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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice


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There was a lot I liked in the trailer, but the shot of Batman grappling away from Superman's heat-vision was as close to perfect (for me) a representation of Batman I've seen on film.
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Guest Steely
Call me clueless but who is the bad guy supposed to be? I originally thought superman but batman seems like a bastard also
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Neither, and both. From that trailer, Batman sees Superman as an alien responsible for the deaths in Man of Steel, who has god-like powers and, probably, a cultish following, essentially setting himself up to rule humanity as, to borrow from Kira in Death Note, the god of the new world. Superman sees Batman as a crazed vigilante who is out to either destroy order or impose it at too high a cost, depending on some other stuff the trailer doesn't make clear. Also, Supes probably has a reasonable suspiscion that Batman is either super-pissed at him, or looking to kill him.


Essentially, they're both right about some, but not all, of what the other thinks. Supes wants to bring order but doesn't want to be a god, and Batman doesn't want to destroy order, but he does want to kill Superman.


It helps if you know them from other media, where Batman is always the guy with a plan for if/when Superman needs to be taken down. After the mass devastation and loss of life in Man of Steel, it's not unreasonable of Batman to think humanity would be better off without Superman.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 3 months later...
Guest The Beltster
Hate that comedy exchange between Superman and Batman at the end, not impressed that they gave away so much stuff. After the last trailer I was stoked, this one has knocked it a bit, still cant wait for this movie though.
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Guest Yodahew

Man the trailers are knocking it out the park at the moment.


Hate that comedy exchange between Superman and Batman at the end, not impressed that they gave away so much stuff.

I thought there wasnt going to be comedy in the DC stuff. Lex cracks a joke about not wanting to fight Clark to Bruce and then the exchange about WW at the end. It just seemed very............. Marvel. I dont think it will be filled with one liners like marvel is but to put them in the trailer makes the suggestion that there will be a few one liners in the film.

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Guest The Beltster
Gotta be honest, the more I see, the less impressed I am. Still gonna see it, obviously, but expectations are about on a level with the new Star Wars.... ie. pretty damn low.
I've never been a Star Wars fan, infact I just watched the original 3 movies last week for the first time in my life, but the new Star Wars looks pretty damn wicked to me.
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Hate that comedy exchange between Superman and Batman at the end, not impressed that they gave away so much stuff.
Someone re-cut the trailer and it removes the comedy / big reveal at the end.


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Guest The Beltster
Did you like them mate?
They were ok. Product of their time I think, you kinda had to watch them when they were fresh. I already knew the storyline going in and the big reveal with Vader so there so no surprise for me and on top of that, these films have been parodied so much over the years that they kinda now seem like a parody of themselves if you know what I mean? So they came off as a bit cheesy. But they were alright I didnt dislike them. I didnt bother with the prequels though.
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New trailer.


[spoiler=As expected...]DOOMSDAY!!!

I liked the original trailer but I can't say I like this as much. I loved the gritty realistic feel of the recent Batman trilogy but this seems to heading towards Marvel territory as others have mentioned. I do like the Marvel films but I was hoping for a different feel with the DC films.

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  • 3 months later...

Saw this yesterday and I'm probably going to take it in again over the weekend, not because I loved it but I need to try and get my head round everything.


However I don't think this a film that deserving of the reviews that it's getting. It's not a brilliant film by any stretch of the imagination but it's not the turd that many reviewers are making it out to be. In fact I left the theatre seriously pumped for Wonder Woman next year.


But for a film that's been in post for well over a year now the editing of this film is a abusmal and about half the way in it was seriously pissing me off. The 2nd half was much better with the Batman/Superman showdown being particularly brutal, even if the climax to it is just plain bizarre. The comparisons being given to the Will Ferrell film Step Brothers are totally just. Infact it's a line that Batman delivers a few scenes later about his relationship with Superman that had me laughing it was so utterly bizarre considering the battle that occurred just minutes beforehand. Affleck must of felt a proper dummy delivering it.


Affleck, Cavill, Gadot and Adams are all fine in this. Eisenbergs Luthor is ok but is written really badly. We know and see Batmans motivation but we don't with Luthor and considering a good chunk of the film is based around him then it in turn damages the film as a whole. Like I said I'll see it again and I'll pick up the Directors cut when it's released in July I pray to god this goes someway to fix the editing of the first half but I do fear what we got was a compromise and we'll end up with something even worse.

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