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RAW's 20th Anniversary Discussion Thread - January 14, 2013 from Houston, TX (#1025)


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I really shouldn't enjoy Flairs antics as much as I do, but I can't help It, the genuine excitement on his face when Miz said he'd pay his bar tab! I'd like to think he held him to that :lol
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I really shouldn't enjoy Flairs antics as much as I do, but I can't help It, the genuine excitement on his face when Miz said he'd pay his bar tab! I'd like to think he held him to that :lol


Oh man, I've missed Ric dropping an elbow on a jacket... :wub


Rock singing "Wonderful Tonight" to Vickie was legit one of the p*ss funniest things I've ever seen. Even Vickie looked on the verge of cracking up during it. The initial roar as soon as he got "No bee-otch..." was amazing. And the "not the expensive kind" line nearly made me bust a gut laughing. I laughed my a*s off at the little round of applause he got from commentary for it too.


Yep, that'll do Rock, that'll do. :lol

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Guest Edgehead


Rock singing "Wonderful Tonight" to Vickie was legit one of the p*ss funniest things I've ever seen. Even Vickie looked on the verge of cracking up during it. The initial roar as soon as he got "No bee-otch..." was amazing. And the "not the expensive kind" line nearly made me bust a gut laughing. I laughed my a*s off at the little round of applause he got from commentary for it too.


Yep, that'll do Rock, that'll do. :lol


Agreed. I watched that bit 3 or 4 times it really did have me in stitches. Anyone who thinks Rock has lost his touch is quite simply wrong! :)

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I hope we all noticed how it took five referees and agents to hold back CM Punk, but all it needed to hold back The Rock was FIT F'N FINLAY BITCHES.


I enjoyed the show. Rock's concert was very, very funny. I'd complain about Ziggler losing again and the miscommunication between BIG E and Dolph taking place after two weeks but I know I'm wasting my breath.

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I don't have too much of an issue with Ziggler losing but why make him look so weak? What is the point in having Cena dismiss everything Ziggler can do and win with one finisher? It's stupid. It makes Ziggler look awful.


A cage match is an easy way to protect Cena but have Ziggler win. Have Big E slam the door on Cena, allowing Ziggler to escape. Have AJ pass Ziggler some handcuffs and make sure Cena can't do anything to stop Ziggler escaping. It's easy to protect Cena and have Ziggler avoid losing but, no, it seems they'd rather ruin protect Cena as much as possible.

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Guest Fatherof10minis

This is the exactly why I hate Cena. It makes no sense to me how a guy can take all of the best shots Dolph has, have numerous close calls, even have outside interference, and then hit a weak finisher and laugh and smile up the ramp like nothing happened. This is doing so much damage to Dolphs push its ridiculous. That finish was horrible, and makes Dolph look weak.


As for the Rock, this is a much better Rock than than last years. Last years Rock felt more like the celebrity megasuperstar. This year it feels more like the old Rock to me. I am way more interested in Punk/Rock then I ever was Cena/Rock. And it is possible that if Punk survives Rumble as champ it could be punks 400 and some days as champ vs. the streak at mania.

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Guest Canned Heat

Well, this might get me some heat..


OK, here are my thoughts on the show... One of the worst episodes of Raw I've seen since I started watching again.


So, we get a boring Barrett and Orton match.


A good segment with hell no and rhodes scholars.


A Sandow squash.


A Rhodes squash.


A segment that was terrible but in the same breath really fun (Flair).


Rock and Sock reunion, which I thought was good.


A Brodus Clay and Punk match... No.


We also got the EXACT same thing with The Shield and Ryback, with Orton and Sheamus. EXACT SAME THING.


Oh, and Redman, we got another good Divas Match. Eve's spear bump was fantastic.


Now, to the meat... I thought the Cena and Ziggler match was really good. Honestly, but it Cena ruined it for me. Completely ruined it for me. WHY DO YOU KICK OUT OF EVERYTHING??? AND WHY CAN'T ZIGGLER KICK OUT OF YOUR AA???? HOLY HELL.


And now, The Rock concert.. Hey Rock, you were actaully REALLY GOOD this week. You made me laugh. The songs were funny. The "Beotch" part of the song was GOLD. And then Punk comes out.. And I'm getting ready.. Here comes Punk.. Here comes the thing I love the most! A BRAWL between 2 people that hate each other!!!! I'm loving it! Yes! Yes! Yes!.... WHAT IS THIS???? WHY ARE YOU HUGGING?!?!?! WHY WAS THERE NO BACK AND FORTH PUNCHING??? WHY DID PUNK LOOK LIKE HE HAD NO CLUE HOW TO HAVE A DECENT BRAWL??? WHHHHHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYY!?!?!?!?!?!


And this was all topped off my the fact that this was the 20th anniversary show and there was no Shawn Michaels, HHH, Taker, and Austin. And yes, I know Austin and Michaels were at a SHOT show in Vegas, but PAY THOSE MF'ERS.


I'm done.

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Guest Fatherof10minis


And this was all topped off my the fact that this was the 20th anniversary show and there was no Shawn Michaels, HHH, Taker, and Austin. And yes, I know Austin and Michaels were at a SHOT show in Vegas, but PAY THOSE MF'ERS.


I'm done.


100% complete agree here. This show should of had an equal feel to Raw 1000 and the best they could do is Mic Foley and then not even let the man speak, and then a sloppy segment with miz/flair/cesaro. Cesaro was made a real fool of whether it was written that way or not. No big name stars from the past other than that (not including rock here because he returned prior.) To me 20 years on televison is equal if not more impressive than 1000 episodes and should of been treated as is.

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Guest John Hancock

I agree with WWE's decision for once. Nostalgia's all well and good, but they can't keep doing this thing of saying "Hey, remember this guy!?" to a bunch of people in their mid-20s to late-30s. Another RAW 1000 would have been too much, one nostalgia show was enough, especially on the Road to WrestleMania, where they have so much stuff to push and build. I mean, look at 'Mania; Taker, Trips, Brock, Rock, that's 67% of your three main event matches being semi-retired guys.


I think there's a time and a place for nostalgia, at it was RAW 1000, and whilst, personally, as a VERY casual fan, I'd have loved a nostalgia show, I completely see why WWE didn't do it and, for them, I think it was the right idea.

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Guest Canned Heat
I agree with WWE's decision for once. Nostalgia's all well and good, but they can't keep doing this thing of saying "Hey, remember this guy!?" to a bunch of people in their mid-20s to late-30s. Another RAW 1000 would have been too much, one nostalgia show was enough, especially on the Road to WrestleMania, where they have so much stuff to push and build. I mean, look at 'Mania; Taker, Trips, Brock, Rock, that's 67% of your three main event matches being semi-retired guys.


I think there's a time and a place for nostalgia, at it was RAW 1000, and whilst, personally, as a VERY casual fan, I'd have loved a nostalgia show, I completely see why WWE didn't do it and, for them, I think it was the right idea.


Then they should have let that be known. I know they didn't tell us old stars would be there, but if they aren't going to be there, tell us. Personally, that REALLY hurt the show for me. Like, REALLY REALLY. I was just so pissed off that Austin wasn't on it, it affected the matches. Like, I thought they were going to have Austin come out and sing with The Rock..And that affected the Cena match... A LOT for me. I was getting so mad every time he would kick out, because there was close to no time left on the show. The Rock concert started at 11. The show is slated to end at 11:05.


That is about 95% of the reason it made me mad.

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I thought this weeks RAW was awesome, the Rock concert was so f*cking funny. My only complaint is that they didn't have an appearance by Taker, I understand why they did it, but he was on the very first RAW he should have been there for the 20th aniversary show, at least in my opinion.
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Guest Jimmy Redman
Then they should have let that be known. I know they didn't tell us old stars would be there, but if they aren't going to be there, tell us. Personally, that REALLY hurt the show for me. Like, REALLY REALLY. I was just so pissed off that Austin wasn't on it, it affected the matches. Like, I thought they were going to have Austin come out and sing with The Rock..




"Hey fella, just so you know, your favourite retired wrestler who we never advertised or was even rumoured to be at the show...isn't going to be at the show. You have no reason to watch and you will only be disappointed if you do. So hey, tune in at 8pm!"


You really didnt think that if Steve Austin was going to be there they might have, well, mentioned it?


And yeah, the Vickie song was amazing. The "brawl" was almost as hilarious too. I was rolling at whatever that was. Finlay and Fat Arn were probably rolling in their future graves standing there for that.


I only caught the last minute of Eve/Kaitlyn but that last minute was pretty great. That spear was unreal, she HAS TO keep that as her finish. Need to watch the full match.


Cena/Dolph felt to me like an old school Hogan cage match vs a Heenan Family member, with shenanigans galore and Hogan conquering all the bullshit in the end to win. Only the big ridiculous escape near fall was during the break. I enjoyed it for what it was, and I lament for anyone still clinging to the idea that the booking of Dolph is supposed to be a "push". Realise that he's a midcard heel bumper used to keep main eventers temporarily occupied and his matches become a lot more enjoyable.

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Guest Jimmy Redman

Well when they put her in the Smackdown vs Raw game they'll need something to stick as her primary finishing move?


Anyway, just watched the whole match and it was really fun. Kaitlyn impressed me more than she possibly ever has, working her strongwoman gimmick, good offense, and selling the match and the finish super well. Eve of course was good, doing little things like reaching for the rope when she was applying the triangle, and then changing her mind when she remembered the No DQ stip. Also loved her using Mickie's Kick Her Knee Into Your Knee move from WM, I am 100% sure I am the only one who cared, but I love it when these women work for me. And Jesus, that SPEAR gets better on each replay and it MUST be her new finish, it fits, it pops the crowd and it has the potential to become her calling card.


Having Kaitlyn's career match is a way to go out a worker Eve. But I am immensely sad to add her to the list of women who frustratingly reach their peak and then immediately leave the company to have babies. Stop it.

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They really need to call girls up from NXT even if they're not ready. Paige is ready and Audrey Marie is nearly there, and if they're desperate they can bring Emma up. Then of course they could just let Naomi wrestle and they'd have a fairly decent number of women again.


Also, does anyone remember when women used to have surnames?

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