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Comments That Don't Require Their Own Thread 2007

Dead Crow

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Oh, well I'd always heard that they know who they eliminate, who eliminates them and how long they are in for, but the rest is just on the fly.


I never thought they plan every single little thing surely? Its surely just eliminations and timing of them? Anything imbetween is just filler?

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Guest The Beltster

The time frame, entry positions, eliminations etc are all mapped out as are certain spots, but the rest is just called in the ring. I mean, really, what happens in Rumble's barring people latching onto the ropes trying to look like they are attempting to throw guys out? No real moves, no real spots, no action. You get the comedy spot, the big fat guy being eliminated by everybody else in the ring, the surprise elimination, the devious elimination by somebody from outside the ring, the guy who clings on for an hour by the skin of his teeth and the occasional WrestleMania main event seeds being planted.


You never really get any decent in-ring work, its impossible due to the sheer amound of people such a small space.


All that being said, with the talent these days being lost when everything isnt scripted, I'd hazzard a guess that its alot more drawn up beforehand than it used to be.

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Has Patterson booked every one? I know he took time off a few years ago but I think they were still using him to book the Rumble. Part of me thinks Russo laid out the 99 Rumble because it has his crappy fingerprints all over it.
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Guest DarkMatchJobber


Batista vs. The Undertaker vs. Mark Henry vs. The Great Khali with fans voting for the special guest referee: "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, Mick Foley or Steve Austin.



This is a cyber sunday spoiler and so help me god if it's true I'll riot!!!

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Guest Al Stevens

Batista vs. The Undertaker vs. Mark Henry vs. The Great Khali with fans voting for the special guest referee: "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, Mick Foley or Steve Austin.



This is a cyber sunday spoiler and so help me god if it's true I'll riot!!!


Riot on what here, every wrestling forum out there, go in to town and start a riot in the streets :roll

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Guest Cathal
Riot on what here, every wrestling forum out there, go in to town and start a riot in the streets :roll


I think you took his comment about a riot a tad too seriously.

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Riot on what here, every wrestling forum out there, go in to town and start a riot in the streets :roll


When used in that context it means: "A rip roaring good time with hilarity for all."

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Guest The Great Ahmar
I'm currently watching Heat, Supercrazy is facing some jobber who is awful. His offence is dreadful, his selling is beyond terrible. Just thought you'd like to know.
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I'm currently watching Heat, Supercrazy is facing some jobber who is awful. His offence is dreadful, his selling is beyond terrible. Just thought you'd like to know.
Are you talking about Crazy or the jobber?
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Super Crazy really should be doing more, I mean surely they could give him a decent partner and just have him feud with the likes of Londrick, Haas and Benjamin and Murdoch and Cade?


Some great possible tag feuds right there.

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Guest DarkMatchJobber

If WWE signed Shocker who I believe is a free agent they could pair him with Super Crazy,could be an entertaining duo.


Also I thought earlier...was Mordecai a rip off of Christopher Daniels' Fallen Angel character?

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Heck stick him with Shannon Moore and call them "Moore Crazy" with the gimmick that they are crazy and will do more insane stuff than you, thus being...more crazy.


Simple and crappy but I don't care, it gives both of them something productive to do.

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Guest DarkMatchJobber

That's actually a decent idea Jung :)


It'd be better than being a comedy back-up for Noble on Smackdown or being the goliath jobber boy on RAW.

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My idea for Moore Crazy would be just a simple promo.


Super Crazy stands there and goes "I'm Crazy!".


then Shannon Moore goes "I'm Moore!"


Crazy gets confused thinking he means Shannon is more crazy than he is so goes "no I'm Moore" to which Shannon goes "no I'm more..super crazy". And so on.


They bicker and bicker before the voice over just goes "Their more crazy than anyone".


And thats your build. Then have loads of comedy segments. They are good enough wrestlers to get themselves a following in the ring.

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