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Last wrestling match you watched.

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Guest Edgehead
Talking of Cena I must revisit his classic with Umaga at the 2007 Rumble.


Was that the last man standing match or was that new years revolution? Either way they were both good matches

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Guest Jimmy Redman

Yeah I feel like its almost time for a rewatch myself.


And yeah I recently did NYR and I couldnt believe how amazing it was. God they matched up so well.

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Guest Jimmy Redman

Kurt Angle vs Jeff Jarrett, Genesis 2009


Another good match, although I dont think it was as good as BFG. But they brought a lot to the table here - the crazy intensity and hatred, both guys killing themselves on dives, Angle's evilness and Jarrett's fire. The Angle Slam off the stage was HORRIFYINGLY HORRIFIC because they MISSED THE TABLE and Jarrett was driven from the stage onto the bare concrete floor. The good thing is that they sold the absolute sh*t out of it and the dramatic crawl to the ring was amazing.


The second half wasnt as good since it descended into a bit of by-the-numbers stuff, and that (plus the honest to God CUT TO THE BACK in the middle of a major PPV match) takes it below the level of the best Angle TNA matches. But still, enjoyed and Jarrett is certainly a great match up for him.

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Guest Frank Botch

I watched the first three Elimination Chamber matches for some reason.


Number One dragged a lot more than I remember, there are some good moments, I liked the last last 10 minutes and RVD busted out some cool stuff, but really pretty tedious for large parts and, finish aside, forgettable. I liked it a lot at the time so it was disappointing.


Two would be the Goldberg match. This was a lot shorter and better paced for the most part, Nash laying everyone out messed up the flow a bit though, and Goldberg really did look awesome at running through everyone. The finish was garbage of course. Also, I know he was injured, but HHH looked pathetic in this, dude was all bloated up and his offence was laughable. This was a perfect way for Goldberg to win the title but... HHH.


Three was the best one I think. There was still around five minutes where nothing happened though. HHH, in fairness, looked alright, he played the Batista angle off well and took a few good bumps. Edge entered to total silence which was amusing. Jericho was fine, but it really was an excellent Benoit performance. The opening with Jericho was cool, dude killed people with his chops and he bumped like a lunatic. Shave four or five minutes off and I'd have no problem calling this great. It was still very good though.

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Guest Jimmy Redman
I love the third Chamber, its my favourite one and I have no problem calling it great, and much more too. That whole angle was an absolute blast and all 7 guys worked their asses off.
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Edge & Christian vs The Hardys ("The New Brood") from No Mercy 1999 in a ladder match for $100,000 and the managerial services of Terri Runnels in the final of the Terri Invitational Tournament (T.I.T). It was a total spot fest/stunt show, but it was fun. The first tag team ladder match in WWF history. Probably mild compared to what they went on to do, but it was very innovative at the time, of course.
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Guest Jimmy Redman
I actually found the "wrestling" part to be the best part. I was really getting into it at that point, and I was on my way to really digging it, but once they stopped rolling it didnt really go anywhere interesting, so it ended up another disappointment for me.
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After seeing a clinic between two of the greatest workers of all time, I watched a match that was quite different from the following year in the same organisation, at Uncensored this time, between Terry Funk and Dustin Rhodes, a Texas bullrope match. It was wrestlecraptastic, the bullrope wasn't fastened until halfway through the match, and there was too much chicken involvement for my liking. Still, it was fun, I suppose. Woud've been better five or ten years prior, probably.
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