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WWE Hell in a Cell 2013 Discussion Thread - October 27, 2013 from Miami, FL (#5)


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I actually liked the fact that Cena won. I hoped for a Sandow cash in, but when that didn't happen, I realised that maybe Cena can bring some kind of legitimacy to the World title again. Great PPV.
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Guest Jimmy Redman

People (well, Ciaran) trying to pretend Alberto's reign wasn't a piece of irrelevant shit just to Cena bash make my head hurt.


Ohhhhhhh nooooooo! All those months of interesting angles and engaging promos and superlative matches and top-of-the-card relevance that brought such prestige and gravitas to the prestigious World Heavyweight Title, they threw it all away to give the belt to the biggest star on the roster! F*ck out with that!


Bitch please.

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Guest Ciaran The King
I don't mind that Cena is back it's just that it's back to normal. Cena's back, Champs here. I'd rather he got beat down and then won it on Raw or something
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Guest StefanC

Ok here's my take on the PPV.


Triple threat for the WWE tag team championship.

Great way to start the show!

I missed Sandow-Kingston (or was that the pre-show?) but this was a great battle.

I seriously thought the Uso's were gonna win it!



Fandango-Summer Rae vs Khali-Natalya

Meh. I like Khali but he's a shit wrestler.

He should be a heel again.

I'm surprised Fandango is put in such a shit match.



Big E Langston vs Dean Ambrose for the US Championship

Finally Big E is stepping up, this was a good match.

But I don't like a match with an intentional count out finish.

They really busted each other open, that gash on Ambrose's chin (saw it on WWE.Com) was a good one.



CM Punk vs Ryback vs Heyman Hell in a cell

Kinda short match I felt, but who cares? Heyman got his ass kicked by Punk in the end!



Matadores vs Real Americans

Skipped it. I don't like that Matadores gimmick, while you know who are behind the masks.

I never cared about Swagger or Colter.

I hope Cesaro goes back to singles competition quickly.


John Cena vs Alberto del Rio for the World Heavyweight Championship


Wait a sec...that's not right...

Anyway, YES!!! Screw ADR, THE CHAMP! IS! HEEERRREEE!!!!!



AJ Lee vs Brie Bella for the Diva's Championship

As long as AJ keeps those shorts, she can remain champ. :)

But I wonder how long it takes before Tamina screws her over.



Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan for the vacant WWE Championship

Good match, both guys going 100% from the opening bell.

But it's just a waiting 'game' because I was sure from the start this match was not gonna finish in a usual way.

Kinda weird with all the chairs in the ring at one time, and doing so little with it. And presto...the chairs are gone again...

Shit finish, I was hoping this feud would finally end with Bryan as champ.

I guess Survivor Series?


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Was disappointed with the Heyman beat-down. After months and months and months, he hits him with a Kendo stick a couple of times and hits him with the GTS?


EDIT: Was also disappointed that nothing happened with Rey Mysterio who was at ringside throughout. What was the point in that?

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Guest Ciaran The King
Ok here's my take on the PPV.


Triple threat for the WWE tag team championship.

Great way to start the show!

I missed Sandow-Kingston (or was that the pre-show?) but this was a great battle.

I seriously thought the Uso's were gonna win it!



Best match of the night by miles



CM Punk vs Ryback vs Heyman Hell in a cell

Kinda short match I felt, but who cares? Heyman got his ass kicked by Punk in the end!



Massive letdown, I love Punk but since his return he's been sh*t. Lesnar match aside Punk has been okay, he needs rest




Randy Orton vs Daniel Bryan for the vacant WWE Championship

Good match, both guys going 100% from the opening bell.

But it's just a waiting 'game' because I was sure from the start this match was not gonna finish in a usual way.

Kinda weird with all the chairs in the ring at one time, and doing so little with it. And presto...the chairs are gone again...

Shit finish, I was hoping this feud would finally end with Bryan as champ.

I guess Survivor Series?



Best match of their feud


EDIT: Was also disappointed that nothing happened with Rey Mysterio who was at ringside throughout. What was the point in that?


I wanted Rollins to instigate a brawl with him

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Seemed such an obvious set up given that it's well known Heyman ****ing hates heights, there were so many other ways you could of played it but do we think vince would pass up the chance to put Heyman on the top of the cage? :)
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With moving house recently, I'm slowly catching up on what wrestling I missed and I caught some of the PPV today (I'm up to Big E. making his entrance).


The opening three-way was fantastic and the crowd have been in fine voice all night. Goldust has been amazing since his return and it's crazy to think we're closing in on TWENTY YEARS since the debut of the character. It's even more amazing that this is a post-Black Reign run (where Dustin looked like he could genuinely kill himself inside a TNA ring; the character was that bad and his motivation to work was so low) that's exciting to watch.

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Guest Jimmy Redman

Mother: Too bad he looks like his father. At least he's not fat like him.

Me: He's lost weight, he used to be pretty fat.

Mother: Really?

Me: ...when he was in TNA.

Mother: Ahh, well TNA will do that to you.


It's not just smarks people.


Anyway, the opener was indeed awesome. It reminded me a lot structurally of that Slammiversary tag that everyone loved - traditional first half leading into balls-out highspots - but I felt the first half of this match was much better, I guess because the heels were the motherf*cking SHIELD and not Bad Influence or whatever the f*ck they're called, and Goldust was Goldust. The epic Goldust Hot Tag, plus the Usos trying and trying to get into the match, and then the second half bomb throwing building up to the SUPERPLEX TO THE FLOOR, SHADES OF TRENT BARRETA, all of it ruled. Loved this match.

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