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Game Of Thrones - Season 4


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between the pivotal scenes nothing much happens.


Nothing much except great acting from quality performers.



I also think that the creators are trying to cram to much in to the series. some scenes I think just aren't necessary


Definitely not a book reader. Not that there's anything wrong with that. If you think the pacing is slow you'd hate the books. Trust me, you will need to know everything they're showing you.

Edited by Maxximus
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I love Thrones but personally it's starting to drag for me, this slow build for 8 episodes then biggish payoff in the last two episodes frankly is annoying.


In all due respect then how do you watch wrestling as that more often not follows the same pattern...


As do all dramatic television shows, hell Hannibal showed you what was going to happen at the end of the season in episode 1 of season 2 and then spent the rest of the season building up to it!

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Guest Ciaran The King
Nothing much except great acting from quality performers.


I don't doubt the acting at all it top quality.



Definitely not a book reader. Not that there's anything wrong with that. If you think the pacing is slow you'd hate the books. Trust me, you will need to know everything they're showing you.


Trust me if I had the time I'd read the books and try to get a better understanding of it. Does every little move impact the whole outcome?

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Guest Ciaran The King
In all due respect then how do you watch wrestling as that more often not follows the same pattern...


In a way yes, I just think it's a preference in the end. I watch(ed) Mad Men, Sopranos, Wire and they were/are slow building series yet I enjoyed them a lot more. I always feel a scene in the Wire/Sopranos was pivotal and had meaning and with Mad Men every scene I know has a meaning and will affect someone down the line. With GOF I can't see it, I keep thinking did I really need to see a scene between Grey-Worm and Khaleesi's maid?


In the Show? Yes.


In the show yeah

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Yes because in about a series or so in time that could well become important because that is what Thrones does - it gives you a nugget of plot or information, hides it away for a season and then something new comes out of it.


For instance in the start of season 2 when Arya is travelling with Gendry and Meat Pie - people probably disliked it and thought were is it going? Middle of season four, boom, Meat Pie rocks up and helps put Brianne and Pod on her trail.

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See the problem is as you pointed out is that it is tied to the books and they had so much to cover to begin with but at the same time, the new books aren't coming that soon either so they have to pace themselves.


They haven't put everything in, they have added new stuff sure but that is because this is TV and some stuff just wouldn't translate onto the screen as well so they have switched some stuff out but at the moment they are waiting to see if Martin can get the books finished before they decide what to do with the show...


Plus it is the most watched series in HBO history, so TV execs are not going to change anything until that viewership starts to decline.

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Guest Ciaran The King
I do think that adapting a book to film/TV sometimes limits you to what you can achieve on-screen, I also think the series could have done with having a few more espisodes
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Seems to be the drill now though with US television, most comedy series get 23 or 24 episodes as they are only half an hour long and dramas these days in most cases get 10 to 13 episodes because they are around an hour long.


Must be due to shooting costs.

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Yeah first three seasons were 20+ and decreased per season afterwords.


Personally I prefer the longer seasons myself and I really wish they would have done it with Thrones with as much content there is to work with. 10 episodes a year isn't enough for me. What am I gonna do for 9 months without my lemon cake... I mean Lady Finger?

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Guest Ciaran The King
That was only, what, the first 2 seasons of Lost? After that they cut down to 16-18 per season.


Seasons 3-5 seemed way longer than that.


Thrones could do with being maybe having 16 episodes, would be better I feel

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Not slow build Per-se just that between the pivotal scenes nothing much happens. I also think that the creators are trying to cram to much in to the series. some scenes I think just aren't necessary
I wouldn't say "nothing" happens, but either way, surely that's the point of the the pivotal scenes; the moment(s) were shit goes down, etc.


The bits in between are less intense precisely to make the pivotal scenes pivotal.

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Game of Thrones is one of the fastest moving series I've watched. There's only been 9 episodes this season and yet think of everything that has happened so far and if anything, I think the same story could easily be stretched out over 15 episodes rather than 10 per season. It's not slow at all, I don't think.
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I thought it was a great episode, but no more Hound & Chicken does indeed make me as sad as Dany chaining up her dragons.


What's going on with The Mountain though? It sounds very "Frankenstein" what the new Maester was talking about.

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What's going on with The Mountain though? It sounds very "Frankenstein" what the new Maester was talking about.


CleganeBowl is confirmed! GET HYPE!


And homeboy isn't a maester anymore due to his unnatural experiments.

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