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Final Fantasy XII

Guest Bluestiger99

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Don't bash Ashe, She may be a rich bitch but thats about Her only - point. As for Tidus He's a well word that can't be wrote down here. Squall is my hero and nothing bad can or will be said about Him. It's not that Vaan gets worse Slick I just can't stand to look at Him.
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Squall is would be my favourite lead character only that his goals in life are pretty non-existant and only does things because his job or he's reacting to a situation.


Whereas Cloud sets out from the start to kick that Shinra into gear etc..


I think FFX had a pretty well thought out story but when you can't actually listen to the main characters voice it does tend to hurt the game.

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..makes you wonder why they didn't swap the roles of Tidus and Jecht around.


I could certainly relate to the 'I hate my dad' stuff then.

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Yeah but he was just a bit..too happy.


I mean the world's getting tornado'd by Sin and all loverboy wants to do is play Blitzball.


On a side note, Balthier is definitely one of the best character they've made to date. Not as cool looking as some others you'd rank highly but purely on merit of his sarcasm.

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Guest Shampy
i have loved all the ffs but i dont like the new battle system so iv shamed this one and xi off n started x again ha
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Guest The Man Beast
Im half way with the battle system, I will get used to it in a few hours, it justs feels kinda weird being so used to the old way.
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I've gotten bored already. I haven't played it three days. Maybe it gets better but it seems just a linear at FFX. No world map sucks big time.
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  • 2 weeks later...

You know, this FF12 is not hooking me as much as the last few have.


Now, just so you know, here's my list of FF games and my opinions:


ff7 = brilliant!

ff8 = too complicated lost interest 4 hours in.

ff9 = brilliant!

ff10 = finished it, engaged in the story, but not up to scratch.

ff11 = never played it.

ff10.5 = Seemed more like a bunch of mini games with a plot to stick them together. Lost interest.


If you sum that up, great graphics a final fantasy game does not make, my two faves 7 and 9 were not ground breakers ingraphics, so they must have had something else to give me such fond memories!


Ok, on the plus side FF12 looks nice and the battle system is great, I like the gambits system and that you can give your distance shooters the role of healing when energy gets down as, when you are in the thick of it, you can lose time to think and not keep an eye on health.


I like the fact that the locations are places you can get lost in, a bit like GTA when you first played it.


I love the starwars references, especially the ripped dialogue...yes Vaan is Luke.


On the negative, I can see why so many have said they stopped playing, it takes concerted effort before the plot gets remotely interesting. I'm a busy man, I need a reason for the game to make me put my life on hold. Frankly, I just don't care.


Vaan is just a teenager with issues, the other leads in other FFs were on a child like voyage of discovery, about themselves or something that mattered to them. Vaan seems to be a spectator in something that is going on around him.


You don't care about the lead then you don't care about the game, simple as that!


Magic is unimpressive, which really disappoints.


I nearly disliked the Empire, then they seemed ok, then someone else became the bad guy, then someone else. I'm confused and my head hurts, nothing seems to make sense!


So, no lovable lead, no characters to care for and no-one to hate...


But it looks nice...


The Japanese have the philosophy of constant improvement, however, I think the western term of "if it ain't broke" comes into play too. There are so many positive elements that make the FF series memorable that were left out, man, even chocobos and moogles have lost the cuteness that made them endearing!


I'm playing it on and off, but I'm wondering how long before something becomes much more important.

Edited by Saz
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I've picked it up again but the story really is poor. Hopefully it gets better. I'm only on the Mt Berucemica or wotever you call it.
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The story has gotten pretty decent actually. Its gotten all epic at last. Quickening chains are your friends by the way. ;)



As for being linier, what RPG games arent really?

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