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Who do you just HATE?

Guest Jimmy Redman

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Guest Jimmy Redman

Everybody has at least one of them, that guy or gal in wrestling that you just simply CANNOT STAND. Who is yours? Do you have your reasons, or is it something about them that you can't even identify? Did something traumatic happen, or have you always hated them?


Lets have some hateful rage up in this board. Who in wrestling do you want to poke really hard in the eyeball?

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I've said in the past that I've never been a fan of monster powerhouse babyfaces. I wasn't a fan of Warrior, I wasn't a fan of Goldberg ever, I never bought into the hype and I feel the same about Ryback. I hate his gimmick, I hate his gear, I hate his style, I hate his promos, I hate his FACE and hope he has a tragic accident that leaves him quadriplegic.


Next would be Jeff Jarrett. I hate him with a burning passion too. I never saw anything in the guy. I'd love nothing more then to push him down a flight of stairs.


There are more. Way more, but these are my top two.

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Jack Sch-wagger.


He just looks like a pillock, his gear is ridiculous and he has too many teeth for such a small gob. Just all round annoys me.


EDIT: Also, TNA as a whole.

Edited by Ryan
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Guest Edgehead

Like I said in the other thread mines Randy Orton. I've always hated him going all the way back to his Evolution days.


I can't even really put my finger on exactly what it is, maybe its partly down to stuff I've heard about his sh*tty attitude over the years & other unprofessional stuff like the way he kicked off at Kofi Kingston in the middle of a match but I guess that doesn't explain me hating him in Evolution so maybe he's just got a really punchable face :lol


Now I'm not denying for a second that he's a talented worker but that just don't mean jack to me. If I'm being totally honest I really wouldn't miss him at all if he got his third strike & f**ked off to TNA or something.


In 2005 I went to WM21 & I would have been so p*ssed off if Orton had ended the streak :lol

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Guest Jimmy Redman

Its no surprise at this point that I hate Kurt Angle. Ironically he's a guy I hate while still liking a fair bit of his work, but I think he's VASTLY overrated by almost everybody and I think a lot of his pimped stuff is garbage. The way that he works is just everything that is wrong about wrestling to me. All highspotting, no rhyme or reason, no substance whatsoever, but the type of sh*t that makes dudes pop and rain down snowflakes because MOVEZ~! F*ck a Kurt Angle.


The other big one is Chavo Guerrero. One of those guys who gets a completely undeserved rep as a great worker because a) he can execute moves in a smooth manner, and b) he's related to someone who is a great worker. Boring ass dude who contributes absolutely nothing on his own and needs a super worker like Eddie or Rey to make him watchable. F*ck that guy.

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Mark Henry I just do not get him, I will admit he has had some good matches but the rest have been meh. He just gets on my nerves and i tend to fast forward his matches as they annoy me so much. I do not get why he has stayed in WWE once his golden £10 million contract ended, considering he did nothing to justify his pricetag when under said contract. Vince must have been going through his steroid phase to offer such a contract in the first place.
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Guest Jimmy Redman
He was offered it in the first place because he was a legit Olympic athlete and a giant strongman. I mean, really, Mark Henry, the steroid body posterchild? Think it through.
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Guest Jayfunk
Henry was never worth 10 mill not then not now, he shouldn't have earned that through his whole WWE run. just a big guy thats all he is, not that good in the ring, i would say boring not great on the mic, just a big guy who had his turn with the belt as everyone does
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Guest Jimmy Redman
I'm not saying he was worth the $10 million contract, I'm just saying that Vince was excited because he found a huge man who was an Olympic hero to market. There was a specific reason, even if nothing justifies giving anyone $10m.
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Guest Jimmy Redman
I know there is no real contest, angle better in the ring, better on the mic, has a better look, its liked by micheal hayes


Level of persecution by racists is a fascinating and yet unexplored criteria for the rating of wrestling.


May be the only category Angle wins though.

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Rey Mysterio, all day, every day.


Dis Guy is talking sense.


Also, Rock. I never really liked him during his original run, and since his comeback it's morphed into pretty much full blown hate, fast forwarding alot of the stuff he does.

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I never really cared for Kurt Angle, but I have all the time in the world for some Mark Henry.


Another guy that fills me with a hate as pure as sunshine is Steve "Mongo" McMichael. I'd drown a basket of kittens if it would wipe his existence from my brain.

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