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Game Of Thrones - Season 4


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Guest Ciaran The King
Although I loved the episode it all felt a little anticlimactic. Joffrey was as always absolutely amazing his performance was sublime. I will be sad to him go. Also liked the look into the future of what will potentially happen
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Ha! I flippin' knew it!! :lol


I've had a look through the episode reviews (now I've had my suspicions confirmed) and I'm kinda glad I picked that up. I knew that certain person had it in for another certain person.

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Yeah it is implied in the books that is who did the deed BUT never, as of the latest book, has it been confirmed.


They changed the method slightly as well but it was very, very well done and actually, once you clock all the little hints, actually better then the way it was described in the books.

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The cliffhanger bullshit is getting on my nerves. It's not doing the job of making me salivate til next week, it's having the opposite effect. I almost want to drop the show but D&D(the writers) are such master trolls that I can't wait to see how they piss off the die hard bookfags next. Edited by Maxximus
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Are people getting too carried away with this? This isn't the first rape(it wasn't rape) or even close to the worst thing that's happened on the show.

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Err... seen as he grabbed, forced himself upon her and she was going it's not right over and over again whilst trying to push him off, then yeah - it was rape. Doing it right next to the corpse of their dead son was a nice horrible touch as well.


It was like they tried to work in the scene from the book were Jaime returns to Kings Landing and after cleaning up first see's Cersei in the Sept and consumed by lust he ignores the fact she has boned everyone else whilst he has been away and takes a willing Cersei there and then. They omitted that and had Cersei be disappointed by him and uncertain of him due to the presence of their father (who knows all about their pastime and always tried to keep them apart until her marriage to King Robert) and Jaime just get blue balled until he couldn't take it anymore.


What they do from now is a new and strange path as to be honest they can't really do the path Jaime is supposed to go down with the same gravitas as they could have done if they just stuck to the book, at least a bit more loosely then they have done at the moment.


Oh and in true GoT style, despite how the episode ended, how much do you want to bet we don't see Khalseei at all in the next episode OR in fact the wall? My instincts tell me we are going to follow Stannis, Stansa and Arya.

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Really enjoyed that last episode, lots was going on!


I'm glad they confirmed the suspicions around who killed Joffery, kudos to all those that actually spotted how it was done.


I wonder if Margaery can maintain her secret visits to Tommen without Cersei finding out, I wouldn't want to piss her off considering her current mood.


Brienne and Pod going on a quest sounds fun, although where were they planning on looking for Sansa considering no one knows where she is...


I didn't even recognise Locke as Bolton's guy, I only remembered about him when someone else mentioned him. With Jon on his way to Crasters and Bran already there, things should get interesting.


Speaking of which, are Sansa, Arya and Rikon all heading towards the Eyrie? Looks like it's possible we could get 2 Stark reunions...although the last time I was expecting one we got the Red Wedding...so I won't get my hopes up.


Some nice visuals in the episodes with Daenerys's victory and that final scene, I thought the White Walker on the horse was creepy but that guy at the end, wow! :eek

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Guest John Hancock
Are people getting too carried away with this? This isn't the first rape(it wasn't rape) or even close to the worst thing that's happened on the show.


I didn't see the episode, but the issue as I've heard it isn't that a rape happened, but that a character who is presented as having become more and more likeable did an ambiguous rape, and people were worried that some people would take the unintentional message as nice guys sometimes sort of rape their girlfriends.


Unless people are completely making up all the reports I've read, it absolutely was rape by any standards valued at Saudi Arabia or above. It's sort of a fuss over nothing, but it's also sort of the writer's fault. If you're writing a redemptive story arc, it's probably not a brilliant idea to randomly insert a sexual assault that could be uncomfortably defended. It's just a very, very strange narrative decision. People have compared it, in defence of the scene, to the main character in Breaking Bad, but the entire point of Breaking Bad was that he was a good guy becoming bad. Jaime Lannister's T.V. arc has been a bad guy becoming good... who then rapes someone. And, again, that's fine, in the sense that all storytelling is fine, because it's art, and all art is, by definition, right, but it doesn't stop it from being stupid, and particularly as it's such a big show, and people whining about "rape culture" (please now shoot me dead for using that f*cking ridiculous term in a public place), and with some serious stuff in the public sphere about date-rape, and the ambiguity of consent, it just wasn't a good idea to pick that specific character to raise that specific issue. It just wasn't very well thought out, and pretty much asking for trouble.


It would be like if the guy who wrote "It's A Wonderful Life" just inserted a scene, right before the end, of James Stewart yelling at black people out of the window, and then going over to the Christmas tree. The only way the writers can justify this, is if Jaime now becomes a dick again, otherwise they've f*cked up.

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It was totally rape. If they had some instance in the past where this is the way they play then understandable, fine, they both have a rape fetish but we never got anything to suggest that so it really made the recovering Jamie look like a bad guy again even if everyone hates Cersei, rape is still bad.


Thankfully, no one cares about that anymore. We got content that hasn't even been revealed in the books yet and the die hard book fans are in a tizzy over having something from the show spoil the books. Also it seems the whole Bran at Craster's keep has been totally invented for the show. The Thrones showrunners are trolling the book fans hard this season and it's hilarious. I thought the "Craster's Son's" reveal was awesome. I whoa'd pretty freaking hard. In fact I'm still whoa'ing.


I hope the Dany scene means she's gonna go mad Targ and Ser Barristan or even better, Ser Jorah, have to become a Queenslayer. I want it so bad at this point. If I have to see Daenerys save one more city full of brown people I'm gonna puke.


I loved the Jamie and Brienne scene. I even got a little choked up. Glad there was no rape here. Brienne and Pod are gonna be great together too.


I would love a Bran and Jon reunion but I'm not sure how I feel about Arya and Sansa meeting up though. If it means Sansa tells the Hound about Joffrey and he says, "F*ck 'em" and laughs about it, I'm all in.


Also, Dirk Bastardsbane or whoever the guy is at Craster's was pretty hilarious, but is anyone else getting kinda fed up with all these cartoony type villains? And how the hell did they get Ghost into a cage and better yet, why the hell were they feeding him? That whole thing was a little too convenient for me.

Edited by Maxximus
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I honestly think they are getting ready to send the series in another direction for the simple fact that by the end of this series they are one book away from catching up with Martin with no release date in site for future material.


Some book fans will say it is two books, but really, its not, its two books that run side by side in a time line so with good screenplay writing and editing you could get them into one coherent series.


Case in point, that whole attack on Cransters Keep to flush out the rebels? Completely new as is Bran arriving there as pointed out by Maxx. The admission of guilt for the Purple Wedding, also completely new, as is the romance or suggested between Grey Worm and the Danny's handmaiden, the revenge Danny takes out on the slave masters she doesn't actually go all the way through with in the books and of course the ending with the White Walkers.


It is like they are doing what anybody involved in TV would do and look for the elements they don't think would work from the books and working a way around them, which is fair enough, not everything works on TV after all and at the same time looking to move forward without needing the books as a reference point. Kind of like Bones, it was based on the life and novels Kathy Reichs in a very loose sense now, Games will eventually go down that route. Plus Martin is likely to die of a pizza roll induced heart attack before he gets another book out after 'Winter'.

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I hope he doesn't finish the books and the show becomes canon. The fan outrage will consume the Earth.


I'm really glad I didn't getting into the books from jump. I'd be pretty upset too if I spent the better part of two decades invested in a series just to see it end up as a trashy tv fantasy soap opera with always tits and rape. It's like some popular indy darling getting neutered and slave named by the wwe. :lol


The show remains fantastic.

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