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What Turns You Off A Forum?

Guest Black Knight

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Guest Black Knight

For me it boils down to two things


1.) Excessive flaming.Now I'm not talking about member a and member having an arguement I'm talking about when some one flames for the sake of being an ass. I have seen where a female member of a forum was called slut and a ***** and just because it was in the no holds barred section the Admins of the board ignored it. Yes its no holds barred but I mean come on refering to a female like that is uncalled for.rude and insulting and should not be tolerated.


2.) Staff who are full of themselves. Take the very first wrestling forum I joined WrestlingKingdom witch is dead and gone I might add. Everything was great to begin with then for some reason the staff of the forum started treating all the non staff members like garbage. It didn't matter what you did you caught flax from the staff. If you agreed with what they posted you where sucking up. If didn't agree with what they posted you where a troublemaker. The thing that really gets me is when all the non staff members walked the guy who owned it posted that he didn't understand why everyone left. Yet more then one person posted back about how the staff acted and he just ignored it.


What turns you off a forum?

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Guest Fiona

I would have to agree. Flaming other members. Now I am the first one to get into a good debate but name calling and racial slurs are for me a no no.


The way I look at it is this is a community and you really do have to try and get along with the other people like you would your neighbour. That doesn't mean that sometimes they tick you off but you can tell them in a PM or a nice way without resorting to a all out brawl.


That would turn me off if everytime I posted it turned into a fight.

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Flaming again. I just don't see the point in it. Any kind of personal 'attack' on anybody, whether on or offline, just seems so childish to me. I'm a member of a forum that has it's own bit for arguing, it works really well as it keeps it off the rest of the forum. It's also hilarious to read!


Over use of text talk and shortenings of words in general. Bad spelling doesn't bother me but when a sentance makes ZERO sense, I get frustrated because if I don't understand it, then mention I didn't, someone is BOUND to get all hoity toity and say "well, you know what it means". No, if I did, I wouldn't have had to ASK.

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Guest Nemesis Enforcer

You mentioned staff who are full of themselves Jimmy and that is one of the big ones for me, when I was over at UKFF before I started on TWO the mods there were really full of themselves and really slapped down anyone who had a different opinion to the point of throwing their power around just for their own ends that really put me off after a while


Flaming doesn't really turn me off as much but it does get annoying when things just decend into flame after flame spamming up threads

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Guest Popsi
Terrible spelling and grammar, too much text language, lack of welcome for new posters, too many graphics in signatures. Just for a start.
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Guest Fiona
Terrible spelling and grammar, too much text language, lack of welcome for new posters, too many graphics in signatures. Just for a start.


Oh Popsi I forgot about that one. I was looking at a forum awhile ago and every post made had this humongous banner under it. The post was like two lines long then the next 29 where some banner expelling the greatness of some wrestler. After reading two or three pages my eyes started to cross and I decided that it wasn't the place for me.:xyx

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I don't mind banners as long as they are a limited size-you kow, don't distort the forum, etc.


Yeah, I agree with this.


Things that put me off forums:

Attitude of the community

bullying, abuse and the like.

When there hasn't been a post for a month or so (but why join anyway? :lol)

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Guest Fiona
Sorry 'bout that...


Oh it was you he was talking about I went and shaved just in case.:lol


I don't mind banners as long as they are a limited size-you kow, don't distort the forum, etc.


Oh Nimf these things were half your computer screen big. Little ridiculous and they seemed to all be the same.

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Guest Popsi
I don't mind banners as long as they are a limited size-you kow, don't distort the forum, etc.


Yep exactly. Another forum I'm on allows them and that's cool because people just have like one small picture. It's the ones which have whole pages worth that make the screen tage aaaaaages to load that annoy me!

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Guest The Beltster
I love being able to have an image in my sig, I think its one think this forum could do that I'd consider a small improvement, as long as there was a specific size limit.
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