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Bit late but here goes.


Alice in Chains - Love, Hate, Love




Led Zeppelin - No Quarter


My girlfriend put me in some Led Zep maze and I'm not even bothering looking for a way out. Sit tight guys, this goes 10 minutes and is from their reunion show in 2007.



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Guest Edgehead

Alice in Chains - Love, Hate, Love


I do like a bit of Alice in Chains, haven't heard this song for a while but its a damn good one. Great live performance & good atmospheric video.



Led Zeppelin - No Quarter


This one didn't do much for me, I've tried to get into Led Zeppelin before & just couldn't for some reason. However it was a good live performance & I liked the guitar solo


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Alice in Chains - Love, Hate, Love


Alice in Chains are amazing, and this is a great example of why. The atmosphere is amazing, the singing is a just barely contained explosion of pain and empathy. The music supports the voice perfectly. This is just sublime. 10/10



Led Zeppelin - No Quarter


Intro far too long, left me starting to get bored. I normally like Led Zep, but this just did nothing for me. I think the vocals were a bit off compared to the music too. 5/10



My picks.


Firstly, if its live you want only one band can fit the bill. Queen. The gig that made Queen important again in the 1980s, Live Aid. Then after the song you see Freddie do his crowd sing along, allways makes me smile.

Queen - Radio Ga Ga





This one may not be expected from me, but f*ck it. I love me a bit of the old swing/big band stuff. The Rat Pack ruled all, so when (back in the day) I found out Robbie Williams was doing a cover album of that material I was worried. Turned out to be ace, and his Swing When Youre Winning concert was amazing. Heres the last track from the show. Guy may come off as a bit of a knob in general, but he has the perfect ammount of self confidence and presence for this sort of stuff. I honestly think Sinatra would have approved.


Robbie Williams - My Way



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Guest Edgehead

Queen - Radio Ga Ga


I do quite like Queen but I was never too keen on this particular song. Still you've gotta hand it to Freddie Mercury, he knew how to put on a live performance.



Robbie Williams - My Way


Not a bad cover of My Way but this isn't really my type of music & I can't stand Robbie Williams. But putting aside my personal dislike of the guy he did perform the song well.


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Queen - Radio GaGa

I love the Queen Live Aid concert. He's certainly one of the best showmen, if not the best. And it isn't even the crowd singing but it's this huge mass of people clapping at the same time that looks brilliant. Not always too fond of the song but I like it.



Robbie Williams - My Way

I've seen this before but re-watching it makes it not so good as the first time. It's an OK version of Sinatra's song but something is lacking. Not doubting his vocal skills and maybe it's me but it's missing a little bit of power behind the voice.


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Metallica - Enter Sandman

I don't like Metallica, never have but I really like the Amphitheater and atmosphere. Like it when bands play with the crowd in the end but the song itself bores me, I've heard it too many times before.




Judas Priest - A Touch of Evil

I'm not really aware of Judas Priests material, guess it isn't my kind of music. I actually find this quite good for my ears, not something I'd touch upon again but I like it. This live version though sounds more like a filler, the crowd don't seem to be moved by it apart from the end.


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Alice in Chains - Love, Hate, Love

I love AIC, one of the best bands of the 90's for me, and this is a great tune



Led Zeppelin - No Quarter

Not we are talking, hell of a song, Zeppelin a truly amazing band.



Queen - Radio Ga Ga

Slightly overrated for me but one hell of a performer, not one of their better tunes though



Robbie Williams - My Way

Frank Sinatra just turned in his grave, Robbie you should be ashamed of yourself.



Metallica - Enter Sandman


Oh hell yeah, love this live, What can you say but METALLICA RULES



Judas Priest - A Touch of Evil

I never Judas Priest and never got the love for them, nah sorry just don't like them or this song.


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Guest John Hancock

Up the punks, but I can't STAND the Vicious cover of My Way. It sounds like any pissed up 60 year old in a studded leather jacket at a karaoke night in Kentish Town, but less funny. That said, I generally hate the Sex Pistols anyway for their try-hard, artificial, market researched faux-punkness, so I'm probably biased. Also, if you're going to be a musician who murders people, keep yourself alive long enough for us to get some entertainment out of it.


Charles Manson ain't wear no mouthpiece.

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Guest John Hancock
I agree on the Pistols, Rotton admitted many times he was in it for the money alone.


There were also, originally, an advertising scheme by Vivienne Westwood and Malcolm McLaren to advertise their retro/S&M clothing store, Johnny Rotten was chosen to be the singer by talent scouts, having never met the band before becoming a member, and Malcolm McLaren has openly admitted that all Sex Pistols music and imagery was a shameless rip of New York bands like The New York Dolls, Television, The Neon Boys, The Ramones and Iggy Pop and the Stooges.


Also, McLaren, who basically WAS the Sex Pistols openly hated their music, and has admitted the entire thing was a publicity stunt for attention, and only Vicious ever really thought otherwise, hence him going insane.

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Let's get caught up to this:


Tech N9ne featuring Krizz Kaliko & Ces Cru - Unfair

I like this. There you go, stranger things have happened. Tech N9ne's got a pretty cool flow to his lyrics, and I quite like the backing track to this one. I've never been particularly big on Tech's stuff, but this is a bit of a standout track compared to the rest I've listened to. A solid 8/10


Purple Duck - Duck Mafia

I like the singy bit at the start. Kinda reminds me of Mr. Bungle a little. Don't like the rapping though. The beats are perfectly fine, but his voice grates on me, and I'm not too keen on the guy's style. The turntable freakout about 3 minutes in didn't really do anything for me either. But then the Bunglesque bit kicks in and it's okay. Until the "DUCK MAFIAAAAA" stuff kicks in again. I honestly don't know exactly what to make of this? I really like some parts, but I really dislike some others? 5/10


Alice in Chains - Love, Hate, Love

I've never been into Alice in Chains that much, which usually gets me the same kind of puzzled looks I receive from most people when I say Guns n Roses are sh*t. I only really know "Again" and stuff round that era, so this was new to me. The singer (Laine Staley, something like that?) has a brilliant voice though. I'll give him that. Just maes everything sound 10 times better straight away. I'm quite into this. So much so I'm actually interested in going back and checking out some of their stuff. Dunno if I'd be able to stick a whole album, but as an odd song to pop up on a shuffled playlist this'd be pretty cool. 8/10 (come at me Megz :P)


Led Zeppelin - No Quarter

I don't even need to watch this, I'm fully aware of how awesome the entire reunion show was, let alone this song. Zeppelin proving they can still be brilliant when they feel like it. An unquestionable 10/10


Queen - Radio Ga Ga

Again another vid I don't need to watch. This was a pretty prevalent piece of my childhood. Spent hours watching this gig round my uncle's house. I honestly rate Queen as quite possibly one of the best live bands ever, so this is a joy to watch every time. Basically just Queen going out there without the big show and lights, and still kicking a*s. Awesome. 10/10


Robbie Williams - My Way

Oh, it was all going so well. Bloody Robbie Williams indulging his swing fantasies. He's not a crooner, he doesn't have the voice for a crooner, and I hate his face. Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr should paste the p*ss out of him for this, Cannonball Run style. :lol Seriously though... 2/10


Metallica - Enter Sandman

Man, as much as I hate what Metallica have become, I still loves me some classic Metallica. This ain't no Master of Puppets, or Battery, or anything like that, but it's still pretty damned cool to watch live. Can't believe we're doing live Music Club and you didn't use the S&M version though?! :lol 7/10


Judas Priest - A Touch of Evil

Oh God, Judas Priest. My guiltiest of pleasures. Rob Halford is the campest man in rock, and all the more awesome for it. Listening to this song has brought memories flooding back of drunken Rob Halford-esque wails echoing around the local rock pub. Mostly eminating from me and my mates. Oh the shame. Still, Priest is Priest, and worthy of a substantial 8/10

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My picks,


Noel Gallagher - The Masterplan

He thinks it's the greatest song he wrote and so do I, just pure quality




Slash Sweet Child o Mine acoustic

Yes this song gets played to death and Myles Kennedy is no Axl Rose but it's still Slash playing this Acoustic.


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Noel Gallagher - The Masterplan

Never really saw the big deal with Oasis. My friend informs me that this is indeed their best song, but that really means nothing to me. I suppose it's inoffensive enough, and instantly wins points for it being Noel and not that little pr*ck Liam on vocals. I dunno, it's not terrible, but it's nothing to get excited about. 4/10


Slash - Sweet Child o' Mine (acoustic)

So as you may have noticed me mentioning earlier, I REALLY dislike Guns n Roses. I can't even explain exactly why, but I've never seen the fuss about them. Especially Axl Rose. The turd. In fact, him not singing on this actually makes me like it more. I like Slash too, so that gets a couple more positive things going in this one's favour. I guess this gets a 4/10 too.

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