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Last week my employer decided to have everyone work from home until further notice. While I'm thankful that I'm still earning, I'm finding this whole work from home thing incredibly tough. I'm not nearly as productive as I am at the office. There are too many uncontrollable interruptions and distractions and it's also pretty lonely. I know some people work remotely all the time. How do you guys make it work?

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I work for the federal government, the courts system specifically. While our federal courts are still trying to poke along even if only at a snail's pace by doing 1 or 2 small hearings a day, we're all mostly working from home. For some of us, that means we can't even really do anything at home because we don't have access to the systems we need access to. But that's a known factor and our health is being prioritized over efficiency at the moment. We're being told to just do what we can.


My job is pretty awesome. I have Thursdays and Fridays completely off to care for my son during this crisis period while the schools are closed, and it won't cost any of my own leave I accrue over time. It'll be administrative leave, which in case anyone doesn't know, that means paid time off approved by the head of the division for special occasions. Like random office closures or whatnot. And that's not just for me, it's for everyone in my office. My boss made a point to tell everyone that she wants us to be safe, be healthy, and that she'll accommodate our needs.


I'm very fortunate to be taken care of. I wish everyone was :(

We all started working from home from the beginning of this week. Whereas it was easy at first, everything fell into place and now productive than ever before. If I had a choice, it would be to work remotely!
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My job is pretty awesome. I have Thursdays and Fridays completely off to care for my son during this crisis period while the schools are closed.

You know, I didn't think about that. I'm glad your job is understanding! I feel for the parents who are struggling to work at home with kids around. No way I could handle that. I could've been off for 80% pay, but I don't know what I'd do with myself and only so many employees could take the option. I don't have cancer, children, or regular contact with the elderly, so I couldn't justify taking the out when others really needed it. I stayed at the office until we had no choice but to work from home. I enjoy working and love my career, but I find it hard being all alone. Are the rest of you guys introverts or something? I miss having coworkers. There's no one to bounce ideas off of.

Edited by DandyMandy

I am a full-on introvert in person, so this staying at home business mostly is awesome for me. But it does make it harder to keep myself in the proper schedule-routine.

I enjoy working and love my career, but I find it hard being all alone. Are the rest of you guys introverts or something? I miss having coworkers. There's no one to bounce ideas off of.

I'm so sorry you're having a hard time! It would bother me too and I don't even live alone. I know it's not the same as hanging out with people, but we can all chat on the forum and you can PM me any time and I'll reply.

I work for JD Wetherspoons.


Can honestly say even after having a FAQ this afternoon, we dont know where we stand. Obviously cant serve beer from home. Not sure how much were gonna be paid as our average hours per week are usually way more than our guaranteed hours

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@ShadowEdge You are super sweet! I'm going to take you up on that.


@Fletch Yikes, that puts it in perspective! I'm sorry you're experiencing such uncertainty! It's bound to make a person anxious. I saw an article about the famous pub chain closing up and some 40,000 are out of a job. It's awful. I keep reminding myself that I need to stop whining about distractions and loneliness when so many people don't have the option to work at home and keep their steady salary. So have you applied to work at Tesco as recommended by Tim Martin? I assumed he was just being sarcastic.

@Fletch That sounds dreadful. Have you decided whether to seek work elsewhere or to file? The remark about Tesco's was laughable considering the wage difference. I read that Gary Neville has pledged to ensure the staff at his hotels will receive full pay as usual. I hope he holds true to that, but I think many of these goodwill gestures will fall flat as time wears on.

Seems the campaigns weveplugged away at and been drumming at made the right noises as Tim Martin has done a uturn after government pressure.


Still not perfect but least its an income while i self isolate

Tim Martin's PR flack had to know he'd come across like a spoiled petulant child. Refusing to pay the staff and suppliers was nothing more than a vindictive tantrum. I thought he was still going on about it though, and was refusing to pay his staff past Friday unless there's a firm date for when he'll receive payment under the coronavirus job retention scheme. I hope this has truly been resolved. The man is seriously out of touch.
I'm a childcare provider, so I'm considered a key worker, but I'm doing a lot of things online through Skype. I report to one family three days a week who works for the NHS. On my other two days I teach lessons and lead activities over Skype. It's taken some getting used to, but I feel better staying in as much as possible.

I'm working from home as well. I rather like not dealing with a long commute. It's unreal that Prince Charles tested positive for the coronavirus. I'm no royalist, but still felt gutted to hear the news.


@Fletch, glad to hear it worked out.


@Snarky-Guru Eh, Martin's always been a tosser. I'd expect nothing less.

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