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DC vs Marvel? Do you have a preference?

Guest The Beltster

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Guest John Hancock


Stop using your abilities to make yourself and those around you happy and the world generally a better place! You must be miserable and alone, you must be miserable and alone like Batman, because Christian Bale has gone, and we don't really feel like trying new things. Did you see Green Lantern son? Did you see it? It was f*cking awful son! That's what happens when we try new things. Just be like Batman, please, it's my dying wish, wear dark colours and be sad and kill people. At least watching me die for absolutely no reason at all will get you used to when millions of people die later in the film and you don't give a single f*ck about any of it, like the real Superman wouldn't.


What's that? No, they'd see it, I have to die. I don't know what faster than light means. No, no I don't know what any of that means. Oh, also, about me and about 90% of all the people in Metropolis dying, that's fine, that's what makes you like Batman, but if you ever see like five random people in a train station or a museum or some generic Washington-y, New York-y building, and they've resigned themselves to death and just stand there, waiting to be burned up by an actor who really, really should know better, you better f*cking save them, you better f*cking do whatever it takes to save them, go f*cking nuts, I'm telling you, those five random people, Jesus Christ, you start flying over those strict moral lines in the sand like a f*cking triple-jumper for those c*nts.






Zack Snyder is a haaaaaaaaaaaaaack

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Guest John Hancock
You mean terminator 2 which this film basically was


Even though Terminator 2 came out ten years after the Days of Future Past comic book series?

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Jay are you basing this on the fact that in Terminator 2 there is a time travel element and in the future robots killing humans? You do realise that in the X-Men the robots were actually controlled by humans and where being used to kill homo-superior or meta humans (aka mutants) in acts of ethnic cleansing?


So whilst both involve time travel and robots which to an untrained eye can make them seem similar they are in no way actually related at all.


Also the only reason Skynet sends people back in time to kill John Connor is so the humans will send someone back in time so John Connor can be born, the technology to create it planted in the past, the revolution of the machines to actually happen and the reason they always send someone later but fail is because it adds to the myth of John Connor and therefore allows him to rise to the top of the resistance and give Skynet a reason to exist. Skynet could have destroyed ALL of humanity much, much earlier but it doesn't as it would have nothing to fight, nothing to exist against and just rule an empty wasteland.


In the X-Men they send Wolverine's mind back in time to stop a war between two sub-species that will tear the world apart, cause massive suffering and pain as well as actual deaths and prevent both of those sub-species actually possibly reaching their potential. With the added bonus of Jennifer Lawrence.


Back on to the topic, I agree that at the moment, DC has the edge on the TV world and Marvel on the cinematic at the moment and it will probably stay that way. DC got around to it all a bit too late cinematically if you don't count the Nolan Batman films and I don't - everything pre-Man of Steel are just films based on DC characters, just like the Spiderman films are films based on a Marvel character. The Nolan films are their own excellent trilogy to just enjoy as films.


Question is, can the next wave of Marvel films after Avengers: Age of Ultron keep the momentum going? Ant-Man has already run into several issues on a script and directorial level already, will Doctor Strange capture peoples imaginations as much as the likes of Thor and Iron Man and can Guardians 2 live up to the hype that the success of the first film has created?


At the same time, will people care about Cyborg, Aquaman or Shazam as DC's back log of characters, to those who don't love comics in depth and are more, casual for lack of a better word, won't give a damn about them. Will DC's method of doing a reverse Marvel (Justice League films introducing new characters and giving them spin offs rather then introducing the characters and then merging them as Marvel do with the Avengers) work out just as well?


Bottom line is, as a comic book nerd I'm looking forward to it all just the same.

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Guest John Hancock

I think Marvel have got at least two sure things with Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and Captain America 3. I think they seem to appreciate what made the last two so good, and they're sticking to it. That's what I like about Marvel, while DC seem dedicated to making as many watered down remakes of the Dark Knight as possible, Marvel are doing a bit of everything. Ironman is that 1980s/90s shticky, Lethal Weapon thing, Thor is basically a fantasy movie, Captain America is like a Bourne Identity thing, Guardians of the Galaxy is a comedy, Avengers is like blockbuster action shlock. When one goes wrong (Iron Man 3), they've got something else totally different to fall back on (Captain America 2). I appreciate that, even if I don't like a lot of them, I respect that they're not just cookie-cuttering the same the movie with the names changed, like how DC seem desperate to just turn Superman in to Batman as quickly as possible. Everything's got it's own little flavour, and there's probably at least one series that you're going to like, because they're all for slightly different audiences. Ant-Man, they could go with a less childish than Guardians of the Galaxy comedy route, Doctor Strange they could go with the magic aspect, make it a bit creepy, a True Blood, American Horror Story cash in. There's scope.


The funny thing is, Marvel are beating DC at their own game. DC's "roster" is way better set-up to have each member of the Justice League being completely different from each other. Crime-thriller for Batman, blockbuster action for Superman, sword and sandals for Wonder Woman, sci-fi for Green Lantern, weirdness for Aquaman, horror for Swamp Thing, comedy for the Flash, political thriller for Green Arrow, youth-orientated action for the Robin or Nightwing or even the Teen Titans, a relatively large amount of independent female characters (thanks to DC's cowardly vagina, we now live in a world were Black Widow has been put out there as the face of female super-dom on the big screen more prominently than f*cking Wonder Woman). Instead, they got so scared by Green Lantern flopping that they just went "F*ck it, we'll do Batman again. EVERYONE, WE'RE DOING BATMAN, OKAY?" and gave up.

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The Days of Future Past storyline came out in 1981, Jay. Years before even the first Terminator, you noodle. :lol



Even though Terminator 2 came out ten years after the Days of Future Past comic book series?


Dammit, read the whole thread, Dave... :lol

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Dc have already screwed up by casting a Wonder Women who will CGI breast enhancement and is rather unknown in mainstream cinema. In fact aside from Batman they seem to want to put more 'unknown' talent in their starring spots then Marvel.


One thing bugging me is that Avengers 3 looks like it will br Civil War, but can that really be done without Pym, Fantatic 4, The Young Avengers, Spiderman and at least some of the X-Men?

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Guest John Hancock
I think as long as you've got Iron Man and Captain America, you can do Civil War. Most of the other characters in the story can be swapped out with other people.
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Guest John Hancock
Man, I wanted more HYDRA stuff for Captain America, just because it increases the chances of Baron Zemo turning up. Although Civil War replaces that with the possibility of the Taskmaster, which is just as good. Taskmaster deserves a Days of Future Past, Quicksilver, "This is what the world looks like to him" scene. Like, it goes to super-slo-mo, and Taskmaster sort of comes out of himself in fast-forward, like a ghost and, every time he has a choice to make, the ghost splits into more ghosts, with one ghost taking every possible option, until the room is just completely full of Taskmaster ghosts and multiple ghosts of everyone else in the room exploring every possibility, like you're seeing someone evaluate every single possibility in a situation in a split-second, until they're all killed off for making mistakes apart from one, and then you snap back to reality, all the ghosts disappear, and Taskmaster copies the exact movements of the ghost that survived, other than one tiny thing, like he goes to catch something at the end to show off, that the ghost caught, and it lands somewhere completely different and ruins the moment.
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By the looks of it they are gonna try and bring the HYDRA arc to a close using Agents of S.H.I.E.LD and the beginning of Avengers 2. Or at the very least restrict it to TV land.


What about Secret Wars, surely Cap 3 should be that and then Avengers 3 the Civil War followed by the Annilhation Wave in 4 which would then tie in the Guardians and Nova Corps?

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Yeah the HYDRA stuff will be at the beginning of Avengers 2, but that stuff with the Taskmaster sounds freaking AWESOME, Johnny.


I would love a Secret Wars but we need EVERYONE involved and someone crazy like Javier Bardem to play the Beyonder.

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Guest The Beltster
I dont get all the love for Cap 2. I thought the first one was awful and the second wasnt much better, it was too long and dragged like crazy with some great bits in it. Personally, I'm not bothered about Cap 3, but I'd watch it just because. The Cap films have been the weakest of the Marvel lot for me so far.
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I didn't care for the first Cap too much but the second one was awesome. I was hesitant at first because I really wanted some more WWII Cap, but The Winter Soldier is a conspiracy theorists wet dream and I loved every second of it.


Cap, a Jewish woman, and a minority taking down a fascist secret government plot to take over the world? *drool*

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The first Cap film was a half baked origin film. The second was a political thriller with Scalett Johansson's boobs, great progression in terms of all the characters involved and some great action sequences.


Sad as I am to say this as Iron Man is my favourite comic book character of all time but Iron Man 2 & 3 where the weakest Marvel films despite RDJ being awesome.

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