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Ultimate Warrior Has Died.


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Guest Ciaran The King
Just read what she said and it's unbelievable, she's just trying to cause controversy so she gets more attention. So disrespectful
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Guest Laffy

Mind you reading on pwmaina.com Bret Harts comments annoyed me as he should know better.


“He seemed good, he seemed happy for sure. I had a sense his health wasn’t great. He seemed a little frail. He seemed a little less indestructible than he used to be.”


Bret also commented on Warrior’s use of steroids over the years:


“I don’t think it would be a surprise to know he took steroids for a long time and I don’t know if he ever stopped.”

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On her list of wrestlers who died from drug-induced complications are Owen Hart (lethal fall), Mark Curtis (stomach cancer), Andre the Giant (heart failure due to complications with his acromegaly) and Junkyard Dog (car crash).


Why let facts get in the way of sensationalism?

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People need to stop giving Nancy Grace attention. She and her research team couldn't care less about the facts of a business they don't care about and have no interest in who they upset by what they say. All the negative comments and open letters give her is some free publicity for her show.
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So Bret is suggesting Warrior may still have been on something?


Given what Warrior said during his life, I don't necessarily think Bret is as wrong as people think.


As for Nancy Grace, I think Meltzer wrote it best in his daily update.


--Some thoughts on the Nancy Gracie segment yesterday with DDP. It was that sensationalistic fake outrage stuff from reporters that are a total turnoff. However, people spreading the word that Nancy Gracie said Owen Hart died of steroids are just as bad (let me clarify this by saying I am going off a YouTube clip that was edited, so I may not have seen the entire segment). There was a list of wrestlers dying young on the screen. She never said one name on that list that I heard, except talked about Warrior. She just said a lot of wrestlers died young because of steroids and drugs, which is true. There was enough of an implication that the people on the list died that way that it was an unfair portrayal, but she never said that. And anyone talking about the nature of Warrior's death for more than 90 seconds in a journalistic capacity who doesn't bring up his admitted use of steroids is a hack. If you really respect the guy, respect the fact that he himself didn't run from the subject, unlike so many.


I have no idea if he was or wasn't using during any of the last decade or longer since he left wrestling. But he also was not shy to say that he did for years, and his failed tests and firings are all public record. He had a heart attack at 54 when he's supposed to be a health nut. I'm not saying that's what he died from. There could be plenty of other reasons. But if you don't even ask that question or bring up the possibility, you're trying to run from something.


She was obnoxious in her delivery, but she always is. Jim Cornette of all people should know that shows like that live for the reaction, and her show people are likely laughing at all the publicity wrestling fans are giving the show today. You want to get back at Nancy Grace? Don't watch the show. I don't. I watched last night for one minute and realized why I didn't need to, and it wasn't even a wrestling segment, then turned it off. Thinking getting the show trending on Twitter is a negative to her is to not understand how people laugh at people who overreact on shows like that. Worse, all the people who reacted to her saying Owen Hart died from steroids, there's nothing that makes people in that world not listen to people who complain to them, or laugh at those doing so, is claiming they said something they never said in the first place.


You want to complain about the segment, go ahead. Just make sure you don't say that Nancy Gracie said Owen Hart died of steroids, because then any letter just strengthens their ability to say all these crazy wrestling fans don't know what they are talking about.


To the people at the station she works at, a petition by wrestling fans to cancel Nancy Gracie is probably something they are all laughing at today, and reveling in the publicity. You want to do something constructive, or do a petition, or send letters to HLN, ask her to go on the air and give clarity to those list of wrestlers that say, yes, they died young, but Owen Hart, Mark Curtis (Brian Hildbrand), Brady Boone, etc. did not die from steroids or drugs, that you can reasonably get the idea from that piece that they did. And that is unfair to their memories and to their families.


She's not a real reporter--she's a sensationalist looking for ratings--and her ratings aren't even that good. But the inaccuracy of some who claimed Nancy Gracie said Owen Hart died of steroids was no better. I watched it and I didn't even get that there was an implication of that, but I could easily see where people could. It was confusing enough that it should have been clarified. I think she should go on today and clarify it for that reason. It probably won't happen, but that's a different thing that goes back to what they are doing isn't real reporting and they don't care about misinforming the public with their show. Unless they do clarify it tonight.


Looking at Twitter, I almost feel sorry for Nancy - the amount of misogyny that has spewed out from it is ridiculous.

Edited by DraVen
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Guest The Beltster
Bret is wrong. He is 100% wrong. Suggesting he was still on steroids and hadn't stopped since his career was over? F*cking ridiculous.
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I'm sure Warrior was still on steroids and looking at his appearance when he wrestled Orlando Jordan a few years ago, I'd be very, very surprised if he'd ever stopped taking them. Looking at him in a suit at the HOF, you can see he's still a pretty big guy and in some of the WWE 2K14 promotion, you could see he still had a big chest and traps but not just that, he had a fullness in his muscles that people, especially those his age, don't get without steroids. His abs in particular we bulging, which is a sign of drug use, and whilst he could just be ripped, you don't get that pumped up look without drugs and the water retention which comes with it.


Bret is a d*ck but I very much doubt that Warrior ever stopped using. His attitude towards training and the few pictures and videos available all back up the idea that he hadn't stopped using.

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Guest Ciaran The King
But unless you hear it from the man himself you can never be sure, we can all give our opinions and guess but it's all just hearsay
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Guest The Beltster
I'm sure Warrior was still on steroids and looking at his appearance when he wrestled Orlando Jordan a few years ago, I'd be very, very surprised if he'd ever stopped taking them. Looking at him in a suit at the HOF, you can see he's still a pretty big guy and in some of the WWE 2K14 promotion, you could see he still had a big chest and traps but not just that, he had a fullness in his muscles that people, especially those his age, don't get without steroids. His abs in particular we bulging, which is a sign of drug use, and whilst he could just be ripped, you don't get that pumped up look without drugs and the water retention which comes with it.


Bret is a d*ck but I very much doubt that Warrior ever stopped using. His attitude towards training and the few pictures and videos available all back up the idea that he hadn't stopped using.

I'll edit my rant, not worth getting into it. But if you think he was big at the HOF you need glasses. As if a guy as smart as him is going to continue taking steroids for no reason when he is almost 2 decades removed from his wrestling career...please. Anybody who thinks he has continually taken roids from the early 80's straight through until 2014 is a clown. Edited by The Beltster
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Guest carlito is cool
I'd say from looking at him and his attitude to training and being a former bodybuilder he more than likely was on the gear after his wrestling career ended, it's understandable steroids have been linked to his death similar to davey boy, rude, hawk, savage and plenty of others fairly young men shouldn't be dropping like flies. There has to be an underlying medical condition as well which is contributing to all these as there are plenty of bodybuilders who have abused steroids to a far greater extent and the majority seem to be living a lot longer. Gutted about the warrior, loved him as a kid thought he was abit out there and didn't come across too well at times but he looked so appreciative of his hof induction and spot on raw. Scary to think wmania 7 warrior vs savage with sherri and Elizabeth playing big parts in the match, all are brown bread less than 25 years later!
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Guest CMHunk
I'm sure Warrior was still on steroids and looking at his appearance when he wrestled Orlando Jordan a few years ago, I'd be very, very surprised if he'd ever stopped taking them.
You do realise that if he looked like he'd used steroids to get in shape for the Jordan match and actually had done, it gives absolutely no indication that he'd been using them for the ten years leading up to it?
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Guest The Beltster

He was on them throughout the 80's, he was off them in the WWF when he came back in 1992 (obviously), he got back on them in 96 for his brief return and he was on them during his WCW 98 return. Aside from that, I doubt he used them at all apart from possibly the Orlando Jordan match, and I have my doubts about that because he was skinny and lean as hell in that match. Cut, sure, but when you're a health and fitness freak who has a top notch knowledge of the body, you can stay cut up without the use of steroids. Lets get real here.


At the HOF he was ridiculously small, people who hugged him at the HOF have said he felt tiny, frail and you could feel how skinny he was through his clothes.




Look at him! Look at his small shoulders, look at his thin forearms, look at his skinny legs for f*ck sake! Yeah, he was really juiced up here boys, right? Get a grip.

Edited by The Beltster
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Even if he was juiced up(and I'm sure he wasn't. I pretty much agree with Belt's assessment), what difference does it make? Is anyone who loved Warrior and wrecked when he died gonna suddenly grow some kind of moral backbone and retract their statements? If you do, you're kind of a piece of shit.
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Guest The Beltster
Agreed. Also, everybody who has shit on him over the years online who I now see writing how great he was and how many good memories they have of him, those people are 2-faced little assholes too. Dont praise him now he's dead when you couldn't spew enough horrible shit about him when he was alive.
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