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Ultimate Warrior Has Died.


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Guest The Beltster

Completely gutted, this is one I'd never have expected. Him and Hulk are my all time favourites, I'm really happy that he finally got to do some stuff and bury old hatchets but I feel so bad for his mum, wife and 2 little girls. Very sad.


One half of the greatest match of all time and one of the best performers in history, dont get it twisted, he was the shit!


RIP Warrior.

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Guest Steely
My wife found this out on her phone when we were on our way into work this morning, I'm stunned, I too thought they had it wrong as I had only jus watched raw last night when I got in and there he was :(, my first wwf video was summerslam 88 and you had a big impact on that ppv and on a small Steely, from then on I was hooked, RIP big man :(
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Guest CMHunk
Completely gutted, this is one I'd never have expected. Him and Hulk are my all time favourites, I'm really happy that he finally got to do some stuff and bury old hatchets but I feel so bad for his mum, wife and 2 little girls. Very sad.


One half of the greatest match of all time and one of the best performers in history, dont get it twisted, he was the shit!


RIP Warrior.


This. I'll argue with anyone who thinks Hogan/Warrior isn't the greatest match in the history of wrestling, and even moreso anyone who prattles on about him not being a great performer in and out of the ring.


Genuinely my favourite wrestler of all time. I can't even 100% say I would have got that into wrestling as a kid if I hadn't seen the Warrior on the screen the first couple of times I saw the WWF.


The Ultimate Warrior: Who holds the absolute power now, Hollywood Hogan? Unleash that raising voice, warriors! Seems as if no formal introduction is gonna be necessary! Actually, it even seems that there are those who anticipated my arrival! What is that smell? You might wanna use that to clean up the mess you just made all over yourself. You need to open your eyes and ears. Take control of the limited ability you have to understand the words I am about to say.


For years, I have watched while this industry, with you as it's figurehead, has tried to recreate what is simply un...re...cre...atable. I have heard, listened to all the innuendoes and speculation that something ULTIMATE or WARRIOR may soon re-appear. Welcome to the reappearance! Those things, Hogan, which are irreplaceable, whether they be people, places, or things, are never forgotten. You are witnessing that right now!


History tells us, Hogan...Let's talk about something he doesn't know. History tells us, Hogan, that a man's legacy is built from the premise that within his life, the moments lived once lived become a piece of his history. Somehow, you have conveniently, even eloquently, misplaced pieces of your history. In the one time epical battle between us, Hogan, you were the quintessential influence of what was good, great, and heroic. But different than you may remember, and albeit you may have beaten myths, legends, giants, and other great men, you NEVER, never beat a warrior!


AND, CERTAINLY, NOT...THE ULTIMATE ONE! As the victor of that one time battle, I defeated what was until then undefeatable. I conquered what was then unconquerable. I dominated what was until then indomitable. On that day, you were great. I...WAS...ULTIMATE! Let me introduce myself...to those two fools that stand behind you. Let's see, this...dude must be your barber. And who are you, little man? Who are you?


Bischoff: You know who I am. My name is Eric Bischoff, and I run this company, and who invited you?


The Ultimate Warrior: Different than you want to make people believe, I never received an invitation. I showed up on my own accord. And let me tell you, Mr. Eric Bischoff, if you stick your nose in my business, you only very quickly prepare for your own demise. Furthermore, when I get done with my business here, I'm going to be sending you a bill. I suggest you pay it. I have...waited...patiently. The WARRIORS have waited...ALL too patiently! Now...NOW...the virtue of justice unties my hands so that I can continue to fulfill a destiny set in motion upon that memorable day years ago. A destiny at the next level. A destiny beckoning the next superhero!


There really is no sadder sight than when a grown man fears the challenges in his life so much that he rationalizes adolescent behavior to the point where he carries out heinous and self-indulgent actions. Your evilness, the evilness you embody and portray is intolerable. I am the one that has the power to destroy you! In sorts, Hogan, the truth is inexhaustible. I come here, not to beat you up tonight, Hogan. Beating you means nothing anymore. Everybody already has! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, that's too easy. Because you felt guilty for being who you were. Your mind became weak and Hulkamania became boring. I come here, Hogan, to tell you next week I intend to launch a revolution not even YOU can control! I ask you to find the courage. Check it out. Next week. Same Warrior time. Same Warrior place. Same Warrior channel!

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Holy bloody crap, I only saw him on Raw yesterday morning and now he is gone? Weird, saddening and truly sorry for his family.


I may not have been the greatest fan of his wrestling or some of his politics out of the ring but no one deserves to die two days after a happy occasion in their life at just 54 years old on the way to his car. Not right at all.



Edited by Evil Gringo
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His in ring ability wasn't the best, but that didn't matter, his crazy promo's and attire, his energy, made him one of my fave superstars of all time, RIP Warrior, very sad news, and although I am no fan of Hogan, the above is true, Hogan Vs Warrior was monumental, and one of the best matches in Pro Wrestling History.
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My friend on Facebook posted a story yesterday about how the Lesnar/Undertaker match from Wrestlemania had been a shoot and how Vince was going to fire people, so when he posted a story this morning about The Ultimate Warrior I just figured "god, this guy believes anything." So I hit up TMZ and, sure enough, it's right there! I asked myself if it was April 1st and, when I realised it wasn't, I just felt incredibly sad. He seemed so happy, so at peace with most things in his life, and completely in love with his family. No matter how crazy he was, and how stupid his political and social ideas, he was a man with two young children and an adoring wife who he idolised. Completely out of the blue, but went out at his peak if nothing else.


I dunno, man. RIP to a legend in pro wrestling and all thoughts directed to his family.

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Guest The Beltster

You have to think the stress of the weekend, Warrior wondering how he would be received by people he has had heat with for so long and everything that went with it must have played a part in his death. All that stress on a heart that had admittedly been effected by years of prior steroid use likely resulted in a sudden and huge heart attack. I just can't see this guy having a drug related collapse.


His mum and wife and kids looked so happy watching him at the HOF. Another early death in wrestling, it never ends.

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Meltzer and Alvarez made note of when Eddie died and how, for a month or two beforehand, he looked tired and like things were getting to him, comparing it to how Warrior was sweating profusely and almost blowing up during his speech and seeming a bit disorientated at times. It certainly makes sense if you look at it - sometimes the body just decides it's going to slow down a bit and then stop completely. I completely understand that the HOF weekend may have accelerated it and I'm sure part of him had a feeling that he wasn't quite his best - we'll never know but I'd assume he knew his body quite well. But generally these things are going to happen regardless, so if not this weekend it would have happened soon. And that's really sad.
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Guest Ciaran The King
I was shocked to learn he was only 54, he looked older. It's surreal to watch Raw live and see him cut his promo, he looked happy I think and everyone gave him the respect he deserved. Just shocking news to wake up to
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My heads in a complete spin right now, I spoke to him just earlier today both he and his wife were so hospitable.



Sorry to hear that dude. That's got to be a horrible feeling. Meeting an icon (maybe even one of your icons) and then hours later this. :(



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I can't take this in. He's the WARRIOR, man. He's supposed to live forever. That promo from Raw is just... I believe the word is "haunting" :(


"No WWE talent becomes a legend on their own. Every man's heart one day beats its final beat. His lungs breathe a final breath. And if what that man did in his life makes the blood pulse through the body of others and makes them bleed deeper and something larger than life then his essence, his spirit, will be immortalized. By the story tellers, by the loyalty, by the memory of those who honor him and make the running the man did live forever.


You, you, you, you, you, you are the legend markers of Ultimate Warrior. In the back I see many potential legends. Some of them with warrior spirits. And you will do the same for them. You will decide if they lived with the passion and intensity. So much so that you will tell your stories and you will make them legends, as well. Ultimate. You are the Ultimate Warrior fans. And the spirit of the Ultimate Warrior will run forever!"


Third most read story on the BBC website... people still believe in the warrior.


RIP Warrior :(

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Guest Will O the Wisp
Some crazy mofo in face paint and arm bands just crashed through the pearly gates and power slammed St. Peter. Badass!


It always hurts when some who has influenced so many people passes away. All the best to his family. No longer will he have to endure the trials of this life.

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Everyone at work has been talking about it too - same when Paul Bearer died. People talk about how wrestling doesn't really branch out into the mainstream, but it's really incredible how many people of my and the next generation up all know these guys when you really push them.
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