birdman last night and I have to say it was for me, something that matched the hype. I thought everyone in the cast played it wonderfully but of course the main plaudits as far as I am concerned go to Ed Norton (although he is kind of playing himself in a way) and Michael Keaton who was amazing in the lead role.


The fact that the film is so smartly shot and edited to try and flow in one continuous shot, the jazz drumming backing track that jars at the senses and keeps the momentum of the film going when there is no dialogue, the fact that the plot is almost a inflated version of Keaton's career post-Batman, the damning asides at critics, the world of film, actors, modern culture as a whole as well as the theatre was subtle and brilliantly written - it was just a magnificent film.


I'd have preferred a more cut and dry ending but given how the film started (in terms of the opening shots) it bookends it nicely and leaves it very open to interpretation and no doubt for many years to come people will wonder, just what does that final shot mean and leave them wanting more.


Oh and that bird noise Keaton makes.... bravo.

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He jumps out of the window but does he fly off? Does he die? If he does are we are seeing things from his viewpoint or at least how he would like it to be with his daughter happy once more OR is his daughter happy he's dead OR is she happy he is now free? Was there a fire escape and he's running round in his undercrackers again?


Bear in mind bar the opening sequence where he is doing yoga and floating in the air and the end when he goes out of the window and possibly flies are the only two times when he is doing supernatural stuff that isn't possibly explained later in the film. When he flies earlier we actually see a cabbie run in and demand someone pay for a cab, implying he didn't fly he came down off the roof and caught a cab, in another when he telekinetically trashing his dressing room, soon after we see his friend come in and he is actually just throwing stuff around normally.


So in a literal sense it can be explained as he goes out the window, his daughter smiles when she comes in to find him not there - the end BUT the actually meaning or possible chain of events are far from cut and dry.


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I'm not sure any of that really matters to be honest. Besides, a lot of the time ending like that are better than the ones where we have to have out hands held and told every little thing that happen. I'm a pretty big fan of films with ambiguous endings.


And if there are people calling for a sequel, not saying you are of course; you're smarter than that, then they don't understand the movie at all. Then ending was fine, and all we need. It keeps the magic alive and you're left wondering.. hmmm... maybe, just maybe - which after all was the underlying theme of the movie itself. Maybe, just maybe...

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Plus if that hadn't of happened at the end, then the actual state of affairs just would not have fit the overall tone and plot of the film either. I dunno, I just like knowing if that makes sense, and with that ending you never truly know what happens. But yeah, in this case it wouldn't have been the same film and therefore lost part of what makes it such a great piece of cinema.


I can't wait however for someone to miss the point and proclaim he (or she) would be hyped by the idea of a prequel where they actually make a Birdman film. I think my head will explode with laughter.

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Guest John Hancock

I have four possibly interpretations of the ending, and I'm fine with any of them. In descending order of what I think/like;



1 - His superpowers were a metaphor for things he didn't feel he'd earned, like power and fame and whatever else. He knows he could use his "powers" to create something like Birdman IV, but he wants to do something human, so he keeps his powers to himself, like spinning the cigarette case around when he's alone and bored. The success of his play, which he made without using his superpowers, helped him feel validated and helped him feel like he deserved his powers after all, so him flying off was really him saying "Hey, I actually think I'm pretty cool, and I'm okay with it".


2 - The superpowers are a metaphor for his emotions. When he feels angry and trapped, his superpowers destroy things, when he's freed of responsibility by the critic telling him nothing he can do will change her review, he can fly, because she's actually lifted a burden off of him by saying he can't change his destiny anymore. At the end, he's freed again, because he received critical and popular approval from his own personal work, and responds by having a little fly about.


3 - He killed himself.


4 - He actually did have superpowers the entire time.


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Guest Ciaran The King
Watched American Sniper last Friday, Good film but I didn't think Bradley Cooper was right for the role. However the film was both thrilling and emotional.
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