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Game of Thrones - Season 5! *may contain spoilers*


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Damn, that didn't happen in the books. In fact she is no where near Stannis, nor is the Queen and nor is the Priestess in the books, they are all still at Castle Black.


How can I as a viewer, make a decision now, between Stannis and Ramsey over who I want to win or is the aim of the show to make me think that all men in power are absolute a*seholes? I mean most are but still, we need a good guy and a bad guy!


Also this episode has pretty much taken us to where the books end regarding Daenerys, I think it will take us up to where we are with Jon, Cersei and Tommen in the next episode and then from next year, unless tubby gets another book out, we are flying completely in its own verse and cannon.


I actually can't wait for that to happen because as much as I like the written version of this universe, the TV one has melded some elements, straighten out some stories and straight up omitted other parts to give you a cleaner and more sensible universe that makes more narrative sense really.

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we are flying completely in its own verse and cannon.
It should stick pretty much to the (future) book canon; George R. R. Martin has given the showrunners the blueprint for where the books lead and how it all ends, so it will stray, but probably not by too much.
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I wasn't expecting too much after the previous episode but this one was pretty impressive too!


I was expecting the Shireen scene as soon as we saw Stannis's camp attacked. I'm surprised she's not dead in the books, I dunno why, it just felt like it was bound to happen. After seeing Selyse so cold to her daughter through the series, I thought her breaking down was a nice touch. Davos is not going to be happy!

I loved the scenes in Meereen, felt very epic again. I think it was pretty obvious Drogon would make the save but I didn't expect them to fly off! I wonder what will happen to the other 2...

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Wow there was so much going on in this episode. I know it's been mentioned previously but the pacing felt a little off this season. They seemed to cram so much in the finale going from one big moment to another, shocking moment after shocking moment.


The 'battle' at Winterfell didn't last very long and I'm not sure if Stannis is actually dead as we didn't see the death.


I'm so glad Theon FINALLY helps Sansa! I don’t know how far they can get, maybe they'll run into Brienne?


The scene between Myrcella and Jamie was really sweet, I'd forgotten about the kiss of death! What will happen to Tristane? Surely Ellaria will be a dead woman walking, Prince Doran won't be happy!


The Arya/Ser Meryn Trant scene was brutal...and the following scene with Jaqen H'ghar was chilling, I didn't know what was going on there!


Good to see Varys again, seeing him, Tyrion, Missandei and Grey Worm running the city should be interesting.


I totally forgot about the Dothraki...can't even remember how they split from Dany!


I actually felt sorry for Cersei...I think the Sparrows should be worried! The Mountain! :eek:


Then that final scene...just wow! I was expecting something to happen but not Jon Snow! Damn you Olly! :thumbsdown:


I've seen a few theories about Jon Snow, the one suggesting he's actually the son of Rhaegar Targaryen/Lyanna Stark and that we've possibly not seen the last of him sounds pretty cool.


There were so many intriguing plot developments, I just can't wait to see what happens next season.

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The most popular theory with Jon Snow at the moment is that this is leading to him being revealed as Azor Ahai (I think that's how it's spelled), but I guess we'll find out for definite when they try to burn his body, because let's not forget, they have to burn the bodies at the Wall, or they turn...
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The most popular theory with Jon Snow at the moment is that this is leading to him being revealed as Azor Ahai (I think that's how it's spelled), but I guess we'll find out for definite when they try to burn his body, because let's not forget, they have to burn the bodies at the Wall, or they turn...
"The Prince That Was Promised" would make sense as the person who will eventually walk under that moniker has to die first and as much of a bastard as Martin is, I can't believe he would take out the constant hero of the story for good.
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