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Who sucks the worst?

Guest Jimmy Redman

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Guest Jimmy Redman
He'd be better off in TNA


This is one of the most retarded things you have ever said. And think of the ground that covers (in the nicest possible way).


Besides the fact that nobody is better off in TNA, even the people in TNA, the idea that Santino is somehow not better off in WWE where he is or has been one of the most over characters on the roster and always has a spot has a babyface and sells ridiculous levels of merch and makes children happy is...retarded.

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Guest Jimmy Redman
I don't care that you don't like Santino. I would like you to explain why exactly he'd be "better off in TNA", because I cannot even fathom why that would be the case.
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Guest Jimmy Redman



I will actually accept that. Same reason I feel Angle and Chavo are much better off in TNA. Because it means I don't have to watch them.

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the fact that nobody is better off in TNA, even the people in TNA
, the idea that Santino is somehow not better off in WWE where he is or has been one of the most over characters on the roster and always has a spot has a babyface and sells ridiculous levels of merch and makes children happy is...retarded.


FACT? I would disagree with that FACT

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If this turns into "OPINION vs. FACT XXXVII" I will kill people.


Just warning you.


EDIT: For the record, I like Santino. He makes me laugh, works a good comedy gimmick, and the glove puppet is insanely over with the kids. Santino and the Cobra isn't any worse than Mankind and Mr. Socko.

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Guest John Hancock
The next person to compare Mankind to Santino dies. Mankind is the greatest thing in the world, Santino makes me embarrassed to have ever watching wrestling in my entire life. Santino is one of those guys where, if someone who doesn't watch wrestling walks into the room, and he's on T.V., you grab the remote as quickly as possible. He's awful. He's not the Great Khali, he's not literally the worst thing, concept or thought in the universe, but he's change-the-channel-ly bad.
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I'm not directly comparing their wrestling styles or anything, I'm just saying we were willing to go along with Foley talking to a sock puppet and pulling it from his pants to nail his finisher, so how is Santino doing the same schtick such a bad thing?


Like I said, I don't understand the Santino hate. He's a pretty harmless guy and good for the odd "out of the blue" moment like him almost winning the Rumble. I can think of plenty worse out there than Santino.

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Guest John Hancock

Because everything Mankind did came from somewhere. Mankind was a character, with a motivation that explained every weird thing he did. Santino is a pin-board for every comedy idea that makes it out of the writer's room.


Mankind was a psychotic villain who rejected the world but was turned good whenever someone embraced him. Vince McMahon embraced him, and made him a good hearted villain and, in the process, out a weird sense of loyalty, Mankind started wearing a sock to cheer hospitalised Vince up, which never worked, but it was never going to, because no one ever taught Mankind how to love or how to interact with people, and everyone was just using him until D-X and Austin and The Rock came along and begrudgingly started to like him, and made him a real good guy, and taught him how to be nice, and he just kept his weird sock around, that had been established, and used it because people liked it, and he'd been taught that what the fan's want is important if you're going to be a good guy.


Santino Marella has a snake puppet because it's supposed to be funny. It's occasionally sentient because that's supposed to be funny. He walks like he's autistic because that's REALLY funny. He's Italian because that's funny. He salutes because that's funny. He does a shit stunner because that's funny. He sometimes has a unibrow, because that's funny too. There's nothing to him, there's no reason he does any of the stuff he does, he just does it. Everything he does, he just does it.


I used to like Santino, he was a pantomime villain, and had a roughly established character, but then they thought, "Pfft, f*ck that, no one's paying attention" and he became, genuinely, one of the worst written characters in wrestling that comes to my mind. He goes beyond plot holes, and little inconsistencies, his whole character, his entire gimmick, is he does funny stuff. For absolutely no reason. Absolutely none at all. It's really lazy, it's really disengaging from the perceived reality of it (he's one of those characters that's just a constant reminder that a team of people, lots of different people with different ideas, are ruling someone's personality, you're constantly aware this isn't a real person), and, worse of all, none of it, NONE OF IT, is ever actually funny.

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It's really funny that of all the things I've read that John Hancock has posted and I've disagreed with, sometimes vehemently, that the first thing I've read that's made me question his IQ is about Santino Marella. If he riles you that much then there's something wrong with you. I mean f*cking really, Santino Marella, when there's The Miz all over WWE programming the most offensively bad thing is Santino.


I shake my head at thee.

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Guest John Hancock

No, as I said, he's not the worst, he just sucks. There's plenty of people below him, but I'd rather never see him on T.V. again.


I actually kinda explicitly said he wasn't the most offensively bad thing on WWE programming.

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Guest John Hancock
He's not the Great Khali, he's not literally the worst thing, concept or thought in the universe, but he's change-the-channel-ly bad.



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Guest John Hancock

Maybe the context has been sort of lost, or was never that clear outside of my head.


I talked about Santino because everyone else was. I didn't see any point in saying I don't like The Miz, which I don't, because everyone else said it already, and no one was really making a case in his defence, so it would have been a bit dull just to say, "Yeah, f*ck The Miz" for the ten-thousandth time this thread. I said what I said about Santino because Chris had made the point that Santino is fine, and that his snake thing is like Mr. Socko, and I was saying why I disagree with that.


If no one had mentioned Santino, I wouldn't have either, he's not in my five worst, and I do think The Miz is worse, but, as people were talking about him, and as people were actually disagreeing about him in a relatively even way, I joined in. It's not like I just randomly went, "Hey, you know who stinks? Santino Marella".

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Santino Marella has a snake puppet because it's supposed to be funny. It's occasionally sentient because that's supposed to be funny. He walks like he's autistic because that's REALLY funny. He's Italian because that's funny. He salutes because that's funny. He does a shit stunner because that's funny. He sometimes has a unibrow, because that's funny too. There's nothing to him, there's no reason he does any of the stuff he does, he just does it. Everything he does, he just does it.


I used to like Santino, he was a pantomime villain, and had a roughly established character, but then they thought, "Pfft, f*ck that, no one's paying attention" and he became, genuinely, one of the worst written characters in wrestling that comes to my mind. He goes beyond plot holes, and little inconsistencies, his whole character, his entire gimmick, is he does funny stuff. For absolutely no reason. Absolutely none at all. It's really lazy, it's really disengaging from the perceived reality of it (he's one of those characters that's just a constant reminder that a team of people, lots of different people with different ideas, are ruling someone's personality, you're constantly aware this isn't a real person), and, worse of all, none of it, NONE OF IT, is ever actually funny.


That's all perfectly true, especially the stuff about how he was a good pantomime villain, and I see what you mean about how he's presented as a character now. I just can't find it in my heart to hate on him. Every time I see something cheesy now I remember stuff like the "Honk-a-meter" or singing about his review of The Condemned to the tune of "Rehab" by Amy Winehouse. I dunno, I've never really given it as much thought as you did in your reply? :lol

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