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Who sucks the worst?

Guest Jimmy Redman

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Guest John Hancock

I think he used to seem a bit more organic. I have no idea if he was ad-libbing back in tha day, but it seemed to me like he was either way. I liked his stupid outbursts, like stealing Jerry Lawler's sandwich, and doing his little trumpet dance the first time, and I liked the subtle dumbness like the stunner salute the first time he did it. He was a cartoon badguy's sidekick, and that was fine, because that was a character, and the character was funny, and all the funny stuff came out of the character. Now it's like the character comes out of the funny stuff, like, they just pitch wacky jokes and then try to crudely build half a gimmick out of it, rather than making a gimmick and trying to make it funny.


I can see that it's a personal thing, because I know what I like that other people don't particularly care about. I'm a character guy, I'm really into that, I like motivations and all that shit, so guys like Santino just do nothing for me.

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Guest Ciaran The King

The thing is WWE don't even take Santino seriously. And for some reason WWE keep placing him in these high stakes situations, Royal Rumble, Elimination Chamber where he never has a chance of winning!!!!


I'm all open to having comedy characters/gimmicks but only when they know their place

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Guest John Hancock
Okay, well, for the record, that isn't my point at all. I agree that they don't take him seriously, but having comedy characters and using them in big matches is fine by me, as long as they're funny and their comedy routine semi-believably makes some sort of sense. Dude Love was absolutely ridiculous, but worked perfectly in the title picture, 2 Cool were perfectly fine tag team contenders and tag partners to the big baby faces, even Kurt Angle was pretty much a comedy character at the start of his WWE career, and played it perfectly, not looking out of place at all in big matches.
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Guest The Beltster
I only read the rant, but it only slightly dulls my general point that of all the people to get bent out of shape about you've gone for this generations Doink the Clown?
Bad example. Doink the Clown after about a month and especially after he turned face was f*cking awful. Literally one of the worst things I've ever seen in wrestling, and with the added midgets the whole act became even more unbearable.


After living through great stuff in the 80's to witness Doink the f*cking clown arrive on the scene...he was the absolute shits.


As for Santino, I dont mind him, his power walking is funny, he was excellent when he was doing the Honk-a-meter. Bring back that Santino.


"Baptista, if you're listening, if you mess with me I'm going to beat you up, just like Fonzy over here....the happy days are over!"



Edited by The Beltster
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I remember Doink and I remember him as inoffensive filler, nothing that was so awful I;d have turned the channel and that's exactly what Santino is now. I don't understand how he could be perceived as "sucking the worst" when the guy at best is nearly invisible to the product. He's beige. He's ready salted crisps. He's non-sparkling water. It's like being annoyed at your shoelaces.
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Guest The Beltster
I remember Doink and I remember him as inoffensive filler, nothing that was so awful I;d have turned the channel and that's exactly what Santino is now. I don't understand how he could be perceived as "sucking the worst" when the guy at best is nearly invisible to the product. He's beige. He's ready salted crisps. He's non-sparkling water. It's like being annoyed at your shoelaces.
Well thats fair enough but people see things different. To me, he wasnt inoffensive filler, he was f*cking junk. And 20 years on he's still one of the worst characters I've ever seen.


I mean, look how much Miz bothers you...and I agree, by the way, I was saying from the minute he debuted and throughout his WWE title run and WM main event period that he was utter shit, but some people like him for whatever reason.


There are more offensive things on WWE TV to me than Santino and Miz. Mark Henry for one and the fact he is generally put in main event spots if he can stay healthy for more than 5 minutes when he is so devoid of talent and charisma makes it even harder to stomach.


F*ck Mark Henry.

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Guest The Beltster
A question for Beltster,


What is it that you don't like about wrestling that you loved in the 80/90's?

I hate that everything is rushed, I hate that there are hardly any gimmicks, I hate that guys are so green, I hate that guys with characters dont act like that character should and dont have theme music to match their gimmick, I hate that there are so many titles, I hate that titles have no worth and everybody gets a turn (not everybody should be heavyweight champion!), I hate that there are no managers, I hate that there is so much wrestling on TV and that they give away PPV quality stuff every week, I hate that there are so many PPV's, I hate the announcers, I hate the look of the shows, I hate that there are hardly any stars, I hate that psychology has been replaced by work rate in alot of cases and that work rate is seen as more important. Do you need more? :lol
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I know Jimmy is going to blow when i say this but layla really annoys me at times. sometimes she is just a standard face/heel but when she does things like on raw a few weeks ago tagging with aj when she got rolled up and pinned she was so over the top about the reaction and it was so cartoon like i just thought eurgh. aj just seethed but layla rolled around on the mat hands on head wide eyed and opened mouth for what seemed like a eternity.
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Just to tag on to the Santino discussion, the dude would also do the little things no one notices like Punk etc. but in a comedy way.


Like kicking out after a Five-Star Frogsplash and 3-Count 10 seconds later. :lol




Other than that he's kind of meh nowadays, but still inoffensive.

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