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Today i quit my job!.. yes the only job id had in a month... because I was so stressed I couldn't sleep...I really felt unable to tell my boss of my decision ..so I got my dad to phone up and terminate my employment.. ( i new i liked him for something)..so now im free to look for another job yay!!...


Have any of you ever quit your job and if yes.. why?

Edited by Gothic Angel

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From the bottom of my slacker heart: Congratulations! I find it very soothing and satisfying to quit a bad job. While going into it can be pretty nerve-racking, the aftermath is very euphoric. Next time (kinda weird to say that, huh?) I'd try to do it in person. Either way the good thing is that youre no longer doing something you hate. :xyx

The last time I quit my job was because I could no longer afford to live on my own in my crap one bedroom flat due to a graduate loan. Despite earning £20,000 a year my debt was and still is £385 a month coming out of my wages before bills and rent and food.


I quit my job and moved back with dad and for two more years or until I find a bloke to move in with I will stay at dads and pay off my debt.

I'm leaving my job in 3 weeks to go travelling so yay for me.

I very satisfyingly quit my crap admin job in the NHS to start my current employ in IT which rocked! I;d worked for 4 years and every time I looked to improve my lot I got a door slammed in my face. I had taken on loads of work, worked crap hours, got paid a pittence and had my good will taken for granted.


now they are f*cked because they have to employ 3 people to cover all the jobs that I did on my own! :)

Congrats GA, if the job was causing stress like that then you never had needed it :)


I've only quit one job and it was working in a crappy pub where the new owner hated me, even staged a robbery to get the locals to hate me

I'm glad you did it, it was making you miserable hun!


I quit a job in a restaurant because they told me if I didn't return in 2 weeks, they'd fire me (this was when I called up to say I had broken my wrist and wouldneed time off). Quit a job in a supermarket as found a job in a care home which I adored. Had to quit that when my then boyfriend and I split up as he refused to watch the kids while I worked evenings so the work place changed my hours initially but it just didn't work as I couldn't get there for the start of my shift or get home for the boys after school.

If I had one of those jobs where every day is Groundhog Day and it's the same old rubbish every. single. day, I would snap within probably 2 weeks and go on a Michael-Douglas-in-Falling-Down style rampage. I need a job in which there is something different every day and you can meet new people and whatnot. I imagine there is a certain satisfaction in telling an employer to stick their job up their hole. Sideways.

Edited by Naitch

I quit my last job -which I hated immensely- because I wanted to work for myself.


Nevertheless, I was going to quit anyway because the gaffer was an absolute pr!ck. In a nutshell, he didn't like me because I got on with everyone and was pretty popular.


He was like David Brent but without the heart.


I had intended to give them 4 weeks notice, but he wanted me to go on call for 3 nights straight; ie doing 9-5pm and then on call for Police stations for the rest of the night. Being that the firm's Manchester office was so small, it would be inevitable that I would be called out.


After hearing the 'on call' situation, I thought f*ck it. I went out on the last with my best mate on the Monday, walked in stinking of ale on the Tuesday, gave him my hand written notice (which had ketchup on from a hastily eaten bacon butty) and said 'David, I'm leaving. Today's my last day. Don't forget to send me my cheque for expenses or I'll be knocking on the building's door every day until you do.'


He said 'You won't get a reference'.


I said 'Considering I'm going to work for myself, I don't think I'll need one.'


I then span and walked out the door and he shouted '**** off then' - I just turned round and said 'I am doing'.


It's such a relief when you've done it and you walk out that door. :)

From the bottom of my slacker heart: Congratulations! I find it very soothing and satisfying to quit a bad job. While going into it can be pretty nerve-racking, the aftermath is very euphoric. Next time (kinda weird to say that, huh?) I'd try to do it in person. Either way the good thing is that youre no longer doing something you hate. :xyx


That is so right!!.. and no now im not doing something I hate and yes I do feels miles better!! ..my boss was like, a phyco one minit nice the next you couldnt ask her somthing for getting shouted at, plus i never got trained properly.. it was just throw her in and make her stress... anyway .. thankyou for the congrats twig :good222:

i quit my job because my boss was making it unbearable and i was doing so much work and not getting the rewards. I had the balls to tell my boss face to face and hand him my letter of resignation though. He may have been a Class A idiot but I did respect him.
If it's not right I can't blame you, no point getting a job which you can't enjoy a bit. Though even if I had a crap job at the moment i'd stick at it, I need a job :(

you should of done it in person no job is worth boing unhappy though


work to live don't live to work

Well done Bex there is nothing worse than doing a job you hate.
I quit my new job on Monday after three weeks. I was lied to about the hours I was working which really pissed me off as I turned down two other job offers to take it. Things were alright for the two week training period but then they nailed me with hours I couldn't work. I was very honest and upfront about the hours I could and coudln't work when interviewed so not very happy they lied to me. Sadly they had a staffing problem at the time which should have warned me they were idiots to work for but it was a job that met my needs. It just really stinks an employer can outright lie to you about important things in an effort to get your hired and then go back on their word. I live in an area with a horrid job market so it sucks to be on the job hunt once again.

The only job i've ever quit was a car washing one on saturday mornings whilst i was still at School.


I'd love to quit my current job, but know very well that i'd struggle to match my money anywhere else at the moment.


I did apply at Rolls Royce last year but they did'nt take anyone on in the end. That may change in the near future though as the A380 and Eurofighter are really taking off at the moment (excuse the pun).

Oh hun:( Sad that it's come too you having too quit, and so sad that it was causing you so much stress. Hope you can find a new job soon, and one that you like and that suits you!


Well the first time I quit my job, was because my mum forced me, and kindly phoned up McDonalds, to tell them I quit, while I was in the middle of a shift. Anyway, luckily a nice manager was on, and spoke too another store, so I just moved stores instead. The second and third time I quit was SO hard. The third time was still at McD's, I'd been moved back too my original store, after moving from my mum's and the manager had kindly took me back on. It was hard too finaly throw in the towel. I then got a new job at Sport's World as McD's had just become far too hard for me too keep up with. When I finally gave up on work altogether and quit Sport's World, it wasn't too bad, as everyone hated me anyway, as I couldn't keep up with the work load, and they were tired of covering my shifts.

Wish I could quit my job, but I cant see me getting anythign else that fits. Shame as the money doesnt match the stress.
If I have to watch Teddy Long collapse one more time, I might be near to quitting!
I quit my job 3 months ago, for the same old reason. Manager's had no idea how to treat their staff, basically they were total ****ers. It seemed I was treated differently from others too. They hated me and thats why I always annoyed them by not finishing my jobs properly or not even doing them at all, I know I could of done them but what was the point? I always wanted to leave so I just went in everyday, hardly did anything and got paid. So it finally came to them asking me if I wanted to go. It was an offer I couldnt refuse so I quit. If anyone treats me like they did in future employment Ill just walk. :D
When I quit earlier in the summer, the company MD would not speak to me about it. I even worked six weeks notice to help them out and he didn't properly speak to me about it until we were out for my leaving drinks. Shame really as I tried to leave on good terms, one of those things I guess.

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