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WWE Payback 2013 Discussion Thread - June 16, 2013 from Chicago, IL


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Guest Jimmy Redman
Nah, the usual one wasn't working for a bit, but I think it has more to do with my shitty computer than the stream.
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Guest BarrettBarrage

This PPV far exceeded my expectations. Probably the most I've enjoyed a PPV this year.


The triple threat match was a great little opener. I was actually quite surprised at the pops Axel got and especially the big pop for the perfect plex. I think the right man won it, the title will be on TV a little more now and get more credibility. In the latter minutes some of the near falls had me on the edge of my seat, the finish was pretty clever as well. No man left the match looking weak either.


AJ and Kaitlyn...Honestly I'd put this in my top 10 divas matches of all time. Brilliant, one of the only times I've actually been immersed in a diva's match and cared. Really great psychology from both, the near falls and everything. Kaitlyn actually looked convincingly upset. Hopefully this is the start of a better womens division.


Kane and Dean Ambrose had probably the worst match of the night, they never really got going. Didn't seem to have good chemistry. The finish sucked as well.


I was not expecting much from the ADR/Ziggler match but this went above and beyond what I thought it would be, some of those head shots looked absolutely sick and Del Rio helped make this an exciting match to his credit because I'm not his biggest fan. I think we've seen a double switch with Ziggler turning face, which I think is a brilliant idea because he gets cheered in most places anyway and I'm all for him freshening his character up a little. Del Rio being champion again is kind of annoying, but if he wrestles like that more often then maybe I won't mind it as much. I know it's probably been talked about before but what the hell is it with Del Rio and smiling in a promo when it is completely unnecessary?


Punk v Jericho was probably the match of the night, it started off a little slowly but it got better and better as the match went on. I'm still surprised the match went cleanly, no switching at the last minute or screwiness. I would probably go out and say that this match was better than their two matches last year, the Chicago crowd really helped it along as well.


The tag title match was decent for the most part, the crowd seemed kinda worn out from the previous match but Bryan still got his usual pop. I was expecting an Orton heel turn after the match but nothing happened and it felt a little flat.


3 Stages of Hell match. First of all I've looked on the net a bit and this match has received nothing but abuse. I really didn't think it was that bad. The worst part of the match was how ridiculously flimsy the ambulance was. But Cena and Ryback put in a decent shift, just like they did last month as well. The finish was not probably the best option, Cena isn't ready to let go of the title and it didn't really make Ryback look weak either...It just made the ambulance look weak. So I expect we will see the end of the ambulances push. It'll be interesting to see who Cena faces next...I hope it's not Ryback though...Or Punk for that matter, I just want someone a little different to get a shot.


7.5/10 for the PPV.

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Guest Jimmy Redman

Am I a terrible person for finding Dolph losing the World Title on his first defense completely hilarious? It is just soooo...Dolph. The poor jabroni.


I am rolling at all of the moral outrage his fans must be feeling.

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What I'm inferring from it is that Dolph isn't as healed as they'd like, certainly enough to be on TV defending the title regularly. I don't think they'd drop the title to Del Rio if they didn't have to, the guy needs to re-build himself with the fans somehow first.
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Guest Jimmy Redman

Yeah, and lets be honest, if that is the reason for the switch, and as a result they devised this fairly ambitious double-turn/concussion drama story out of it, that is a level of creative problem solving that I honestly would not expect out of WWE. So well done to them for pulling that off, and Dolph will almost assuredly be better off for it in the end.


All the same, I just thought it was funny.

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Guest Ciaran The King

Except for the heat he got last night I don't really see ADR gaining anything from the turn and win last night. He got mediocre responses as a face and before that he wasn't getting much of a reaction as a heel.


Like HBK did so many times Dolph should have triumphantly won last night with a last grasp Zig Zag or superkick, that way he would have triumphed over the devious ADR and still come out of Payback with crowd on his side.

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Guest StefanC

It is!


This was one of those ppv's I was really looking forward to,and it did not dissapoint. Also look for the Sheamus-Sandow match on youtube or something, it was a good one.


This was a decent PPV.


Now on to MITB which is I'm really looking forward to now!!

One of a kind :)

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Guest StefanC

Oh and by the way, during the Punk - Jericho match, I feel that Heyman stole the show again, he is so entertaining, even at ringside. Pleading, begging Punk not to tap out.

And very educational (hope that is the correct spelling) during the triple threat IC championship match.


I'm a Paul Heyman guy :)

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