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Doctor Who series 3 (spoilers very likely)


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Ray, got check out the episodes Rose and New Earth.


But followed a similar pattern of kind of intoducing people. The stories from both were somewhat flimsy. But they were able to pick it up with stories such as The Unquiet Dead and the truely fantastic Girl in The Fireplace


Thing is Smith and Jones blew them both out of the water.

Of course the relationship between The Doctor and Martha was going to seem rushed intially they need to get her to agree to join the Doctor within a 45 minute episode as well as having some bad guy for the Doctr to stop.


The relationship between The Doctor and Rose intially felt somewhat rushed but then it progressed, at points during the 2nd series it almost felt as if The Doctor was willing to give up on Rose. Only for him to realise that he actully loved her when all had been lost.


In the upcoming weeks we've got William Shakesphere, Ghosts and a Dalek double bill. Along with the excellent ratings from Saturday night which blew Harry Potter off the face of New Earth, then things are looking incredibelly good for the good ship TARDIS.

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Of course the relationship between The Doctor and Martha was going to seem rushed intially they need to get her to agree to join the Doctor within a 45 minute episode as well as having some bad guy for the Doctr to stop.


They didn't have to. They could have done something different and stretched it out over two episodes. What was worst was when the Doctor kissed Martha, that was a terrible decision! A big tearful ending for Rose, who he LOVED, and now straight away he's smacking his lips on another girl!


Also, I didn't like how they had him walk accross her right at the start of the episode. It made sense at the end, yes, but it was far too early to confuse the audience like that. I really thought it was a terribly rushed episode overall. The last ten minutes were good, but the rest was poor.

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Guest Anime Otaku

The kiss though was kinda brushed off by the Doctor as nothing though. Supposedly thats kinda going to be the theme for their relationship. Martha's into the doctor but he's not really interested.

As for the early confusion I liked that, it's not Doctor Who if it's not a bit weird and silly. What was it he said though, he was talking too fast for me.

IMO the best part of the episode was when Martha said she still didn't think the Doctor was an alien and he walked right into a Judoon scanner

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Guest Nicole
They didn't have to. They could have done something different and stretched it out over two episodes. What was worst was when the Doctor kissed Martha, that was a terrible decision! A big tearful ending for Rose, who he LOVED, and now straight away he's smacking his lips on another girl!


Also, I didn't like how they had him walk accross her right at the start of the episode. It made sense at the end, yes, but it was far too early to confuse the audience like that. I really thought it was a terribly rushed episode overall. The last ten minutes were good, but the rest was poor.


It wasn't a kiss, it was a genetic transfer. A series with 13 episodes can only use one of them to introduce a new companion, any more than that and it's purely a waste. We'll learn a little more about her as the episodes go by. Was much better than Rose and New Earth, and I'm looking forward to what seems to be a darker series overall.


BTW, 8.2 million people seemed to want to tune in aswell, and I'm sure the ratings will be pretty decent next week aswell.

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It wasn't a kiss' date=' it was a genetic transfer.[/quote']


I knew it wasn't a passionate kiss or anything, but I didn't get that it was a genetic transfer. Missed it somehow. :?


A series with 13 episodes can only use one of them to introduce a new companion, any more than that and it's purely a waste.


Fair point, but then the first episode should have been a lot better. Maybe even go for a longer episode if needed.


[..]I'm looking forward to what seems to be a darker series overall.


I do like the darker episodes, but I don't think Tennant can do the dark and angry that well. He can do the gorky light hearted banter stuffs fine, but he stops well short of credibly angry. It comes accross more like 'somewhat miffed'. :P


BTW, 8.2 million people seemed to want to tune in aswell, and I'm sure the ratings will be pretty decent next week aswell.


Don't get me wrong, I WANT the ratings to stay high so it stays on TV, but I just think that this series HAS to be very strong, and the first episode wasn't a good indication.

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Guest Nicole
Why does it have to be strong? The pressures off now the 4th seasons been commisioned, and the opening episode was the strongest of any opener they've done yet. Most people I've spoken to thought it was an excellent episode, right balance between the alien threats and getting to know about Martha.
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Why does it have to be strong? The pressures off now the 4th seasons been commisioned, and the opening episode was the strongest of any opener they've done yet.


I just think that it has to be strong because it's the same Doctor going into a second season, and a new companion taking over from a much loved companion. Tennant has to keep the good performances up and Agyeman has to really win the crowd over to prove that this is the newest and bestest best partnership to watch on TV! They have to do this because Rose / Tennant worked very well together and really had the audience on their side.


Most people I've spoken to thought it was an excellent episode' date=' right balance between the alien threats and getting to know about Martha.[/quote']


Well that really surprises me, honestly. It was sooooooooo rushed. I mean something like only fifteen minutes had gone and the Doctor and Martha are already belting down a corridor in the hospital on the moon, with the camera highlighting the fact that they're holding hands.

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Guest Nicole

What else could they do? They were on the bloody moon running away from a woman who was going to suck the blood out of them. I don't think theres room for getting to know eachother in those types of situation.


Martha came across alot better than Rose did initially imo, I think she could possibly become more loved than Rose because she really is the match for the Doctor, and episode 1 summed that up totally.

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What else could they do? They were on the bloody moon running away from a woman who was going to suck the blood out of them. I don't think theres room for getting to know eachother in those types of situation.


Agreed, when there's a blood sucking villain coming after me, I shall skidaddle rather sharply myself too. But Martha had just met this wierd guy, he's gots two hearts (which she oddly smiled at), and she decides to grab his hand and run away down a corridor with him.


I think it was too soon to have them doing that, because the two lead characters holding hands and running away from the baddies together is quite a symbolic image. It's one of partnership and trust, which I don't think they should have after meeting each other that soon. Especially when you consider that the Doctor lost his love in Rose, shouldn't he be a little distant?


Martha came across alot better than Rose did initially imo' date=' I think she could possibly become more loved than Rose because she really is the match for the Doctor, and episode 1 summed that up totally.[/quote']


I don't see how she's more matched than Rose was. Rose was spunky and gutsy and challenged the Doctor, and that was great because it added an extra dynamic to the show. The Doctor wasn't the only one who could blow stuff up.


Martha wasn't the damsel in distress by any means, she showed some knowledge and looks like she will be quite active. But I think she'll have to do quite a bit to overtake Rose though.

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Guest Nicole

Why should you have to act a certain way in desperate situations? Martha was obviously intrigued by the Doctor, and he seemed to be the only person who actually knew what to do. I think I'd hold onto the person who knew how to deal with crazy situations like that.


She didn't exactly trust him entirely anyway and insisted he earnt the title of Doctor. I'd expect that to happen. It's not like RTD has written it so they are having a full blown sex within 2 seconds of meeting eachother. The characters progressed through the episode.

Edited by Nicole
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Why should you have to act a certain way in desperate situations? Martha was obviously intrigued by the Doctor, and he seemed to be the only person who actually knew what to do. I think I'd hold onto the person who knew how to deal with crazy situations like that.


As far as clinging to someone who knew what to do, fair enough. But I found it odd how when finding out that her patient (the Doctor) had two hearts, she wasn't freaked out.

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Guest Nicole
Not everybody is going to be freaked out by it, midly confused maybe, but they're not gonna run round screaming their heads off about it. She seems level headed, and dealt with it in that manner.
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Okay, he has two hearts, i'm sure there's a perfectly logical explanation. Riiiiight.


Mildly confused by someone who defies human biology by having two fricking hearts! Mildly? I guess they couldn't have her freaking out and being petrified of him all episode, but I think when it comes down to it, they told the story itself poorly. They should have gone about it another way.

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Guest Nicole

Mr Stoker? yeah caught that.


Catch the ongoing themes in the episode? Mention of the little shop, bananas and the like. I like those touches.

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I don't think he has been. I just thought that it was a knod to Bram Stoker, nothing more.


The nly people from previous episodes who were mentioned were Rose and Adeola. Of course there were a good few Saxon mentions, think we'll be getting fed up of that name come the summer.

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Guest Al Stevens
I have found a website where you can print off the "Vote Saxon" banner things..... I'm tempted to put a few in our student Union lol
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