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(WWE Main Event will be taped every Tuesday night prior to SmackDown)



Wednesday Nights at 8/7c on ION Television


Upcoming Main Event Matches


October 24

Ryback vs. Dolph Ziggler

Edited by TPIB
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Main Event was alright. The Sheamus Punk match was really good and got a decent amount of time. The first ten minutes of the show was used to build up the match, with promos and interviews with both men. The actual final match was a First Round Tag Team Tournament match, which again was really fun, and directly effects the storyline on RAW/SmackDown.



Next week is a rematch between Big Show and Randy Orton.



It's started well, has Miz on commentary and has the best theme song of any wrestling show.

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Guest Jimmy Redman

Yeah I like the format of having one big match to build around, with promos before and after and lots of time for the match. The problem is, of course, they're giving away these big matches every week which is the last thing they need to be doing. If this was a monthly show or something it would be excellent.


And Punk/Sheamus was really, really good. The Chest Wallops work, Punk running into the Irish Curse, the GTS-Cloverleaf, the finish, all really good.

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Guest Jimmy Redman

Another good ep. Orton/Show was really, really good. I was kind of hoping for an updated Cena/Show, but it was way more evenly-worked than that even with Orton selling. Orton's selling, by the way. There's a thing. Show also ruled. Miz actually did a hell of a job calling it and him marking out when Orton hooked the leg (watch the match) was great.


Also really enjoyed the Kofi/Miz angle to set up next week's match. Every time Kofi speaks on TV it makes me so angry that Kofi doesnt speak on TV more. I am already marking out at the thought of him winning the title next week, even though that sure as hell aint happening.




The show and its format is really enjoyable. Giving the main event every week time and interviews before and after makes them seem so much more special than if they had happened randomly on Raw or SD, even though they are just random Raw and SD main events. And doing something to hype next week's main event in advance is cool too.


I think if not for the oversaturation of TV already, it would be a really cool addition to the product. It still is, but its impact is kind of lessened with so much "not ANOTHER show" in the air.

Edited by Jimmy Redman
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Guest FreeSpirit






Kofi Kingston defeated The Miz to win the WWE Intercontinental championship in Memphis, TN. The bout will air on tonight's episode of Main Event on The Ion Network!
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I have to agree. It's less that I can't take him seriously, and more that I think that no matter what he does, it could be anything, and I still wouldn't care about him. In fact Miz's promo on Raw pretty much sums up how I feel about Kofi.
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Guest Jamster26
Yeah, there's just certain wrestlers who I just don't care about. Unfortunately, Kofi falls under that, among others like Mysterio.
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I think there's definitely something there with Kofi, but he's not been able to display it yet. So far they've had him come out as the babyfacest of babyfaces, with all his "boom boom boom" stuff, and to be honest most of his offense at the moment just doesn't look like it hurts. That huge leaping clothesline/clubbing arm thing he does doesn't look very effective, the "boom drop" is up there with the 5 knuckle shuffle and the people's elbow for moves that I see and think "that didn't hurt" and for some reason with Kofi that instantly takes me out of his matches.


My recommendation would be for them to stop trying to put Kofi over so strong as a kiddie friendly face, and let him get a bit more aggressive. I really enjoyed his work for a short while in his aborted feud with Orton, which showcased a much more focused serious Kingston. That worked well.


Basically stop him leaping around so damn much and give him some new offence. I don't mind the SOS or the TIP or the HUGE flying crossbody. They're all really effective, but I think the rest of his offence needs to be rebuilt from the ground up.


I'm not saying heel turn, but a not quite so happy smiley hand clappy Kofi Kingston could be a good thing?

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Guest Jamster26

I agree 100%. I think you just summed up my issues with Kofi at present.


Although, you mentioned a period with Orton where Kofi had abit more attitude about him, so I'll give that a watch tonight.

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Guest FreeSpirit
Yeah agree with Magic, Chris and Jamster. I do loooove both of their entrances, but that's really about it. Edited by FreeSpirit
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Guest Jimmy Redman










Everyone in this thread needs to f*ck out. KOFI KINGSTON IS THE GREATEST EVER.


Seriously this was awesome. No pun intended. I knew the pre-match whatevers would just kill my life with wanting Kofi to win the title so bad, and they did. They had a great, long match which I really think shows the value of giving guys on this level that kind of time. Also, Kofi joins the elite club of those who have figured out how to have a Miz singles match. I also loved how much they worked MIZ'S FACE into the build and the match itself. The callback ruled. What also ruled was Kofi FLIPPING OVER THE STAIRS. I was going nuts by the end buying absolutely EVERYTHING and then BAM, THEY DID THE CHRISTIAN FINISH. If there was anything that could possibly make me love Kofi Kingston more, then a callback to the greatest finish I have ever seen in all my life is probably it.


And then he cuts a promo! I am reaching the point of self-parody by repeating this but JESUS CHRIST, Y U NO LET KOFI TALK?! This entire performance has been a stark reminder of why Kofi was the original Greatest Man in the Entire World. I love this man so hard.


So in conclusion, Kofi rules, you all suck, f*ck out.

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Guest Jamster26

I've just watched the Kofi and Orton feud and he's definitely allot more bareable. His in ring work wasstill as annoying as ever, but I can look past that if they have a decent character who I care about.


Hopefully this Kofi returns in the future.

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Guest Jimmy Redman

It has to be said though, in his post-match promo Kofi said something like "See, you can still smile and be happy and win", so he could go the John Cena route of "You want me to change? F*ck you, I do it my way!"


We'll see.

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