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What "FANBOYS" annoy you the most?


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Guest The Beltster
Then I say so? If I'm mad about something or think its sh*t I'll say so. Its not like I consciously dont.
No, you've misunderstood. I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about people. You say you hate people shitting on stuff constantly etc and think it would be better if they stick with talking about the positives, what if people cant find anything they like about it? Then what? 99% of WWE and 75% of TNA is stuff I think its trash, so what am I supposed to do, say things are great if they arent?


If something sucks, its sucks, and people should say it sucks in the same way they say something is great if its great. People having a moan is no more annoying or different than people marking out to me. If its good its good, if it sucks, it sucks.

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I'm so guilty of overreacting to both good and bad. Usually the good though. If I like something and it makes me happy I tend to oversell it. On the other hand, something has to be really horrible for me to call it shit or the worst thing ever.


I'm like a very dramatic and over emotional woman in that regard. A damn hansom woman with a massive set of hairy balls mind you.


I'm sure plenty of people find me annoying, but like Belty I tend not to give a shit what people think about me in general.

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Guest Jimmy Redman
No, you've misunderstood. I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about people. You say you hate people shitting on stuff constantly etc and think it would be better if they stick with talking about the positives, what if people cant find anything they like about it? Then what? 99% of WWE and 75% of TNA is stuff I think its trash, so what am I supposed to do, say things are great if they arent?


If something sucks, its sucks, and people should say it sucks in the same way they say something is great if its great. People having a moan is no more annoying or different than people marking out to me. If its good its good, if it sucks, it sucks.


Oh I see, I see, my bad.


But again, complain away? I'm not telling anyone that they cant or shouldnt complain when stuff is bad. At all. People can say whatever they want. I just personally dont like it and dont like to do it. It isnt meant to be rational, and I dont want or expect everyone else to conform to my way of thinking, I'm just answering the question to say that rampant negativity annoys me the most about fans.

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I see where Jimmy is coming from and when it comes to wrestling I'm pretty much the same (Football however maybe a different story :lol)


If i was watching RAW and there were 5 awesome moments and 5 sh*t moments, I'd enjoy the experience a hell of a lot more if i focused on the positive and great things that happens. If i just focused on the negatives all the time then I'd just give up watching in the end and miss the chance to enjoy those awesome moments.

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Guest The Beltster
If i was watching RAW and there were 5 awesome moments and 5 sh*t moments, I'd enjoy the experience a hell of a lot more if i focused on the positive and great things that happens. If i just focused on the negatives all the time then I'd just give up watching in the end and miss the chance to enjoy those awesome moments.
I agree, couldnt agree more! But going back to my original question, what if there were no awesome moments on RAW and 10 shit moments? Then what. Do you just say nothing?


See I have a frustration level with wrestling because I know it can and should be better, so when they put out lazy, illogical shit that a 5 year old could write, I cant not say anything negative, I have to blast it.

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I agree, couldnt agree more! But going back to my original question, what if there were no awesome moments on RAW and 10 shit moments? Then what. Do you just say nothing?


See I have a frustration level with wrestling because I know it can and should be better, so when they put out lazy, illogical shit that a 5 year old could write, I cant not say anything negative, I have to blast it.


One way of looking at it is if RAW was absolutely shocking, nothing good happened, it literally couldn't get any worse, then that pretty much guarantees the next RAW is going to be better :lol Thats a positive i guess.

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Guest Jamster26
Is wrestling that bad? I don't think it is. Sure there's things that could be done better but for me at least, there's always something to enjoy.
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Guest The Beltster
Is wrestling that bad? I don't think it is. Sure there's things that could be done better but for me at least, there's always something to enjoy.
I've been watching since 1983 and I think right now and for the past several years, wrestling has never ever been worse. Infact, its so far beyond at its lowest level for me right now its not even funny. I'd prefer to watch WCW 2001 over todays WWE 10 times out of 10.
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I don't think WWE currently is shitter than TNA of up until fairly recently, I mean RAW is dull often and sometimes pretty sh*t but Impact was utterly unwatchable even as a train wreck for the lulz. I think WWE has never been sh*tter for sure but TNA circa 2010 is the utter bottom of the barell for a mainstream "big" wrestling company.
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Guest Fatherof10minis
I've been watching since 1983 and I think right now and for the past several years, wrestling has never ever been worse. Infact, its so far beyond at its lowest level for me right now its not even funny. I'd prefer to watch WCW 2001 over todays WWE 10 times out of 10.


This. WCW 2001 was like watching car racing. just waiting for the big wreck. Won't have the big wreck in todays controlled wrestling show.

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Guest The Beltster
I don't think WWE currently is shitter than TNA of up until fairly recently, I mean RAW is dull often and sometimes pretty sh*t but Impact was utterly unwatchable even as a train wreck for the lulz. I think WWE has never been sh*tter for sure but TNA circa 2010 is the utter bottom of the barell for a mainstream "big" wrestling company.
TNA 2009 - 2012 wasnt very good at all and 2011, for me, was their worst year. Infact, right up until Russo left it was almost unbearable. I cant disagree that TNA was just as wretched as WWE, if not moreso.


Right now, I'm getting quite alot of enjoyment out of TNA. I think Pritchard and that other dude are doing a decent enough job of putting out something that is at least relatively sensible. There's stuff which is lame of course, but the bright spots of a hot tag division and quite a nice main event picture with pretty good womens matches and a generally deep roster overshadows alot of their nonsense. For me, now I'm only talking for myself here.


On the other hand, current WWE is just so lowly and worthless. They have a flash of excellence here and there. The Ziggler deal was great this past RAW. But the way they have used Lesnar, the way they push Cena, the announce team, the false-ness of everything (calling the fans WWE Universe and calling belts 'titles' and that sort of thing, WWE-isms) just wind me up no end.I dont like their roster either. Ryback being the worst of the worst.

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Guest Jamster26

I'm biased but there's only really 2011 where I can say that I didn't get much enjoyment out of TNA, from memory, but there was still the occasional thing I enjoyed then and it's just been great since then.


Austin Aries, Bobby Roode, Hardy, Daniels, Kazarian, BULLY RAY, Storm, AJ. So many talented guys to work with and the tag team scene is really great at the moment.

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Guest Jayfunk
I don't think WWE is bad but creativly its dull and nothing new or interesting happens, TNA tries different things some works some don't, i can't see the x division thing working but hey ho.
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Guest mrkennedy
Mark Henry fanboys my brain just wont comprehend how anybody can think Mark Henry is any good. Also man u fans cause all they do is gloat.
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Guest mrkennedy
Also anti cena fanboys that chant cena sucks instead of chanting for his opponent and buy I hate cena t-shirts. YOUR JUST PUTTING HIM OVER MORE!!!!
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Guest Ciaran The King
I don't think WWE is bad but creativly its dull and nothing new or interesting happens


WWE sticks to what it knows......unfortunately

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Guest Jamster26
Also anti cena fanboys that chant cena sucks instead of chanting for his opponent and buy I hate cena t-shirts. YOUR JUST PUTTING HIM OVER MORE!!!!



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Guest Jimmy Redman

The 'We Hate Cena' guy and his company are my favourite fanboys, just for the way that Cena finds them at every show and does the Smilin' Cena equivalent of taking all off the money out of their wallets and wiping his ass with every bill.


Cena is the best heel ever.

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WWE sticks to what it knows......unfortunately


You. You're the type of Fanboy (or Anti-Fanboy?) that irritates me. Is it completely out of the realms of possibly that you can say just one thing about WWE that doesn't imply that have no idea what they're doing? You should go for that little competition they're doing where a fan can help create/set-up a storyline, because I bet you'd struggle like hell. WWE as a company haven't gotten as far as they have by being a load of brain dead idiots who know nothing, or not as much as you it seems, about the business. Even i hate this comment but I'm going to use it anyway.. If you don't like what you're seeing, which you obviously don't.. Then don't watch it, no ones forcing you.

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