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Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens confirmed for 2015 as Disney buys Lucasfilm

Guest ScottyB

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Guest John Hancock


OH F*CKING BOO. I don't even care if this film's going to be any good, it's not worth the risk with something as cool as the Falcon. Can't they just leave anything in peace? Can't we just have one thing, can't we just have one sarcophagus left unopened? Is that a legacy we needed to add to? Are our memories and mental images of the Millennium Falcon something that needed improving? Invent your own cool looking spaceship, you lazy f*cking hack. Go flare a lens up your mother's c*nt.


When I start killing, send this thread to CNN, because I'm pretty sure this'll be why. I think Admiral Akbar is now literally the only thing left.

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As a fan of the expanded universe
Which is now officially non-canon, so don't be getting your hopes up.
OH F*CKING BOO. I don't even care if this film's going to be any good, it's not worth the risk with something as cool as the Falcon.
But what else is Han Solo going to be flying?
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Guest John Hancock

A new ship, I don't know, just anything with the word new in it. A new character in a new ship in a new film, doing something new. A new, new newness that was thought up by anyone since I was born. Just, can just anyone in any film that has a budget of more than 8c try having one original idea?


The Star Wars universe is fine, whatever, it's hard to think of new things, we get it J.J., designer glasses don't pay for themselves, but do we really need to just have the same characters, and the same settings, and now it's the same vehicles? It's just so boring. I'm so bored of seeing the same things, the same worlds, just over an over, and over. SuperheroLand, Star Wars Universe, Shit Scientologist Actor In Space With A JumpSuit On World, Ghost Horror Movie In An American House Where Everything Goes Quiet And Then There's A Loud Noise Zone. Just, can someone try? Can someone just have a go at trying?

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Guest John Hancock

If A guy I know sees these movies for some reason, for a joke or whatever, and we run out of interesting things to say, so he (I guarantee you it'll be a he) tells me about this dumb movie he saw, and then tells me that happened, I won't care.


I mean, I actually saw the Phantom Menace, in a movie theatre and everything, and, after coming to terms with the fact that I'd just found out there's no benevolent God, and that my approaching Bar Mitzvah would thus be a hollow sham, I did a pretty good job of imagining it didn't exist. I saw the other prequels on T.V. because I was too happy once and I needed to adjust my levels, and I managed to convince myself those didn't exist either. I probably won't see these new ones, so I'll have no trouble imagining they never happened. It'll just be me and my Star Wars. All three movies of it.

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I watched all three a the theater in hopes they would progressively get better. Again, I must be a masochist. I still don't understand why my friends like them.


Funny thing is, I don't talk to a single one of the people I originally went to see the films with anymore.

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Guest John Hancock

Has anyone ever seen the documentary The People vs. George Lucas?


It's basically entirely about asking the question of how much of Star Wars belongs to the fans, and is it okay for George Lucas to edit, and rewrite, and ret-con things when they mean an enormous amount to people? It's a little nerdy in places, and a little extreme (my rage is always intentionally overdone, whereas, with a lot of these guys, I think they're being serious), but it makes some really interesting points for both sides of the argument, and it's kind of tragic for both sides too. In paints George Lucas as this kind of unfortunate idiot that semi-accidently created this extended universe, not entirely by himself, that he doesn't particularly like, or understand, or care about, but he's had the responsibility to maintain it thrust upon him by uber fans, and now he can't move on or escape it, because he's just "The Star Wars Guy", yet, he can't stay with it, because it was never really about him, and his attempts to take over have made people hatefully angry. It's the story of a guy accidentally, half-creating a monster, trying to get away from it, failing, embracing it, but embracing it all wrong, and so having the monster he created turn on it. It's not the best made movie ever, and some of the nerds in it will really make you cringe, and not in a good way, but it's really interesting.

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A new ship, I don't know, just anything with the word new in it. A new character in a new ship in a new film, doing something new. A new, new newness that was thought up by anyone since I was born. Just, can just anyone in any film that has a budget of more than 8c try having one original idea?
The prequels had new characters and new ships, but they were OK at best.


Besides, original idea does not always equal a good idea in the same vein that a recycled / reworked idea does not automatically mean it's going to be a bad thing. It's veering towards the "all remakes suck" argument which is such a blanket statement that doesn't hold any weight once you start listing all the remakes that are good-to-great along with all the remakes people didn't know were remakes.


I'm going to wait until the film is released and I watch it before deciding that it sucks balls or is the best thing ever.


Anyway; weren't you excited for that new and original piece of work called Godzilla. :lol

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Guest John Hancock
Anyway; weren't you excited for that new and original piece of work called Godzilla. :lol


I'm almost certain we had this exact conversation when I (and Maxx) was originally excited about that new and original piece of work called Godzilla :lol, and that exact conversation went like this;


Godzilla is a stock character. Most people who like Godzilla and like Japanese monster movies in general won't talk to you about the specific movies, they talk about the aesthetics, the monsters, the mythologies and, most importantly, the tone. Godzilla doesn't have a story arch, he doesn't have a specific or particularly nuanced character. He's a giant dinosaur who steps on things. If you can make a good movie about a giant dinosaur who steps of things, you've made a good Godzilla movie. Godzilla movies, also, aren't sequels. They don't reference each other, and they don't impact on each other. The things that happened in the recent Godzilla have no impact on the things that happened in the 1950's Japanese Godzilla. He's a stock character people are affectionate for who can be used an interpreted in a variety of ways, some successes, some failures, but the important thing is that he's a tool, he's a tool for telling stories, or for staging action set pieces, and he's a part of a universe where the canon is not important or meaningful to the majority of it's fans.


You will note that none of those things are true for Star Wars.


The problem people, or at least I, and everyone I've talked to about it, had with the Star Wars prequels, the big, "Okay, this is actually bad on a different level" problems were because they actively and negatively impacted on the original trilogy. Yoda's attitude to violence, the logic of lightsabres, the role of Darth Vader, the relationship between Anakin and Obi Wan. The fact that they were terrible written, acted, directed and generally made make them 90% of sci-fi movies. People got angry because they changed aspects of a story that was important to it's fan base. They made the Star Wars trilogy a different story, in a different universe, about different things. If you had taken every character that was in both trilogies out, you'd have made a bad trilogy, not an offensive one, and that's an improvement.


When you start reusing things that a childhood-definingly important to people, like Millennium Falcons, like X-Wings, like Tatooine, like Han Solo, like Star Wars, you're f*cking around with a mythology, and a fantasy that's important and meaningful to people, and is it worth it? What does it achieve? How many people, outside of the Walt Disney Accountancy Department, are crying out for new Star Wars movies? Before these movies were announced, how many people wanted to know what happened after Return of the Jedi? I remember specifically no one. And why? Because we already know what happened. We decided what happened, with our LEGO sets, and our action figures, and our friends. The gift of Star Wars was the universe, and the characters, and the people, and we have them now, we've had them for almost half a century, and every Star Wars movie makes that universe smaller, less imaginative, less free. Every back-flipping computer game Yoda, every midoclorian count, every Darth Christ, the things that made Star Wars so special to so many people die, just a little bit every time, but they die all the same. You don't have to ring every last penny out of every last idea, sometimes, it's not worth it. There's more important things than cashing out on all your ideas.


What are you going to add? The Millennium Falcon flying around? Seen it. Han Solo being cool? Seen it. Han Solo progressing, morally, as a character? Seen it. Han Solo falling in love? Seen it. Han Solo coming to terms with responsibility and friendship? Seen it. Han Solo and Chewbacca being pals? Seen it. There's nothing left to say or do with that character, we saw it, leave it alone. One, it's f*cking BORING that people just keep recycling things, two, it's pointless. At best, and 10/10, every goes perfectly BEST, you'll have exactly what you already have, you'll have Han Solo. The greatest achievement it's possible for this film to make is to maintain the status quo, the best possible outcome is that they won't ruin it. And that's a f*cking retard best possible outcome for a situation you've put yourself in.


If you want to use the Star Wars universe in a meaningful way, why don't you go be a writer, why don't you go be a Disney Imagineer, and actually create something? Why don't you go make your own Han Solo? Why do you need to do an impression of someone else's acting and someone else's writing to tell your story? Tell your story, with your characters, and give us something new. Give this generation their own characters to care about, not their Dad's.

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Godzilla, while prolific, is not Star Wars. Generations upon generations of kids don't have even close to the same investment in Godzilla as they do Star Wars.


Besides anything would have been better than the Roland Emmerich abomination.

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What are you going to add? The Millennium Falcon flying around? Seen it. Han Solo being cool? Seen it. Han Solo progressing, morally, as a character? Seen it. Han Solo falling in love? Seen it. Han Solo coming to terms with responsibility and friendship? Seen it. Han Solo and Chewbacca being pals? Seen it. There's nothing left to say or do with that character, we saw it, leave it alone. One, it's f*cking BORING that people just keep recycling things, two, it's pointless. At best, and 10/10, every goes perfectly BEST, you'll have exactly what you already have, you'll have Han Solo. The greatest achievement it's possible for this film to make is to maintain the status quo, the best possible outcome is that they won't ruin it. And that's a f*cking retard best possible outcome for a situation you've put yourself in.


I don't really have anything to add, I just wanted to say you hit the nail on the head. So much so, it brought a tear to my eye. It's sad that post prequel kids will never grow up with the Star Wars that I did. If I had the chance to go back in time to do one thing, it would be to kill, yes kill, George Lucas before the special edition bullshit ever happened.


F*ck you, Lucas for turning Vader into Hayden Christensen and for making Greedo shoot first.

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Guest The Beltster

Man I grew up pretty much in the Star Wars era and I've always thought they were really reallllly shit. Weird how something that is so overly, majority popular is seen by such a select few so differently. Those movies are so lame but because they are so beloved, I almost wished I liked them so I could join in the fun.




I just dont get it, I cant even begin to grasp why people like them. Is it because they're good or because people see them as such a nice part of their childhood that they still love them? My brother in law is such a friggin geek for Star Wars I think if I said anything bad about it in person he'd somehow build a light saber and stab me with it. I watched a bit of one on TV the other day and the acting and music was so cheesey and laughable, like it was a parody of itself.


"I love you!" "I know..."


I KNOW!!!! What the f*ck is that?



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Guest John Hancock



J.J. Abrams is a George Lucas level mega-troll. This is either a really good, or really bad thing



Despite denying that the Millennium Falcon's in the movies, I'm pretty sure that card's laying on the hologram cheeseboard thing they have in the Millennium Falcon


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It is the Sith ability to deal in absolutes which allows us to harness the full power of the Force, Jedi Maxx. When one vacillates, the will is weak, and with it, ones mastery of the Force. The Jedi did not win, the Emperor was betrayed by Darth Vader. The taint of his insipid weakness from his early Jedi training remained with him until his pitiful failure of a death. We Sith will triumph eventually because darkness coils, festering at the heart of all beings.
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Oh well, it was fun while it lasted...he he.

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