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I think from all Diva's that Nattie is clearly one of the best when it comes to personality.

But this program is called total diva's. Why is there nothing about AJ or Kaitlyn?


Because they already have something to do?

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Guest Magic
She's on the show pretty prominently. She tried to cheat her way onto the main roster by saying she could dance with Fandango, only to epicly fail and get a bollocking from Steph. She's a dumb bi*ch.
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She's also a prime example of a girl who looks more and more fake with the more make-up she wears. When she was getting her hair done in the first episode she looked beautiful, when she's glammed up she just looks like she's trying too hard.
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Guest StefanC

I'm wondering, is all this stuff for real or scripted? I mean, are they putting up a show just to get more depth in their on screen storylines or is this really just an insite into the life of the diva's?


If this is for real, I gotta say how relaxed and cool Bryan and John are.

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Guest The Beltster
With reality shows, the situations are usually scripted and organised and then the people are put into said situations and their reactions and how they deal with what is happening is where the so-called 'reality' part comes in.
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They're all still spoilt brats though. I find it funny that you can come off a reality show which airs parallel to WWE programming and still be a face like Cameron, although she has morngy bitchy heel tendencies. But I guess with it being Reality TV, it's a different slice of cake.
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It's scripted reality TV along the lines of The only way is essex for example, where the whole thing is set up and they film the people essentially ad libbing through particular scenarios. That's opposed to something like Big Brother (at least in its original format) where it's just people watching.


So yeah, Total Divas is as real as a John Cena promo.

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The third episode was probably the weakest so far and I have to put it down to a lack of Ariane/Eva Marie insanity. Naomi and the Uso's relationship problems seemed really fake and not one wrestling fan in the world would believe that Naomi gave him a headscissors in a match because she was mad at him.


Also it appears Nikki Bella is contractually obligated to say "vagina" in every episode.

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Guest Jimmy Redman

I am inordinately relieved that there was actually a reason for all those weird Superstars matches where the Usos were on the heel team for no reason.


And yeah, the rana as a SHOOT~ is hilarious.

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From the Wrestling-Online Newsletter:




- The fans seem to love Total Divas on E! as the show this past Sunday pulled in 1,671,000 viewers, an increase of over 100,000 from last week's show. If the numbers keep going up like this an order for a second season will surely come WWE's way from E! Episode 3 tackled romantic problems and sister fights. (Ratings compiled by Nielsen Media Research and put online by PWInsider.com)

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