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WWE NXT 2014


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I had my reservations about the Adam Rose gimmick, because I liked Kruger so much. But this is waaaaaaay better than I had expected. I see him as a flamboyant Austin Powers-y type. Also, Samurai Del Sol and Solomon Crowe in the vignette pop'd me. (I doubt it will lead to anything, but y'know.).


Too much Graves on the show. Yay for Renee. Also, I read somewhere that they've scrapped certain bits of NXT that are already in the can, so it was a little jarring that midway through the show Regal just disappeared. Replaced by "Jason Alberts.". :roll

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Guest Ciaran The King

So the NXT I'm watching on Sky Sports now is up to date?


About time that Graves is getting exposure on NXT, looked and sounded good in his promo.


Would really like to see a full on Graves/Zayn feud


And yeah Adam Rose is already a legend

Edited by Ciaran The King
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Adrian Neville's promo was genius. He's beat everyone to the punch about his size, his ears, and his accent. It was the promo equivalent of Eminem's final rap battle in 8 Mile. Well played. :lol


EDIT: Alright, I'm sold on Adam Rose after just that party promo. Sure I'll miss Leo Kruger, but this could be a gimmick of "jurassic proportions". Man, I'm loving how NXT are having this little splurge of letting folks have outlandish gimmicks again.

Edited by dsrchris
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Damn, I'd settle for a "badly dubbed Japanese Guy" gimmick over what he has going for him now. "INDEED!".


Just watched Adam Rose's party and entrance again. Man, that sh*t's gonna be over like gangbusters in NXT. I'm expecting everyone to start dancing during his entrances over the next couple of shows.


Just an off the cuff thought, but how cool would it be if Adam Rose/Leo Kruger could somehow be this generation's version of Mankind/Dude Love? Just a thought...

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Guest Ciaran The King

Just an off the cuff thought, but how cool would it be if Adam Rose/Leo Kruger could somehow be this generation's version of Mankind/Dude Love? Just a thought...


I could see that, like a psycho split personality

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Guest Jimmy Redman

Just now catching up on Adam Rose.


Holy shit guys. Give this man all the belts.


What did I tell you guys!? Kruger was going nowhere. This is a million-fold improvement.

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After watching Rusev dismantle Xavier Woods, am I the only one who wants to see the following happen? -:


Alexander Rusev destroys Woods and leaves him bleeding in the middle of the ring. As Rusev leaves the ring, a ringside announcer tries to grab a word with "The Brute" and asks if he has anything to say for himself...



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Guest Ciaran The King
I think the Ascension are ready to be introduced to the main stage now, they are as polished as any other team and I think they've earned it
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